Faculty of Tourism

Prof.Dr.Hanaa Abdel Kader Sayed Faied

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6352181                                      
Fax number: 084 6356631
E-mail Address: has02@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Tourism Faculty building
Post Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Tourism & Hotels -
     Tourism Studies Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
MB. Bch.: Tourism Studies- Helwan University (Excellent with Honor) - 1987
M. Sc.:  Tourism (The Impact of Road Transport on Tourism Development in Egypt) - Helwan University - 1994
Ph. D.:  Tourism (The Impacts of GATS on Tourism Development in Egypt) – Bournemoth University – United Kingdom- 2002
Academic Positions
Assistant Lecturer : 1995- 2002
 Lecturer: 2002 - 2008
Assistant Professor:2008 to 2013
Professor: from 2013 Until Now
Refereed Articles
  Fletcher, J., Fayed, H., and Lee, M. (1999), GATS & Liberalized Trade In Tourism, In: Vicent, C.S., John, Asia Pacific’s Role in The new Millennium, (1999), Hong Kong, 23 – 25 August, 5 (2), pp 790 – 799.
  Fayed, H., (2000), Liberalized Trade In Services: A Challenge for Tourism Development, In: kaye Chon, (Editor), Fourth 7 Indo-China: “Development Marketing and Sustainability”, 2000, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 24-26 June, pp 427 – 440.
  Diamantis, D., and Fayed, H., (2000), The General Agreement on Trade in Services and its Impact on Tourism, Travel and Tourism Intelligence, 2, pp 87-99.
Fayed, H., and Fletcher, J., (2002), Globalisation of Economic Activities: Issues for Tourism, Tourism Economics, 8 (2), pp 207-23 1.
Fayed, H., and Hassanien, A., (2002), Repositioning Through Service Liberalization: Issues for Developing Countries , Journal of Tourism Marketing, 4 (2), pp 195-2 10
Fayed, H., and Westlake, J., (2002), Airline Alliances: Challenges and Opportunities for Eypt Air. Tourism Economics. 8 (4). pp 431-455
Fayed, H., (2005). Business Environment in Egypt: Issues for Tourism Investment, Egyptian Journal of Tourism & Hospitality. 13 (September), pp 76-106.
Fayed, H., Westlake, J., (2005), Globalisation of Air Transpo: The Challenges of the GATS, Jn:October 6 University, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management in Cooperation with Kodolanyi Janos University College, Hungary, (Editors), 1st international conference “Challenges of Regional and Market Integration for Tourist Destinations ‘,Cairo, Egypt, 14- 16 November, pp 29-51.
Fayed, H., Lotief, H., and Abdala, G., (2006), Tourism Liberalisation: Challenges for Tourism Development in Egypt, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism, 4(2), pp 2 1-42.
Fayed, H., (2006), Foreign Direct Investment in Tourism in Egypt: Performance and Potential, 2ed International Conference on Intercultural Aspects of Tourism Development, Hungary, 1-4 September.
Fayed, H., (2007). Community Groups’ Perceptions of Tourism Development: Evidence From Egypt, In: Intercultural Aspects of Tourism Development, Kodolanyi Janos University Collage, pp 44-58.
Fayed, H., (2007), A Multi-criteria Approach to Destination Benchrnarking: A Case Study of Egypt, Egyptian Journal of Tourism & Hospitality, 16 (January) .
Fayed, H., (2009), Measuring Service Quality in the Airline Using the Gaps Model (Case Study of Egypt Air), 1st International Conference on "Innovation " a Driving Force For Tourism Development, Thailand, 2 – 5 February 2009.
Hammam, A., & Fayed, H., (2009), Identifying the Needs of Students in Tourism Higher Education: Issues of Trust, Control and Accountability, 1st International Conference on "Innovation " a Driving Force For Tourism Development, Thailand, 2 – 5 February 2009.
Hammam, A., & Fayed, H., (2009), Risk Management as an Emerging Business Skill for Tourism Operators in Egypt,4th International Tourism Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Managing Uncertainty and Risk in Tourism , Hungary, 1 – 3 October 2009.
Government and International Funded Research
 The Implications of GATS on Tourism Industry in Egypt 1996 – 1997
  The Importance of Tourism Transport to the Tourism Development in Egypt1997 – 1998
  Tourism Millennium Vision (WTTC) 1999 – 2002
  Tourism Economic Performance (WTO) 2002 – 2005
  Strategic planning for quality and development of Education program (Bournemouth University United Kingdom) 2000- 2002
  Economic Researcher,WTTC 2000 – 2002
Referee at International Journals:
-International Journal for Tourism Research.
-Tourism Economic Journal. 2002 till now
Tourism development program – Salalah- Oman 2005
Strategic planning for quality and development of Education program ,Ministry of Education, Egypt 2005 till now
Consultant for Tourism institution – Cairo 2007 – 2008
Marketing consultant for tourism development company- Egypt 2008 till now
Authorities Membership
  Asia pacific Tourist Accossiation (APTA) 1999 till now
  (WTTC) World Travel and Tourism Council 1999 till now
The green Globe Organization 2002 till now
Egyptian Tourism & Hospitality 2003 till now
List of Puplication

Tourism Competitiveness in Egypt: The Elements of a More Rational Tourist Policy

Effects of Egypt’s Revolution "25 Januray on turism