Faculty of Tourism

Dr. Sally Sherif Mohamed Fadel

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6352181                                      
Fax number: 084 6356631
E-mail Address: ssf00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Faculty of Tourism and Hotels
Post Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Tourism & Hotels -
     Tourism Studies Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Tourism and Hotel Studies - Tourism Studies - Cairo University fayoum Brench - 2000
M. Sc.: Tourism and Hotel Studies - Tourism Studies - Cairo University fayoum Brench - 2005
Ph.D.: Tourism Studies - Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Fayoum University - 2011
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: from 2001 to 2005
Assistant Lecturer: from 2005 To 2011
Lecturer: from 2011 To 2019
Assistant Professor : from 2019 Until Now
Head of Tourist Company at the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels,Fayoum University from 2013 to 2014.
List of Publications

Inclusive Management Aspects of Saqqara Heritage Site in Egypt

Revealing Internal Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Developing ‘Brand Alexandria’

Potentiality Assessment for Ecotourism in Rural Communities: A Case of Fayoum Governorate, Egypt

The Evaluation of DEMEC Training Program Effectiveness by Using The eQvet-us Model

Women Empowerment in Marginalized Villages via Tourism: A Case of Aswan Governorate, Egypt

Socio-Economic Development in Marginalized Rural Communities: The Serendipitous Success of a Tourism Destination

The Evaluation of interpretation and presentation efforts at cultural heritage sites based on the ICOMOS 'Ename Charter' as a Driver for Conservation and Management

Destination Branding: Internal Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Alexandria as a Tourist Destination

The Interpretation and Presentation of Giza Cultural Heritage Site in Egypt.

