Faculty of Tourism

Prof.Dr. Meirvat Abdel Hady Abdel Latif

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6352181
Fax number: 084 6356631
E-mail Address: maa07@fayoum.edu.eg
Office:5th floor - Head of Tourism Guidance - faculty of Tourism and Hotels
Post Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Tourism & Hotels -
     Tourism Studies Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.:Islamic Monuments - Faculty of Archeology - Cairo University - 1989
M. Sc.: Islamic Monuments - Faculty of Archeology - Cairo University - 1999
Ph. D.: Islamic Monuments - Faculty of Archeology - Cairo University - 2004
Academic Positions
Lecturer : From 2005 To 2011
Assistant Professor : From 2011 To 2016
Professor : From 2016 Until Now
Puplication list
Mubarak Shah and Alexander Shah A Historical Study of Some of their Archaeological Coins
Archeological study of metal object.
An Archaeological study of the silver ring as a Tourist souvenir.
Coins from India with names of some Khilji Sultans of Dehli and their relation with the Abbasid Caliphs in Cairo (695-720 AH / 1296-1320 AD).
Archaeological Study for a Civil Construction in Cairo City.
Coins from India with names of Abbasid Caliphs in Cairo and Sultans of Dehli Tughluq Shah and Muhammad ibn Tughluq 720-752) AH / 1320-1351 AD).
Dating A Collection Of Bronze Trays (A Study on an Unpublished Collection From Bamberg Museum of Islamic Art.
An artistic and archaeological study for Coptic textiles collection in Sohag Museum.
Research Interests
Islamic Monuments.
Tourism Guidance.