Celebration of the sixteenth Flag Day

Honorable faculty members, researchers, administrators, and students from the College of Dentistry at the sixteenth Science Day celebration
Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education
And scientific research, Professor Dr. Yasser Magdy Hatata, President of Fayoum University, witnessed the university’s celebration of the sixteenth Science Day.
In the presence of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Farouk Al-Khabiri, Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Arafa Sabry Hassan, Vice President of the University for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Prof. Dr. Assem Al-Issawi, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, the deans of colleges, and the Secretary General. The university, and the honored faculty members, researchers, administrators, and students, today, MondaApril 22, 2024 in the university’s grand celebration hall.
Prof. Dr. Yasser Magdy Hatata stated that the Science Day celebration is a return of gratitude, giving and loyalty to all the children and employees of Fayoum University, and to the cadres of scholars and administrators, and to honor the hardworking and distinguished faculty members through their scientific publishing, master’s and doctoral dissertations, as well as in honor of the administrators. Those who wish to continue their educational attainment, self-development and diligence.y
His Excellency indicated that Fayoum University seeks to achieve continuous progress through the dedication of those in charge of all its sectors and departments and working in a group spirit to push the university forward, success and excellence.
The Science Day celebration witnessed the honoring of the recipients of the Excellence Award in International Scientific Publishing, and the former and departed deputies who work at the college.
The second period included the members of the supporting staff who held doctoral degrees and first bachelor’s degrees in the college, and distinguished students in student activities.