Major Fields of Research
Sustainable Tourism Development.
Ecotourism and alternative tourism types.
Local community.
Service quality.
Special events.
Tangible and intangible heritage of Egypt.
Management of local, regional and international cultural and natural heritage sites.
Tourism resources (archaeological sites, culture, handicrafts, geology, paleontology, flora, and fauna) and their relation to tourism development.
Planning, marketing and developing tourism destinations.
The Fayoum Governorate related fields – interdisciplinary research approach.
Peer Reviewed Published Papers and Book Chapters
Osama Ibrahim and Sally Khalil (2012) Inclusive Management Aspects of Saqqara Heritage Site in Egypt, Journal of Association of Arab Universities for Tourism and Hospitality (JAAUTH), vol.9, Special Issue(part 2),pp. 29-43,A Special Issue of Conference: A Future Vision for Arabic Tourism, Alexandria(13-15 November 2012).
Sally Khalil and Osama Ibrahim (2016) Revealing Internal Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Developing ‘Brand Alexandria’, In: MetinKozakand NazmiKozak (eds.) Destination Marketing: An International Perspective, Routledge, UK ISBN: 9781138855892,pp.67-78.
Sally Khalil (2016) Potentiality Assessment for Ecotourism in Rural Communities: A Case of FayoumGovernorate, Egypt,International Journal of Heritage, Tourism, and Hospitality, vol.10, No.(2/2), PP.359-376.
Sally Khalil (2017) The Evaluation of DEMEC Training Program Effectiveness by Using The eQvet-us Model, International Journal of Heritage, Tourism, and Hospitality, vol.11, No.(2/2), PP.182-198.
Sally Khalil (2018) Women Empowerment in Marginalized Villages via Tourism: A Case of Aswan Governorate, Egypt, International Journal of Heritage, Tourism, and Hospitality, vol.12, No.(2/2).
Sally Khalil and Osama Ibrahim (2018)Socio-Economic Development in Marginalized Rural Communities: The Serendipitous Success of a Tourism Destination,Minia Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol.1, Issue 2.
Osama Ibrahim and Sally Khalil (2018) The Evaluation of interpretation and presentation efforts at cultural heritage sites based on the ICOMOS 'Ename Charter' as a Driver for Conservation and Management, Minia Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol.1, Issue 2.
Theses Supervised
The Role of Tourism Events in Promoting Tourism in TheFayoum.
The Development of Cultural Heritage Tourism in Egypt (A Case of Cultural Heritage in TheFayoumGovernorate).
The Egyptian Deserts and its Role in Developing the Egyptian Tourism Product, Case of BahariaOasis.
The Role of Tourism in Unemployment Confrontation: Case of FayoumGovernorate.
Effect of the Offered Services' Quality in the Egyptian Tourism Companies on Tourist Satisfaction.
Projects Participation
3 Nov 2013 - Jan 2016 Ecotourism Expert for 'Building Rural Assets with Valuable Opportunities (BRAVO)' project – Funded by Italian Cooperation Debt Swap Scheme.
2010 - 2017 Coordination Assistant ‘The Development of Ecotourism in Middle East Countries’ International Training program funded by JICA for mid-career officials from official tourism bodies in the Middle East.
2005 - 2006 Member of the Ecotourism Project of the Faculty of Tourism& Hotels, Fayoum Uni. in Egypt entitled "Establishing Web Site for Ecotourism in the Fayoum Using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Applications" Funded by USAID. Web Site: www.ecotourism.edu.eg.
Conference – Workshops – International Lectures
March 2018 Participating in the 'Eleventh International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality (ICTH)– Luxor, Egypt - Research paper entitled:The Evaluation of Interpretation and Presentation Efforts at Cultural Heritage Sites Based on the ICOMOS 'Ename Charter' as a Driver for Conservation and Management - Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University.
Feb 2016 Organizing and participating in the 'Ninth International Conferenceon Tourism and Hospitality (ICTH (– MarsaAlam, Egypt -Research paper entitled: Socio-Economic Development in Marginalized Rural Communities: The Serendipitous Success of an Ecotourism Destination-Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University.
3-8 June 2014 Pa Participating in the international conference entitled: '3rd Interdisciplinary Tourism Research Conference – Istanbul, Turkey. 1st Research paper entitled: The Interpretation and Presentation of Giza Cultural Heritage Site in Egypt. 2nd Research paper entitled: Destination Branding: Internal Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Alexandria as a Tourist Destination.
12-13 March 2014 Two lectures in the framework of ISSEMM Project - Management, Maintenance and Permanent Opening MedinetMadi Archaeological Park - Archaeology, Conservation, Environment and Management Training Program. entitled:
1. Marketing and Branding Heritage Destinations.
2. Ecotourism and Archaeological Sites.
16-18 March 2013 Organizing and participating in the 'Seventh International Conference: Tourism Industry between Present Challenges and Future Hopes' – Research paper entitled: Developing the Competitiveness of Hawara Cultural heritage Site in the Fayoum through Heritage Tourism– Faculty of Tourism and Hotels , Fayoum University.
13-15 Nov 2012 Participation in the 'Third International Conference: Future Vision for the Development of Arab Tourism' – Research paper entitled: Inclusive Management Aspects of Sakkara Heritage Site in Egypt – Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
1-2 April 2010 Participation in the First International Conference of Alexandria 'Marketing Alexandria: From a Tourist Attraction to International Destination' Under the Framework of the Celebration of Alexandria as the Capital of Arab Tourism 2010– Research paper entitled: Revealing the Effects of Internal Branding on Tourism Destination Stakeholders – Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
April 2009 Workshop Participation entitled: “Alexandrian Tourism Development”, organized by the Higher Institute of Tourism, Hotels & Computer, and El-Seyouf – Alexandria Governorate.
31st August 2008 Workshop Participation sponsored by the Fayoum Governor and organized by FTA entitled: “Towards a Better Strategy for New Tourism Development Horizons in the Fayoum Destination”.
Dec. 2003 Participating in Port Said conference'Tourism Development in Port Said Governorate' sponsored by Port Said Governorate and Egyptian Star Tours company - the workshops aim to change Port Said governorate from a commercial one to a touristic one.
May 2003 Attending STE 2003 Conference (Sustainable Tourism Egypt) held in Conrad Hotel. It is an international conference on tourism development in Environmentally Sensitive Areas organized by Red Sea Sustainable Tourism Initiative (RSSTI).
2001 A team member to Organize The Third International Conference of Culinary Arts and Sciences (ICCAS 01) held in Cairo with successful collaboration between Faculty of Tourism and Hotels Cairo Uni., and University of Wales Institute in Cardiff (UWIC).
2012 -2014
University Management. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC).
