Faculty of Tourism

Mr. Mohamed Ramadan Ragab Abdelhady

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6352181                                      
Fax number: 084 6356631
E-mail Address: mrr11@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Department Of Tourism Studies - Fourth Floor
Post Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Tourism & Hotels -Tourism Studies Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Tourism and Hotels - Fayoum University - 2015
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: From 2015 To 2018
Assistant Lecturer : From 2018 To now
The Influence of Marketing Mix Elements for Airlines on Passengers' Purchasing Decision-Making "A Comparison Study Between Traditional Airlines & Low-Cost Carriers"
Research interest
Low cost carries (LCCs)
Full Service Carriers (FSCs)
Charter Airlines (CA)
Strategic marketing of airlines
Airport management
Modern trends in the Air transport industry
global distribution systems (GDSs)
Tourism marketing
Tourist feasibility studies
Training & other courses
Test Of English as a Foreign Language" TOEFL"
International Computer Driving Licence" ICDL"
Amadeus basic diploma from Amadeus Egypt
Amadeus advanced cours, Nazih training center , 26aug,2015
Amadeus basic course , Nazih training center , 09aug,2015
Training, Egyptair, From 07sep to 19nov,2014
Training, Egyptair "Cairo international airport" , From 25aug to 19sep,2013
Training Hours as a Trainer on the Global Distribution Systems GDSs
Amadeus (1250 Hours).
Sabre (300 Hours).
Galileo (200 Hours).
Experience and skills
Trainer of the Airline and Airport Management Program (AAMP), which includes training at Cairo international Airport.
A Certified Trainer from Amadeus Egypt on the Global Distribution System (Amadeus)
A Certified Trainer from Sabre Egypt on the Global Distribution System (Sabre)
A Certified Trainer from Traveport on the Global Distribution System (Galileo)
2014: Training, Egyptair, from 07september to 2 November.
2013: Training, Egyptair "Cairo international airport", from 25 August to 19 September.
Courses and diplomas
2017: marketing diploma for professional marketers-fayoum university.
2017: The University Teacher Preparation Program- Faculty of Education - Fayoum University.
2016: Sabre Air Convention Diploma from Sabre Egypt.
2016: Galileo Professional & document production course from Travel port Egypt.
2016: Test of English as a Foreign Language" TOEFL"- Faculty of Education - Fayoum University.
2016: International Computer Driving License" ICDL"- Faculty of Archeology-Fayoum University.
2016: Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Course - Fayoum University.
2016: Sabre Course from Global academy for aviation systems.
2016: Galileo Course from Global academy for aviation systems.
2016: preparation and organization of tourism programs course from Nazih Training Center
2016: Crisis and Disaster Management Course - Fayoum University.
2015: Amadeus Advanced course from Amadeus Egypt.
2015: Amadeus basic diploma from Amadeus Egypt, Grade (A).
2015: Amadeus basic course , Nazih training center
2015: Amadeus advanced course, Nazih training Center
The Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC) courses
2017: International Scientific Publishing Course
2017: The skill of negotiation and persuasion course
credit hours system course
2017: Preparing competitive research projects Course
Construct a standard model to predict the size of participatory tourism investment in Egypt and its contribution to the development of the Egyptian tourism sector.
Scientific awards and certificates
A certificate of appreciation presented by the Planning, Research and Training Sector in the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism to win the third place in the Tourism Research Journal in 2017 for the research entitled "Building a Standard Model to Predict the Size of Participatory Tourism Investment in Egypt and its Contribution to the Development of the Egyptian Tourism Sector".
Superiority certificate from the Fayoum University in the Celebration of the eighth science festival, December 2016.
A certificate of appreciation from the faculty of Tourism and Hotels Council for contributing to the development of the educational process.
Certificates of appreciation from the Training Unit of the faculty for the contribution of training the students and graduates on the three global distribution systems Amadeus, Saber and Galileo.
Participate in the 10th International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality (ICTH) 2017, 8th -11th February 2017, Sham El-Sheikh-Egypt.
Contributions to the development of the educational process
Contribute to training the college students on the global distribution systems (Amadeus, Saber & Galileo.
Contribute to the re-activation of the global distribution system Amadeus in the training center at the faculty.
Contribute to the conclusion of an agreement with Traveport –the owner of the global distribution system Galileo- to activate the system at the training center in the faculty.
Contribute to the conclusion of an agreement with Saber -the owner of the global distribution system Saber- to activate the system at the training center in the faculty.