Faculty of Tourism

Dr. Ibrahim Abdelbaset Ahmed Ibrahim

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6352181
Fax Number: 084 6356631
E-mail Address: iaa01@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: 4th Floor - Faculty of Tourism and Hotels
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Tourism & Hotels -Tourism Studies Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc .: In Tourism Guidance - Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Cairo University - Fayoum Branch - 2000
M. Sc.: In Tourism Guidance (Egyptology) - Faculty of Tourism and Hotels- Fayoum University - 2005
Thesis Title:”Amun in the New Kingdom Temples in Lower Nubia”
PhD.:Tourism Guidance (Egyptology) Tourism Guidance Dept., Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University
Thesis title:”Offering Scenes in the New Kingdom Temples in Lower Nubia. A Comparative Study” May 2011
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 2001 To 2005
Assistant Lecturer : From 2005 to 2011
Lecturer : From 2011 to 2022
Assistant Professor: From 2022 Until Now
Research Interests
Cultural and Natural Heritage
Museum Studies
Honours and Awards
2011: Certificate of Honor for PhD, Fayoum University 4th Commencement Ceremony, Fayoum, Egypt
2009: Certificate and Prize of Excellence, Egyptian Cultural Bureau London & Egyptian Student Union in the UK and Ireland, UK
2005: Certificate of Honor for Master Degree, Cairo University's Teaching Staff Members Club, Egypt
2000: Certificate of Honor as the top graduate of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels in 2000, Cairo University, Egypt
Scholarships and Grants
Feb 2013 - Now: Post-doctoral Fellowship, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Egypt.
Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College London UCL, London, UK.
Aug 2008 - Sept 2010: Internal Scholarship, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Egypt.
Visiting Scholar, University College London UCL, Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology. London, UK.
Collecting data for PhD; Social and scientific activities
Feb- July 2007: Partnership and Ownership Initiative, Ministry of Higher Education and scientific Research, Egypt.
Overseas Academic Visitor, British Museum, London, UK.
Collecting data for PhD and establishing scientific network in the UK universities
Leadership Experience
Oct 2011- Now: Secretary of the Cultural Relations Committee, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, Egypt
Oct 2009- Sept 2010: President of Egyptian Student Union in London, UK
Oct 2009- Sept 2010: The Vice-President of Egyptian Student Union in UK and Ireland, (ESUUK), UK
Museology and Archaeology Experience
Feb 2013 – Now: Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, UCL, UK.
2011- Now: Archaeology excavation team member of Gurob Harem Place Project, Gurab Site, Fayoum http://www.gurob.org.uk/team.php
Jan 2011: "Egyptian Monuments in an Educational Gallery Display. New Ideas and Visions", Petrie Museum, UCL, UK with the collaboration of the Egyptian Cultural and Educational Bureau London, UK
Invited for 10 days workshop and discussion about designing, installing, and choosing object for a new display gallery of Ancient Egyptian Antiquities in London at Egyptian Cultural Bureau, Egyptian Embassy, London, UK
Sept.2008 – Sept 2010: Honorary Research Associate, Petrie Museum, UCL, UK.
Collecting data for PhD research Museum curatorial experience
2007, 2010: The Annual International Curatorial Training Programme, British Museum, London, UK
2007 – 2008: Faculty Educational Museum, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, Egypt.
Designing the Museum, selection and installation of object displays
Feb -July 2007: Visiting Researcher, Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan, British Museum, London, UK .
Research and Museology Experience
May 2010: CFAB World Market, Kensington Town Hall, London, UK Representing Egypt in the Children and Families Across Borders world market. Under supervision of Egyptian Cultural Bureau, London, and the Egyptian Embassy, UK
June - Aug 2009: Crafts in the Countryside Exhibition, Petrie Museum, UCL, UK
Photograph display on crafts and rural life in Fayoum
June 2010: Workshop on “Papyrus and Hieroglyph in Ancient Egypt”, Egyptian Cultural Bureau, London, UK.
Organizing and teaching
May 2010: Study Day on “The Egyptian Antiquates Away from their Home Return or Keep”, Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, UCL, London, UK.
Organizing, lecturing, and chairing a debate
June 2009: One-day Workshop on “Papyrus and Hieroglyph in Ancient Egypt”, Egyptian Cultural Bureau, London, UK Teaching
2003: Tourism Development Workshop in Port Said, Port Said Governorate and Egyptian Star Tours, Egypt.
Member of the consultantion is team
Courses and Trainings
May 2011: Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems (GIS1), National Authority for Remote Sensing & Space Sciences, Cairo, Egypt.
6-day intensive training course
2006-2008: 6 Courses in the Program of Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP) (www.ncfld.org) in Fayoum University:
• Thinking skills program
• Communication skills program
• Long life education
• Applying quality standards in teaching
• The Use of technology in teaching
• Planning and control
2008: 12-day Intensive course: "Preparing the University Lecturer", Fayoum University :
• Teaching skills and evaluation
• Identify the ways to develop university education
• Methods of Scientific Research
• Effective thinking,
• Effective Presentation and contact skills
• E-Learning
• Understand the psychology of college students and the educational needs
• Understanding of the rights and duties of members of the faculty and university leaders
• Skills of assessment tests and preparation
• Develop the capacity to supply, communication and effective teaching
• Acquire the skills of technology education in the recruitment of university teaching
• Identify the key role of higher education and its importance in the development of society and its development
2007: 2 day workshop in Methodology in Egyptology, Institute Français d'Archéologie Oriental, IFAO, Cairo Participating in the workshop
Oct. 2002– Dec. 2003: Trained within the Eco-Tourism Project in Fayoum in “How to Organize and Guide Eco-Tours Programs”. Netherlands Embassy, North South Consultants Exchange Office at Cairo, and Fayoum Governorate and Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum Creating and guiding different types of Eco tours in Fayoum Wadi el-Rayan and characteristic villages as a kind of sustainable tourism
Conferences and Talks
August 2010: The12th International Conference for Nubian Studies, The British Museum, London, UK.
