تنعى مجلة شدت وجامعة الفيوم والمجتمع الأكاديمي
والأثري فقدان أوستن نيفين، أستاذ الصيانة والترميم
المتميز والمحرر في مجلة شدت. وأوستن أستاذ مرموق له
مؤلفات ومساهمات علمية عديدة ومتميزة وتعد مرجع رائد
في مجال حفظ التراث وترميمه. سيفتقد أثره العميق في
هذه المجالات وخبرته كل من تشرف بالعمل معه أو التعلم
من معرفته الواسعة.
The Shedet Journal, Fayoum University, and the
academic and archaeological community are mourning
the loss of Austin Nevin, a distinguished Professor
of Conservation and Editor at Shedet. He was widely
recognized as a leading authority in heritage
conservation and restoration. His profound impact on
these fields and his expertise will be dearly missed
by all who had the honor of working with him or
learning from his vast knowledge.
annual peer-reviewed journal issued by the Faculty of Archaeology,
Fayoum University, is a scholarly print and, open access, online
international journal which aims to publish peer reviewed original
research oriented papers or reviews in the fields of Archaeology and
its related sciences. SHEDET encourages and provides a medium for
the publication of all original research contributions of
significant value in all aspects of ancient Egyptian, Islamic and
Coptic Archaeology, conservation, museology, and heritage
(concerning language, literature, history, art, and related
subjects, before the modern period are welcome.It aims to publish
research that contributes to the enlargement of knowledge or the
advancement of scholarly interpretation.
SHEDET is presided over by a distinguished Board of Archaeologists,
Historians, Restorers, Researchers, Scientists, Engineers and
Academicians and is backed by an international advisory and review
boards panel consisting of prominent individuals representing many
well-known Universities, Colleges and Corporate World.
We publish high quality research and review papers.