Faculty of Tourism

Prof.Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Abou-Shouk

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6352181                                      
Fax number: 084 6356631
E-mail Address: maa15@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Tourism Faculty building
Post Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Tourism & Hotels -
Tourism Studies Dep - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Tourism Studies - Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Cairo University - 2000
Diploma in GIS .: Institute of African Research and Studies - Cairo University - Egypt - 2004 .
M. Sc.: Tourism Studies - Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Cairo University - 2005.
Diploma .:Supplement in Quantitative Analysis 3: Multivariate Analysis, Plymouth University - UK - 2010.
PhD.: Tourism and Hospitality, School of Tourism and Hospitality, Plymouth University - United Kingdom - 2012.
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : 2001 - 2005
Assistant Lecturer : 2005 To 2013
Lecturer : 2013 To 2018
Assistant Professor : 2018 to 2023
Professor : 2023 Until Now
Research Interests
Information Technology Applications in Tourism and Hospitality.
E-Tourism and E-Commerce.
E-Marketing in Tourism and Hospitality.
Small and Medium-Sized Tourism Enterprises (SMTEs).
Travel Agents and Tour Operators.
Technology Adoption Behaviour in SMTEs.
Feasibility Studies and Finance of Tourism Projects.
Research Methodology in Tourism and Hospitality.
Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) and Quantitative Analyses.
Refereed papers
Abdelhakim, A., Abou-Shouk, M., Ab Rahman, N., and Farooq, A. 2023. The fast-food employees' usage intention of robots: A cross-cultural study. Tourism Management Perspectives 45: 101049.
Abou-Shouk, M., Zoair, N., Elbaz, A., and Abdel-Jalil, M. 2023. Local Tourists’ Perceptions of Tourist Destinations’ Competitiveness: A Comparative Study of the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Oman. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 15 (2), 143-154.
Elgarhy, S. and Abou-Shouk, M. 2022. The Influence of Co-Creation and Subjective Norms on Customer Loyalty: Customer Satisfaction as a Mediator, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism,
Elgarhy, S. and Abou-Shouk, M. 2022. Effects of Entrepreneurial Orientation, Marketing, and Innovation Capabilities, on Market Performance: The Mediating Effect of Sustainable Competitive Advantage. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
Abou-Shouk, M., Zoair, N., Aburumman, A., and Abdel-Jalil, M. 2022. The effect of personality traits and knowledge-sharing on employees' innovative performance: A comparative study of Egypt and Jordan. Tourism Management Perspectives, 44, 100782.
Abou-Shouk, M., Zoair, N. and Abulenein, E. 2022. How ready are customers to re-travel for tourism? Insights from the UAE and Egypt. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 40(1), 175-180. https://doi.org.10.30892/gtg.40121-817
Abou-Shouk, M., Gad, H. and Abdelhakim, A. 2021. Exploring customers’ attitudes to the adoption of robots in tourism and hospitality, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 12 (4), 762-776.
Abou-Shouk, M. and Soliman, M. 2021. The impact of gamification adoption intention on brand awareness and loyalty in tourism: The mediating effect of customer engagement. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 20(2). 100559.
Abou-Shouk, M., Elbaz, A., and Maher A. 2021. Breaking the silence of travel agency employees: The moderating role of gender. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 21(4), 487–500.
Abou-Shouk, M., Mannaa, M. and Elbaz, A. 2021. Women's empowerment and tourism development: A cross-country study. Tourism Management Perspectives, 37, 100782.
Abou-Shouk, M. with Maryam, T. 2020. Students' perceptions towards working in tourism and hospitality industry in United Arab Emirates. Al-Adab Journal, Faculty of Arts, Baghdad University, 1(135).
Abou-Shouk, M. with Hassan, N., and Fawzy, N. 2020. The Effect of Optional Tours on Tourist Satisfaction. International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, 14 (1), 232-261. (In Arabic).
Abou-Shouk, M. with Mahmoud, M. and Fawzy, N. 2020. Exploring the Factors Affecting Entrepreneurship in Tourism Sector, International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Systems, 13 (2), 68-76.
Abou-Shouk, M. with Salah, M. 2019. The Effect of Customer Relationship Management Practices on Airline Customer Loyalty, Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing, 5(2), 11-19.
Abou-Shouk, M. with Mahmoud, M. and Fawzy, N. 2019. The Role of Governmental Authorities in Supporting Entrepreneurship in Tourism Industry, International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, 13 (2), 107-123.
Abou-Shouk, M. with Mortada, E., Hassan, S. 2019. The Role of Electronic Internal Marketing in Improving Employee Satisfaction in Travel Agencies, International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, 13 (2), 262-280 (In Arabic).
Abou-Shouk, M. with Shoukry, D., Fawzy, N., and Fayed, H. 2019. Evaluating Tourist Satisfaction about Marketing Activities of Egypt as a Tourism Heritage Destination, International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, 13 (2), 117-137 (In Arabic).
Abou-Shouk, M. with Shoukry, D., Fawzy, N., and Fayed, H. 2019. Evaluating Intangible Heritage Features on Tourist Governments’ Websites in Egypt, International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, 13 (2), 138-157 (In Arabic).
Abou-Shouk, M. with Salah, M, and Fawzy, N. 2019. Exploring the Impact of Internal Marketing on Organizational Commitment of Travel Agents’ Employees, International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Systems, 12 (1), 1-12.
Abou-Shouk, M. with Fayed, H. and Darwish, S. 2019. The Economics of the Egyptian Stock Market and the Financing of Tourism and Hospitality Projects: A Comparative Study of some Arab Stock Markets. International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, 13 (1), 96-113.
Abou-Shouk, M. with Abdel-Latif, A., and Fawzy, N. 2018. An Analytical Study of the Impact of Applying Principles of Work Ethics on Employees’ Satisfaction and Performance in the Egyptian Travel Agents. International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, 12 (2/1), 1-21 (in Arabic).

