Faculty of Tourism

Prof.Dr. Osama Elsayed Abd El-Naby Ibrahim

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6352181
Fax number: 084 6356631
E-mail Address: osa00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Room No.502, The fifth floor - Faculty of Tourism and Hotels.
Post Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Tourism & Hotels -
     Tourist Guidance Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc .: Tourism Guidance - Faculty of Tourism & Hotels - Cairo Uni, Fayoum Branch - 1994 : May 1998.
M.Sc. : Preliminary Studies in Tourism Guidance - Faculty of Tourism & Hotels - Helwan Uni. 8 Courses were studied for the partial fulfillment of MSc Degree - 1998 : 1999.
M.Sc. : Preliminary Studies in Tourism Guidance, Faculty of Tourism & Hotels, Cairo Uni., Fayoum Branch. 12 Courses were studied for the partial fulfillment of MSc Degree - 1999 : 2002.
M.Sc. : Tourism Guidance, Faculty of Tourism & Hotels, Cairo Uni. - 2003.

- Thesis Title : “xnty IAbty, the Fourteenth Nome of Lower Egypt” (Cultural Study till the End of the New Kingdom).

- Synopsis of Research :
The thesis aims to investigate the major historical and archaeological features of the 14th nome of Lower Egypt. It presents an action plan to develop tourism in Sharqia and North Sinai Governorates.
Ph.D. : Preliminary Studies in Tourism Guidance - Faculty of Tourism & Hotels - Fayoum Uni. - 12 Courses were studied for the partial fulfillment of PhD Degree - 2004 : 2006.
Ph.D. : Tourism Guidance, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels Fayoum University in Egypt and Cardiff School of Management, UWIC, Cardiff, UK - 2008.

- Thesis Title : “Pharaonic, Graeco-Roman, and Coptic Archaeological Sites in the Fayoum Involved in Ecotourism Programmes”.

