Faculty of Tourism

Dr. Ehab Mohamed Abd El-Monim Younes ALI

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6352181
Fax number: 084 6356631
E-mail Address: emy00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: The Biulding of Faculty of Tourism & Hotels - Tourism Guidance Department - 5th Floor.
Post Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Tourism & Hotels -Tourism Guidance Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Tourism Guidance - Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Cairo University-Fayoum Branch - 1999
M. Sc.: Tourism Guidance, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Cairo University - Fayoum Branch - 2004
Ph. D.: Tourism Guidance, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Fayoum University - 2010
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: From 1999 To 2004 .
Assistant Lecturer:From 2004 To 2010
Lecturer:From 2010 To 2020
Assistant Professor :From 2020 untill now
Islamic Monuments in El-Monofia Governorate “Archaeological and Touristic Study”
Publication List
Goddess Hatmehyt in Dendara Temple
Relationship between Isis and Hatmehyt
Coins from India with names of some Khilji Sultans of Dehli and their relation with the Abbasid Caliphs in Cairo (695-720 AH / 1296-1320 AD)
Coins from India with names of Abbasid Caliphs in Cairo and Sultans of Dehli Tughluq Shah and Muhammad ibn Tughluq (720-752 AH / 1320-1351 AD)
Shiite Connotations on Islamic Architecture in Cairo in the Fatimid Era (358-567 A.H/ 969-1171 A.D)
Study of Unpublished Two Marble Tombstones Preserved in Beni Sueif Museum
Shiite Connotations on Islamic Artifacts from the Fatimid period (358-567 A.H/ 969-1171 A.D) Preserved in the Museum of Islamic Art in Cairo
Crystal Tableware Preserved in Kom Oshim Museum
Research Interests
Tourism guidance.
Islamic art and architecture.
Museum studies
  Islamic history and civilization.
Medieval documents of endowments.
  Ancient Egyptian civilization.
Cultural and natural heritage.
Quality and its applications in the tourism sector.
Quality in the educational process.
Languages Skills
  Arabic (mother language)
French (Excellent) (DALF in the French Center of Culture and Co-operation in Egypt "CFCC")
 English (Excellent) (TOEFL score of 550 in AMIDEAST Egypt) (CBT TOEFL score of 213 in International TOEFL equal TOEFL score of 550)
Computer Skills
Advanced skills in:
- SPSS (for data analysis).
- File Maker (for making databases)
- Microsoft Office.
Teaching works
 Teaching several B.Sc. courses in Tourism Guidance Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University.
Teaching several postgraduate courses in Tourism Guidance (Postgraduate Diploma- Master- Ph.D.), Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University.
Participation in the characterization and review the characterization of several courses, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels- Fayoum University.
Participate in foreign excavation missions:
 Member of the archaeological mission of the Scientific Center of papyrus Studies at the University of Salento (Lecce) Italy to work in Dime as-sebaa (Soknopaiou Nesos) north of Lake Qarun in Fayoum in the period from October 26 until December 2, 2014.
Management and leadership experience
 2013 until now: Director of Quality Assurance and Accreditation Unit, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels- Fayoum University.
2013 until now: Executive director of Continuous Improvement and Qualifying for Accreditation Project (CIQAP), Faculty of Tourism and Hotels- Fayoum University
2014 untill now: Vice executive director of the CEPHEI project (Egyptian Heritage Museum through ages).
2013 until now: Member in Council of Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University.
2012-2013: Secretary of the Graduate Studies and Researches Committee, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University.
2012-2013: Member in the Council of Tourism Guidance Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University.
2012: Participation in the preparation of the research plan of the Department of Tourism Guidance.
2012: Participation in the preparation of the proposal of Continuous Improvement and Qualifying for Accreditation Project (CIQAP) for Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University.
Participation as a team member of several activities in the framework of implementing activities of CIQAP.
Member of the organizing team in the first tourism festival in Fayoum University 17-20 March 2006, the second tourism festival in Fayoum University 17-19 March 2007, and the seventh tourism festival in Fayoum University 16-18 March 2013.
Participation in the works of exams control in B.Sc. degree, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University.
Participation in the works of exams control in post-graduate degrees, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University.
Participation in many oral tests in tourism guidance.
March 2005 to March 2006: Participation in the eco-tourism project for governorates of Fayoum and Beni-Suef by Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Cairo University - Fayoum Branch, funded by USAID and the Egyptian Ministry of Communication and Information Technology MCIT.
2003: Member of the academic experts to develop the tourism in Port Said City, a workshop and field visits in partnership with the Port Said Governorate.
Training experiences and activities
 Participation and passing the training course of "self-evaluation of higher education institutions" organized by NAQAAE from 3 to 5 December 2012.
2006-2014: Participation and passing 12 training courses in the framework of the project of developing capabilities of faculty members (Faculty and Leadership Development Project "FLDP"), and (Faculty and Leadership Development center "FLDC") in Fayoum University.
2007 participation and passing the training course of "Preparation of University Lecturer" for a month, Fayoum University.
2007, 2013: Participation and passing the intensive course of "Research Rules in Islamic studies" French Institute of Oriental Antiquities IFAO, Cairo.