Abou‐Shouk, M., Zoair, N., El‐Barbary, M., and Hewedi, M. 2017. Sense of place relationship with tourist satisfaction and intentional revisit: Evidence from Egypt. International Journal of Tourism Research, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1002/jtr.2170 .

Abou-Shouk, M. 2017. Destination Management Organizations and Destination Marketing: Adopting the Business Model of E-Portals in Engaging Travel Agents, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10548408.2017.1350254
Abou-Shouk, M. with Zoair, N, Farrag, M., and Hewedi, M. 2017. The Role of International Exhibition Venues in Marketing Exhibitors’ Destinations. Journal of Vacation Marketing. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1356766717690573.
Abou-Shouk, M. with Khalifa, G. 2017. The Influence of Website Quality Dimensions on E-Purchasing Behaviour and E-Loyalty: A Comparative Study of Egyptian Travel Agents and Hotels. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 34 (5), 608-623.
Abou-Shouk, M. with Wafik, G., and Hewedi, M. 2017. Airline Passenger Travel Cycle, Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Comparison of EgyptAir and Emirates Airlines. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Systems, 10(1), 1-12.
Abou-Shouk, M. with Soliman, M. 2016. Predicting Behavioural Intention of International Tourists Towards Geotours. Geoheritage. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12371-016-0200-5
Abou-Shouk, M. with Elbaz, A. 2016. The role of tourism-related organization networks in developing sustainable community livelihoods. Journal of Basic and Environmental Sciences, 3 (4), 112– 122.
Abou-Shouk, M. with Lim, WM. & Megicks, P. 2016. Using competing models to evaluate the role of environmental pressures in ecommerce adoption by small and medium sized travel agents in a developing country. Tourism Management, 52, 327-339.
Abou-Shouk, M. with Elbeltagi, I., Hamad, H., Moizer, J. 2016. Levels of business to business e-commerce adoption and competitive advantage in small and medium-sized enterprises: a comparison study between Egypt and the United States. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 19 (1), 6–25.
Abou-Shouk, M. with Eraqi, M. 2015. Perceived barriers to e-commerce adoption in SMEs in developing countries: the case of travel agents in Egypt. International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 21(3), 332-353.
Abou-Shouk, M. with Abdelhakim, A. & Hewedi, M. 2014. Factors Affecting Target Competences Development among Final Year Tourism and Hospitality Students in Egypt. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education, 26 (4), 178-187.
Abou-Shouk, M. with Khalifa, G. 2014. Investigating the Success Factors of Hotels' Websites: The Case of Egyptian Hotels. Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism (APJIHT), 3 (2), 131-151.
Abou-Shouk, M. with Shoukry, D., Mahamoud, M., & Gamal-Edlein, N. 2014. An Analytical Study of the Effect of Tourism Socio-cultural Aspects on Host Communities: The Case of Fayoum and Hurghada. Journal of Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, 8 (1), 181-202. (In Arabic).
Abou-Shouk, M. with Lim, WM. & Megicks, P. 2013. Reviewing the Web Features of Travel Agents in Singapore. Tourism Analysis, 18 (1), 91–101.
Abou-Shouk, M. with Lim, WM. & Megicks, P. 2013. E-Commerce and Small Tourism Businesses in Developing Countries: Drivers Versus Boundaries of Adoption. Tourism Planning & Development, 10 (3), 249-266.
Abou-shouk, M. with Lim, WM. & Megicks, P. 2013. Perceived Benefits and E-Commerce Adoption by SME Travel Agents in Developing Countries: Evidence from Egypt. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 37(4), 490-515.
Abou-shouk, M. with Megicks, P. & Lim, WM. 2013. Internet Adoption by Travel Agents: A Case of Egypt. International Journal of Tourism Research, 10 (3), 249-266.