- Synopsis of Research :
The thesis aims to develop the Fayoum as a competitive, sustainable, community-Driven Ecotourism Destination depending on the rich cultural and natural heritage of the region.
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : from 1998 to 2003
Assistant Lecturer : from 2003 To 2008
Lecturer : from 2008 To 2014
Assistant Professor : from 2014 To 2020
Professor : from 2020 Until Now
Research Interests
Local and International Cultural and Natural Heritage.
Sustainable Tourism Development and Ecotourism.
Ancient Egyptian Monuments and Museums.
Geology, Flora, and Fauna and their Relation to Tourism Development.
Directly upon graduation, I started my research career in 1999 in Egyptology. I then adopted an interdisciplinary approach to develop the Fayoum Region as a competitive, sustainable, community- driven ecotourism destination based on its rich cultural and natural heritage resources. I did my PhD in Tourism Guidance at the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels in Fayoum University in Egypt. I was granted a joint supervision scholarship funded by the Egyptian Government to conduct my PhD thesis in Cardiff School of Management (UWIC) in Cardiff, UK. My PhD thesis was entitled ‘Pharaonic, Graeco-Roman, and Coptic Archaeological Sites in the Fayoum Involved in Ecotourism Programmes’. Upon my arrival in Egypt in 2008, I was then impressively well-placed as a ‘Consultant of Fayoum Governorate for Tourism Development’ to make a significant contribution to heritage management, tourism development and wider socio-economic development in the region. Academically, I contributed to the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels through teaching courses in all levels including undergraduate, postgraduate, and open learning; supervising MSc and PhD thesis; and transferring knowledge to my fellow colleagues. Since my arrival in Egypt in 2008 I composed a research teamwork aiming to conduct proactive research on heritage and archaeology of the Fayoum which significantly contributed to the stream of science. Eventually, I was chosen as a reviewer of the topmost journal in the field of tourism 'Tourism Management'. Furthermore, I am extremely proud of what I have achieved on a university level as a head of the International office till 2011; and as the coordinator of the international training ‘the Development of Ecotourism in Middle East Countries (DEMEC)’ funded by JICA Egypt. I also contributed to the development of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels through a successful fund-hunting to ‘Establishing Web Site for Ecotourism in the Fayoum Using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Applications", a project funded by USAID in 2004-2005. Since 2005, I used to be an ecotourism consultant and marketing expert in various projects. In 2011, I published my first international book entitled: 'Enhancing the Competitiveness of Ecotourism Destinations: The Fayoum Region in Egypt'. I was also the key person in establishing the faculty museum. I am also a certified ‘Professional Trainer from the National Center for Faculty and Leadership Development (NCFLD) since 2012. I am fond of traveling abroad to exchange knowledge and experience; therefore I have been to Britain, Saudi Arabia, USA, Japan, Morocco, Spain, Austria, Portugal, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Jordan, Turkey and France for different scientific purposes including: international conferences, seminars, meetings, trainings, visiting academic, and tourism.
16 Sep 2014 - 15 March 2015 : Academic Visitor at Cardiff School of Management – CardiffMet University – Cardiff – UK.
17 Feb. 2013 - present : Treasurer at the Executive Board of Fayoum University Academic Staff Club. .
Nov. 2012 - present : Fayoum Local Manager of Enterprise Training Partnerships (ETP – TVET) - Web: http://www.tvet.org/etps.html.
25 June 2012 - present : Consultant of EcoEgy 'online ecotourism company specialized in marketing ecotourism and sustainable types of tourism activities' – Web: http://www.ecoegy.com/
6 April 2012 - present : Coordinator in the Fayoum Civilization & Heritage Center – Fayoum University.
Feb 2011 – July 2012 : Vice Executive Manager of High Quality and Accreditation Unit, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels – Fayoum University.
Sep. 2010 – May 2012 : Head of International Office – Fayoum University.
Sep. 2010 – present : Head of Learning Museum – Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University.
16 March 2010 – 15 March 2011 : Consultant of Fayoum Governorate for Tourism Development – Decree number 2007, year 2010 .
15 Sep. 2008 - present : Member of the Higher Committee of Tourism – Fayoum Governorate. .
10 July 2008 - present : Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Community Association for Research and Development (CARD).
Research (Research Vision)
