SHEDET publishes articles only in English. Authors should submit the manuscript that have been carefully proof read and polished. Authors are required to read carefully and follow the instructions for authors to SHEDET [Download]. Acceptance or rejection notification will be sent to all authors through e-mail.

The submitted article is the final version. Manuscript should be submitted exactly according to the instructions for authors to SHEDET. Download
Maximum number of illustrations, maps, plates and figures is 12 per paper.
Submit your manuscript electronically PAPER SUBMISSION
If you have problems or difficulties to upload your files electronically PAPER SUBMISSION please contact the editorial board at:



Send your Manuscript as a pdf blind file (without the author’s data) to for further peer review process.

Important Dates

SHEDET is an annually journal, its print issue is published each December since 2014.

- The deadline is May 31st for publication in December of the same calendar year.


- Fayoum University Contributions


Authors from Fayoum University expected to not exceed 25% percent per issue. Contributions over this percent will be delayed to the next issue considering the agreement of their authors. Priority depends on the submission date of the final article.

SHEDET can publish a special issue any time of the year.

Please note that Review Papers/Articles are also acceptable.

Once a paper is accepted, authors are assumed to cede copyrights of the paper over to SHEDET. Once paper is accepted it will be published online even before the schedule of issue date.
Submit your paper along with signed COPYRIGHT FORM [Download] while submitting paper to SHEDET.

The Copyright Transfer Form submitted with us will become void in case paper is not accepted in our Journal.

Note: In case manuscript accepted and Copyright Form and Payment received your paper will be published ONLINE even before release date of Issue.