Abou-shouk, M. with Megicks, P. & Lim, WM. 2013. Internet adoption by travel agents: a case of Egypt. International Journal of Tourism Research, 15 (3), 298–312

Abou-Shouk, M. with Bakry, S., and Abdel-Hamid, M. 2009. Eco-tourism development for attracting new tourist markets: the Case of Fayoum Governorate. Journal of Tourism Researches, 27-60.

Abou-Shouk, M. with Mortada, N. 2009. Special interest tourism as a modern tourism activity. Journal of Tourism Researches, 45-86.

Abou-Shouk, M. with Latief, H. 2004.GIS and tourism marketing in Egypt: challenges and opportunities. Egyptian Journal of Tourism & Hospitality, July, Cairo, Egypt.

Adopting Cooperative Marketing Strategy By Tourism Service Providers: Comparing Perceptions Of Travel Agencies And Hotels

Exploring The Factors Predicting M-Commerce Applications’ Adoption In Tourism And Hospitality: Evidence From Travel Agencies, Hotels And Archaeological Sites

Refereed Conference Proceedings
Abou-Shouk, M. with Tamam, M. and Hewedi, M. 2019. Adopting cooperative marketing strategy by tourism service providers: comparing perceptions of travel agencies and hotels. 9th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Conference Proceedings, 09-12 July 2019 Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 119-131.
Abou-Shouk, M. with Zoair, N. and Abdelhakim, M. 2019. Exploring the factors predicting M-commerce applications’ adoption in tourism and hospitality: evidence from travel agencies, hotels and archaeological sites. 9th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Conference Proceedings, 09-12 July 2019 Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 132-147.
Abou-Shouk, M. with Hewedi, M. 2016. Antecedents and consequences of social media adoption in travel and tourism: evidence from customers and industry. International Science Index, Conference Proceedings, 18(2) part VI, pp. 768-775. The 18th International Conference on Knowledge, Service, Tourism and Hospitality (ICKSTH 2016), 15th – 16th February, 2016, Barcelona, Spain.
Abou-Shouk, M. with Soliman, M. 2016. Knowledge management and tourism: An exploratory study applied to travel agents in Egypt. International Science Index, Conference Proceedings, 18(2) part VI, pp. 755-762. The 18th International Conference on Knowledge, Service, Tourism and Hospitality (ICKSTH 2016), 15th – 16thFebruary, 2016, Barcelona, Spain.
Abou-Shouk, M. with Wafik, G., and Hewedi, M. 2015. Research Obstacles in Tourism: A Study Applied to Egyptian Universities. The 2015 ICBTS International Tourism & Hospitality Research Conference, in Europe & America, 15th – 18th September 2015, The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA, 24-36.

Abou-Shouk, M. with Khalifa, G., Zoair, N., Abdelhakim, A. 2014. Missing directions in tourism and hospitality research. 8th Tourism Conference of Egyptian Tourism and Hospitality Industry and Current Challenges. Fayoum, Egypt: Faculty of Tourism and Fayoum.