Participated with a presentation titled: “Amun in Nubia”
May 2010: The British Museum Colloquium about “Recent Archaeological Fieldwork in the Sudan”, SARS, British Museum, London, UK.
Sept 2009: Ancient World Annual Conference, UCL, London, UK.
June 2009: Egyptology Program, Faculty of Lifelong Learning, Birkbeck, University of London, UK.
Participated with a presentation titled:”New Kingdom Nubian Temples”
March 2009: The Redefining the Sacred: Religious Identity, Ritual Practice, and Sacred Architecture in the Near East and Egypt, Conference, University of Oxford, UK.
2002- 2008: The Annual Conferences of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, Egypt.
Participating and Organizing
July 2007: The Annual Colloquium of the British Museum "The head of the south: current research in Upper Egypt, south of Thebes" British Museum, London, UK.
June 2007: Egypt Exploration Society (EES) 125th Anniversary Conference “Egypt and Empire”, SOAS, London, UK.
June 2007: The Sixth Postgraduate Archaeology Symposium, University of Southampton, UK.
June 2007: Lecture of the Month, British Museum, Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan, London, UK.
Participated with a lecture titled: “Amun in the New Kingdom in Lower Nubia”
May 2007: The Colloquium about “Recent Archaeological Fieldwork in Sudan”, SARS, British Museum, London, UK.
April 2007: The Current Research in Egyptology Conference CRE VIII, Swansea University, Wales, UK.
Participated with a presentation title: "Some Remarks concerning Amun in the New Kingdom Temples in Lower Nubia"
International Congress of Egyptologists XI Florence (Italy) August 23rd – 30th 2015
Research & Academic Contact Visits and Field Trips
May 2010: Lille II University, Lille, France.
Contacts and discussions with colleagues in the Egyptology Department.
May 2010: The Egyptian Museum in Turin, Italy.
Study visit of Ellisiya Temple in the Museum, and introductory meeting.
May 2010: Milan Museum, Milan, Italy.
Research and contact visit for the Egyptian collection and colleagues
April 2010: University of Nottingham, The Egyptian Day, Nottingham, UK.
Contact Visit and attend the Egyptian Day, and meeting with Egyptian PhD scholars
Jan 2010: University of Plymouth, UK.
Contact social visit for Egyptian scholars and orientation of the city
May 2009: Bath Tourist attractions, Bath, UK.
Ideas about Tourism development in the famous British tourist city
June 2007: Manchester University, Manchester, UK.
Research and contact visit KNH Center “Egyptology”
June 2007: University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK.
Research and contact visit KNH Center “Egyptology”
May 2007: The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK.
Research and contact visit for the Egyptian collection and colleagues
May 2007: University Wales Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Contact and social visit for the colleagues and staff
April 2007: Stonehenge, Salisbury, UK.
Ideas about cultural heritage and tourism development in the famous British attraction
April 2007: Egypt Centre, Swansea University, Walles, UK.
Research visit for the Egyptian collection, and contact with the staff
March 2007: Fitzwillam Museum, Cambridge, UK.
Research visit for the Egyptian collection, and contact with the staff
Computer Skills
  UNESCO International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL)
Skills in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint
  Experience in Computer Software and Hardware
  Arabic (Native Speaker)
  English (Excellent) (IELTS 6.5)
   French (Basic)
  General Union of Arab Archaeologists, Cairo, Egypt, Member
  Egypt Exploration Society EES , Cairo, Egypt, Member
  International Society for Nubian Studies, Member
  The Sudan Archaeological Research Society SARS, London, UK, Member
  Friends of Fayoum University, NGO, Fayoum, Egypt, Member
   Friends of Nubia, NGO, Aswan, Egypt, Vice Chair
Amun in the New Kingdom Temples in Lower Nubia
Offering Scenes in the New Kingdom Temples in Lower Nubia. A Comparative Study
Amun in Nubia
Amun in the New Kingdom in Lower Nubia
Some Remarks concerning Amun in the New Kingdom Temples in Lower Nubia
Two Unpublished Bronze Statuettes of Osiris from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
The Scenes of Goldsmiths during the Old Kingdom, Applied to the Private Tombs in Giza and Saqqara.
Destruction of Enemies: An Unpublished Plaque of Seth and Apep in the Petrie Museum, London.
Deities of Agriculture in Ancient Egypt.
Political Life of Nubia 1805 - 1960.
Women in the Temple: an Appeal to the Living by a Woman, on a Statue Fragment of the Late 1st Millennium BC in the Petrie Museum, London .
The Roles of the Goddess Hatmehyt.
The God Onuris as Divine Judge.