Organizing Scientific Conference. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC).
Research Team Management.Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC).
Assessment Methods and Examinations. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC).
Research Ethics.Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC).
Profession Attitudes. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC).
2008 -2010: participated in the following courses:
ICDL (international computer driving license) in Fayoum University.
University Teacher Preparation Training Course.
Strategic Planning Programme. Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP).
Teaching Using Modern Technology Programme. Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP).
Effective Presentation Skills Programme. Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP).
University Finance and legislative sides. Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP).
Credit Hour System. Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP).
Quality Criteria in Teaching Process. Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP).
Participated in IT Professional Training program "Egypt graduates project", a six months training program (900 hours) in application development, specialty track: CIW professional application developer.
Toifel course.
Community Service and Environment Development
20-21 Sep 2015 Qarun Village and Tunis Village Awareness Raising Campaign - in the Framework of BRAVO project
17 Sep 2015 Nazla Village Awareness Raising Campaign - in the Framework of BRAVO project
10th July 2008- Present Member of “Community Association for Research and Development (CARD)”, Baghous, Fayoum, Egypt.
Dec. 2016 Fayoum University Honorary Award in Scientific Book Author and Translation – Social Sciences Sector – Annual Scientific Festival – Fayoum University.
2010 Third Place in the Research competition organized by the Ministry of Tourism For research entitled: 'Tourism Marketing of the Fayoum: A Survey to Evaluate the Perception of Egyptian Tour Operators to the Status of Ecotourism in the Governorate'.
30 July 2005 One of the teamwork who organized the "First Graduation and Job Fair Festival for graduates from 1998 to 2004" of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Cairo Uni., Fayoum Branch
Skills Profile
Team Working Teamwork involving good listening skills, encouragement and negotiation was an essential part of every group work exercise conducted at university to ensure a successful result.
Leadership Leadership qualities have been shown through numerous group activities throughout my university career where I adopt a supportive and positive role.
Problem solving Problem solving has been dominant throughout my education. It was an essential skill in a number of modules such as academic research and public relations.
Communication Skills Possessing excellent interpersonal and communication skills through training and working in the field of tourism with many tourist companies in Egypt, Egyptian Ministry of Tourism, Faculties and institutions of tourism in Egypt and some other organizations and companies which are working in the field of marketing Ecotourism worldwide such as NSCE (North South Consultants Exchange in Egypt), COSPE in Egypt, and CTA (Responsible Travel company in Italy).
IT Knowledge September 2005: Obtaining the International Computer Driving License (ICDL).
• Arabic: mother tongue.
• English: Excellent.
• French: Good understanding.
Countries Visited
Britain 2006-2008 & 2014
Germany (2013) (Aachen - Cologne)
France (2014)
Turkey (2014)
Saudi Arabia (2017)
Professional Experience
Demonstrator in Tourism Studies Dept., Faculty of Tourism & Hotels, Cairo Uni. El-Fayoum Branch, Egypt. 2001-July 2005
Job Description:
• Teaching practical courses related to Tourism Studies.
• Teaching Touristic Statistics.
• Teaching Sections of Public Relations and Protocol.
• Participate in the evaluation of students.
One of the members of a team Organizing THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF CULINARY ARTS AND SCIENCES (ICCAS 01) held in Cairo. The main task was:
• Responsible for the Reception counter and Guests registration.
Training within the framework of the “PREPARATORY PHASE FOR ECOTOURISM IN FAYOUM PROJECT” then participating as a volunteer in the project as a Tour Guide to the Fayoum Basin supervised by NSCE Company and funded by the Dutch embassy in Cairo, Egypt.2002-2003
Attending STE 2003 Conference (SUSTAINABLE TOURISM EGYPT) held in Conrad Hotel. It is an international conference on tourism development in Environmentally Sensitive Areas organized by Red Sea Sustainable Tourism Initiative (RSSTI). May 2003
Organizing the conference of the Cancer Institute, Cairo Uni. Within the team of the Faculty of Tourism & Hotels and Egyptian Star Tours company. Oct.2003
Participated in the USAID Project of establishing website for Ecotourism in the Fayoum Governorate achieved by the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum Uni. March2005 - March 2006
Feb 2016 Participated in the Ninth International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality – Marsa Alam Egypt - faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University.
November 2012 Participated in the third International Arabian Tourism Conference of the faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Suez Canal University and the higher institute of tourism and hotels and computer- "el-syouf", "future vision for Arabian Tourism".
April 2010 Participated in the first International conference of the higher institute of tourism and hotels and computer- "el-syouf", Alexandria is the capital of Arabian tourism 2010, marketing Alexandria from touristic attraction to international destination.
April 2009 Participated in the workshop of the higher institute of tourism and hotels and computer- "el-syouf", Alex tourism from visiting a moment to recognizing people.
March2005- March 2006 Participated in the USAID Project of establishing website for Ecotourism in the Fayoum Governorate achieved by the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University.
Oct. 2003 Organizing the conference of the Cancer Institute, Cairo Uni. Within the team of the Faculty of Tourism & Hotels and Egyptian Star Tours company.
May 2003 Attending STE 2003 Conference (Sustainable Tourism Egypt) held in Conrad Hotel. It is an international conference on tourism development in Environmentally Sensitive Areas organized by Red Sea Sustainable Tourism Initiative (RSSTI).
2002 -2003 Training within the framework of the “Preparatory Phase For Ecotourism In Fayoum Project”.
2001 One of the members of a team Organizing The Third International Conference Of Culinary Arts And Sciences (ICCAS 01) held in Cairo. The main task was: Responsible for the Reception counter and Guests registration.
Jan 2001 Demonstrator in Tourism Studies Dept., Faculty of Tourism & Hotels, Cairo Uni. El-Fayoum Branch, Egypt.
Computer Skills

Skilled in computer applications related to the Microsoft Office (Word – Excel – Power Point) plus windows and internet skills.