Abou-Shouk, M. with Abdelkarim, A. and Hewedi, M. 2013. Tourism higher education in Egypt: structure, research and challenges. In K. A. T. Lonik (Ed.), 3rd Regional Conference of Tourism Research 'Innovation and Optimisation of Tourism Research' (pp. 830-841). Langkawi, Malaysia: Sustainable Tourism Research Cluster and Universiti Sains Malaysia

Abou-Shouk, M. 2012. Drivers of e-commerce adoption in Egyptian travel agents. Presented at the 19th International Conference on Information Technology and Travel & Tourism, Sweden.

Abou-Shouk, M. 2011. Factor analysis of e-commerce adoption benefits: A case of Egyptian travel agents. Presented at the 18th International Conference on Information Technology and Travel & Tourism, Austria.

Abou-Shouk, M. 2010. E-commerce and travel agents: Validating the data collection tool. Presented at the Annual Plymouth Postgraduate Symposium, Plymouth University, UK. (Selected as a top five presentation).

Abou-Shouk, M. 2010. Egyptian Travel Agents and E-Commerce. Presented at the 17th International Conference on Information Technology and Travel & Tourism, Switzerland.

Abou-Shouk, M. 2009. Internet usage amongst Egyptian travel agencies: A pilot study. PhD Networking Conference, Exploring Tourism III, Nottingham University Business School, Christel DeHaan Tourism and Travel Research Institute, UK.

Academic Reviewer

Tourism Management

Tourism Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Tourism & Hospitality Journal

Journal of Small Business Management

Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development

African Journal of Business Management

Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism

International Journal of Tourism Research

Behaviour & Information Technology

Tourism Management Perspectives


International Journal of Heritage, Tourism & Hospitality

Tourism Review

International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Teaching Interests

Undergraduate Courses

- Information Systems and Tourism
- Tourism Statistics
- Tourism Management
- Data Analysis and Statistics
- Marketing for Tourism and Hospitality
- Feasibility Studies for Tourism Projects
- Tourism Management
- Research Methods
- Customer Behaviour

Postgraduate Courses

Advanced Data Analysis Techniques and Quantitative Statistics
Research Methods and Academic Writing of Dissertations
Training Courses

Faculty Leaders Development Project (FLDP), Fayoum University, 2014:

 Competitive Research Projects.
Organizing Scientific Conferences.
Research Ethics.
Skills for Effective Communication
Profession Ethics
Leading Research Team

Plymouth University, UK, 2009 to 2011:

Managing working relationships.
Endnote users’ workshop.
Endnote Web.
Introduction to qualitative research methods
NVivo software (version 9)
Developing professional writing skills
Introduction to quantitative research methods
SPSS part 1
SPSS part 1
SPSS part 2
Introduction to R
Latex users workshop
Latex part 2
Latex part 3
Overview to searching for information resources
Preparing effective poster presentation
Preparing for the viva
The transfer process
Overview of the Intranet for postgraduate researchers
Introducing my sites
The postgraduate society short conference series
MS Word: creating forms, proofing and tracking changes, master documents, structuring your thesis

 MS Excel: essential features, Lookups and pivot tables

Structural Equation Modelling for Cross-Sectional and Panel Data, Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute (S3RI). Southampton University. 2010.

General Teaching Associates (GTA) intensive Course, Plymouth University. 2010.

ICDL, Scientific Computation Center, Cairo University, Egypt. 2009.

Staff Teaching Preparation, Fayoum University, Egypt. 2007.

NAQAAE, 2022:

Effective teaching and learning strategies for higher education institutions

Examination systems and student evaluation for higher education institutions

Faculty Leaders Development Project (FLDP), Fayoum University, 2022:

Strategic Planning

Question Banks and Good Tests

Academic Advising and Student Support

Scientific Creative Thinking

International Publishing

Teaching Methods

Faculty Leaders Development Project (FLDP), Fayoum University, 2007-2008:

Credit Hours System.

Criteria of Quality in Teaching.

Modern Trends in Teaching.

Teaching Using Technology.

Effective Teaching.

Evaluating Teaching.

