General Administration of Youth Welfare

Under the generous patronage of His Excellency Prof. Dr. Yasser Magdy Hatata, President of the University, and Dr. Muhammad Farouk Al-Khabiri, Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Wael Tobar, General Coordinator of Student Activities at the University, and Professor Hosni Al-Jarhi, General Director of Youth Welfare.
Fayoum University participated in the camp for preparing leaders of the Arab world, which was organized by the Leadership Development Institute in the Youth City of Luxor at the level of universities in the Arab world in the period from January 27 to February 1, 2024 AD.
Fayoum University student Abdul Rahman Saeed Barakat represented. Faculty of Dentistry. The student, Muhammad Ramadan, at the Faculty of Arts, and the student, Suhaila Jamal Al-Din. In the College of Arts and student Rana Ahmed in the College of Science, under the distinguished supervision of Professor Farida Muhammad.
The conference hall of the International Youth City in Luxor witnessed the activities of the lecture “Challenges of Arab National Security,” in continuation of the training program organized by the Leadership Development Institute under the auspices of the Ministries of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and Youth and Sports, entitled Preparing Leaders of the Arab World, under the slogan LEADERS 2030. This training program is held In cooperation with the Association of Arab Universities and Luxor University.
For his part, Dr. Karim Hammam, Advisor to the Minister of Higher Education for Student Activities and Director of the Leadership Preparation Institute, emphasized the diversity of lectures and workshops within the training program with the aim of enhancing the status of youth and working to develop their creative abilities in various fields, activating the role of youth in all parts of the Arab world, and exchanging experiences. Among students from participating Arab and Egyptian universities.
Major General A.H. spoke. Engineer/ Hafez Mahmoud, former Assistant Minister of Trade and Industry, former Assistant Chairman of the Armed Forces Operations Authority, on the statement of the Greek historian Simonides, which is when Greece defeated Sparta: “We defeated them not when we invaded them, we defeated them when we made them forget their civilization, their history, and their awareness.”
Then he highlighted the emergence of the term national security, as the use of the term national security dates back to the end of World War II, where this concept was represented in the military dimension, “the emergence of a trend of cultures investigating how to achieve security and avoid wars.”
He urged the students to read the book The Protocols of the Rulers of Zion and reviewed some of the messages contained within it, and how some of these messages were applied by targeting the awareness of young people.
He explained that the goal was to create an entity that separates the Arab Levant from the Maghreb and owes complete loyalty to the outside world, and to create instability in the region so that they do not advance.
Major General Hafez explained that there are two factors that must not be overlooked in defining national security, which are the factor of place - (time).
He stressed the importance of national security as a basis for stability and development in Egypt and the Arab world. He explained Robert McNamara’s saying, which states that security is development, and without development there cannot be security and countries that do not develop in reality.
The security challenges facing the entire Arab world and how to deal with them were reviewed.
Emphasis was placed on Egypt's role as a major Arab country in maintaining the stability of the Arab world and enhancing regional cooperation, as Egyptian national security is closely linked to Arab national security, for several reasons, including: Egypt is located in the heart of the Arab world, which makes it a center for stability and security in the region. Egypt has strong historical, cultural and economic relations with Arab countries. Egypt also plays a prominent regional and global role, which makes it a target of threats and risks.
He talked about the mechanisms of manipulation to accept reality in a way that conflicts with our interests and in targeted ways, as he stressed that the Arab region is exposed to these wars aimed at shaking the will of the Arab peoples, destabilizing them, promoting false information, and presenting an unreal image of their countries.
He touched on clarifying the centers of Arab national security and the main centers of gravity, and concluded the lecture by emphasizing that youth play an important role in maintaining national security, by building and spreading awareness. Youth must be armed with strong knowledge, for our strength is in our Arab unity.
He discussed the connection between science and the global system, such as “Elon Musk’s chip - discreet laboratories... and others.”
Major General Hafez concluded the lecture with his famous saying, “You live as a fighter, you win a pill and you lose a pill, you live your life with my complaints, for life does not give a third choice.”
In conclusion, the door was opened for mutual dialogue and various questions.
  General Administration of Youth Welfare