HEEPF is a part of the loan agreement, loan agreement number 4658 EGT, dated April 2002, between the Arab Republic of Egypt (ARE) and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), to support and finance priority areas of the strategic plan of the Higher Education Enhancement Project HEEPF. The main objective of HEEPF is to provide help and financial support to the projects adopted by the Ministry of Higher Education; HEEPF consists of six projects out of twenty five documented in the National Conference for Enhancing Education in Egypt held in Feb 2000. The amount of the loan allocated for HEEPF grants equal to 12 million USD that was increased to $13 million by virtue of the decision made by the Project Management Unit (PMU). Fayoum University has got the approval of the Fund to finance the following projects:

Integrated University Management System (IUMS)

Qualifying and Training Kindergarten Teachers

Multilevel Software Education Packages for Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics