Faculty of Specific Education

Faculty Logo

the symbol of the faculity is basically inspired from the general symbol of the university with some addetions and extensions that express the field of specialization and characterstic features of each department.

The completed straight bruch is pointing to the department of art edducation where the under gradutes are studing art design and improving skills in different fildes such as textile fabricating ,poetry making,metal forming,wood working along with the tnerotical courses of the history of art and relating subjects.

The second spilted bruch which engage with oval shape and inclinde to adome shape is pointing to the major three branches of home economic department where the under gradutes are studing applied arts such as funcational,structural and decorative design art,fashion design, textile printing, hand made tapestery,garments making and clothing fabrication in textile and clothing brnche.

The oval shape points to notiration branch, dome shape points to home management branche.

The movie tape at the ends of the two bruches is pointing to the education technology department where the under graduites are studing technical methodologies and multimedia tools for instructing, teaching and learning along with the principles of television photography and skills of cinima graphices.