Guest Lecturer

Lectures for Staff Members and Postgraduate Students on ‘SPSS, Quantitative Analysis, and Endnote’, training Courses offered by IT Training Project, Fayoum University, 2014.

Lectures for Postgraduate Students on E-commerce and Tourism Enterprises, School of Tourism and Hospitality, Plymouth University, UK, 2010.

Lectures for Postgraduate Students on GIS and Tourism, School of Tourism and Hospitality, Plymouth University, UK, 2010.

Lectures for Postgraduate Students on Quantitative Analysis Using SPSS, School of Tourism and Hospitality, Plymouth University, UK, 2011.

Experience and Other Activities

A member of the Quality Assurance Unit of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University 2017- present (The faculty is the first accredited tourism institution in Egypt by the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE, 2016)

A Team Member of Fayoum University in the Medical Tourism Conference, Sharm El-Sheikh, 2017, Egypt. Presenting the suggestion of creating an interactive map to market the medical tourism sites in Egypt.
Organizing Committee Member of the 10th International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality (ICTH), Organized by the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, Egypt in cooperation with Bournemouth University, UK, 8-11th February 2017, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.
Organizing Committee Member of the 9th International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality (ICTH), Organized by the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, Egypt in cooperation with Salento University, Italy, 11-13th February 2016, Marsa Alam, Egypt.
Faculty’s Coordinator for International Cooperation and Educational Exchange Activities, 2016- present.
Director of IT unit, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, 2014 - present.
A Committee member for ‘Updating National Academic Reference Standards (NARS) of Tourism and Hospitality Sector, A committee nominated by the Sector Committee, 2015.
A Technical Committee member for ‘Standardizing and validating quality questionnaires for Fayoum University Faculties’, 2014
A Committee member for ‘Designing Credit-Hour Bylaw of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, 2014.
Coordinator of the Faculty Portal, 2013 to 2014.
Associate Editor and website admin of the International Journal of Heritage, Tourism, and Hospitality, the refereed Journal issued by the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University (2013 – present) http://journals.fayoum.edu.eg/index.php/index/index
Member of Service and Enterprise Research Centre (SERC), Plymouth University, UK, 2012.

Editorial Secretary of the Refereed Journal issued by Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, 2013 Up Till now.

Editorial Secretary of the Refereed Journal issued by Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, 2006-2009.

Participant as an Organizer in the Second Tourism conference: Tourism Development in Light of the Global Challenges, Faculty of Tourism & Hotels , Fayoum University. 2007.

Participant as an organizer in the First Tourism Conference: Education and Training in Tourism & Hospitality under International Integrations, Development and Quality Improvement, Faculty of Tourism & Hotels , Fayoum University. 2006.

Member in Eco-Tourism Project, developed by the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University and USAID. 2005.


Fayoum University Award for International Publishing Distinction, 2022.

Fayoum University Award for International Publishing Distinction, 2021.

Fayoum University Award for Best PhD Thesis (supervision), 2020.

Fayoum University Award for International Publishing Distinction, 2020.

Fayoum University Award for International Publishing Distinction, 2019.

Fayoum University Award for International Publishing Distinction, 2018.

Fayoum University Award for Distinction in Scientific Research, Social Science, 2017.

Fayoum University Award for International Publishing Distinction, 2017.

Fayoum University Award for International Publishing Distinction, 2016.

Ministry of Tourism Award for a paper entitled: Developing Public Parks to Increase Tourist Arrivals, 2016

Fayoum University Award for International Publishing Distinction, 2015.

Ministry of Tourism Award for a paper entitled: The Competitiveness of Egypt as a Tourist Destination at the Regional Level, 2015

Fayoum University Award for International Publishing Distinction, 2014.

Academic Referees

Phil Megicks, Professor of Marketing, Head of Plymouth Graduate School of Management/ Associate Dean, Plymouth University, UK, phil.megicks@plymouth.ac.uk

Hussein Abdou, Professor of Finance and Banking, Manchester Metropolitan University, Business School, UK, h.abdou@mmu.ac.uk

Wai Mun Lim, Associate Professor, School of Tourism and Hospitality, Faculty of Plymouth Business School, Plymouth University, UK, w.m.lim@plymouth.ac.uk