Tourism guidance is a multidisciplinary field which is fed by a large number of disciplines including: interpretation, history, archaeology, geography, geology, environment, sociology, management, and marketing. Tour guides would be responsible for explaining every cultural and natural heritage resource in the country to tourists; therefore, research in tourism guidance has to cover related issues to achieve a positive impact on the industry and help preserve our heritage while past and present local traditions and customs of local communities are concerned. Moreover, as an academic staff member of the faculty of Tourism and Hotels in the Fayoum University, major research effort is directed to serve the Fayoum Governorate.
Major Fields of Research
Interpretation and presentation of cultural heritage sites (CHSs).
Egyptology (ancient Egyptian history, language, monuments, religion, art, museums, etc).
Tangible and intangible heritage of Egypt.
Management of local, regional and international cultural and natural heritage sites.
Tourism resources in Egypt including archaeological sites, culture, handicrafts, geology, paleontology, flora, and fauna and their relation to tourism development.
Sustainable Tourism Development and Ecotourism.
Planning, marketing and developing tourism destinations.
The Fayoum Governorate related fields – interdisciplinary research approach.
Invited Reviewer
2012-now : Tourism Management Journal (2).
Peer Reviewed Published Papers
Osama Ibrahim and Mohamed Abd ElAl (2009) The Management of Heritage Tourism Resources in Alexandria: A Study to Revitalize Cultural Heritage of Greco- Roman Period, Journal of Association of Arab Universities for Tourism and Hospitality (JAAUTH), vol.6, No.1, June 2009, 105-120.
Hoda Latief and Osama Ibrahim (2010) Tourism Marketing of the Fayoum: A Survey to Evaluate the Perception of Egyptian Tour Operators to the Status of Ecotourism in the Governorate, Journal of Tourism Research, January 2010, Egyptian Ministry of Tourism, 26-41.
Osama Ibrahim and Mohamed Yehia (2011) Towards Setting Up a Strategy to Develop Road Shows as a Promotional Means for Egyptian Tourism, Journal of Tourism Research, Egyptian Ministry of Tourism, December 2011, 127-165.
Abd ElRehim Abd ElMohsen, Osama Ibrahim , and Wazir Abd ElWahab (2012) Architectural Characteristics of Western Thebes Nobles' Tombs in the 19th Dynasty, Journal of Faculty of Tourism & Hotels-Fayoum University , vol.6, No.1, March 2012, 115-166.
Osama Ibrahim and Mohamed Yehia (2012) Activating the Egyptian Outbound Tourism through Social Media, Journal of Tourism Research, December 2012, Egyptian Ministry of Tourism, 61-91.
Dalia Zaki and Osama Ibrahim (2010) Local Community Perception of World Heritage Listing of Wadi Al Hitan in Fayoum, Egypt, Journal of Faculty of Tourism & Hotels-Fayoum University , vol. 5, No.2, September 2010, 32-53.
Ghada Mohamed Wafik, Nancy Mohamed Fawzy and Osama Ibrahim (2011) Official Awareness of Tourism Carrying Capacity Dimensions in The Fayoum Destination's Natural Heritage Sites (Case of The Valley of Whales). International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Systems, vol. 4, No.1, June 2011, 91-115.
Taher Abd ElHamid, Osama Ibrahim , and Abd ElHalim Nur ElDin (2012) Pre-battle Scenes in Egyptian New Kingdom Temples, Journal of Faculty of Tourism & Hotels- Fayoum University, vol. 6, No.1, March 2012, 143-176.
Ibrahim Abd El-Sattar and Osama Ibrahim (2013) Names Allocated to the Fayoum Region in Ancient Egypt, Abgadyat, vol. 8, 2013.
Ibrahim Abd El-Sattar and Osama Ibrahim (2013) Philological Development of 'Sdj.t', the Fayoum Ancient Capital, Abgadyat, vol. 8, 2013.
Osama Ibrahim and Sally Khalil (2013) Inclusive Management Aspects of Saqqara Heritage Site in Egypt, Journal of Association of Arab Universities for Tourism and Hospitality (JAAUTH), vol.9, No.1, Special Edition of Conference: Future Vision for Arab Tourism, 13-15 November 2012.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Osama Ibrahim and Ibrahim Abd El-Sattar (2011) Major Historical, Archaeological, and Religious Features of Fayoum Region during the Old Kingdom, in: Pirelli, R. (ed.), Natural and Cultural Landscapes in the Fayoum, Proceedings of the International Colloquium 31st October – 2nd November 2010, UNESCO – Cairo, 139-151.
Osama Ibrahim and Eleri Jones (2011) Enhancing the Competitiveness of Ecotourism Destinations: The Fayoum Region in Egypt. October 10, 2011, ISBN-10: 3846505676, ISBN-13: 978-3846505670, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
http://www.amazon.com/Enhancing-Competitiveness-Ecotourism- Destinations-Fayoum/dp/3846505676
Theses Supervised
Taher Hasan Mohamed, PhD Thesis entitled: 'The Battles Scenes in Egyptian Temples during the New Kingdom'. Supervision Committee: Prof. Abd ElHalim Nur ElDin – Dr. Osama Ibrahim. (Graduated in 2013)
Emad Mahrous Ghaly, PhD Thesis entitled: 'The Scenes of the Private Tombs of the Post-Amarna Period at Thebes and Memphis, A Comparative Study'. Supervision Committee: Prof. Abd ElHalim Nur ElDin – Prof. Willeke Wendrich – Dr. Osama Ibrahim. (Expected graduation in 2016).
Mohamed Moustafa Amin, PhD Thesis entitled: 'The Concept of Putrefaction and its Role in Ancient Egyptian Religion'. Supervision Committee: Prof. Abd ElHalim Nur ElDin – Dr. Osama Ibrahim – Dr. Ibrahim Abd ElSattar. (Expected graduation in 2016).
Ashraf El-Sayed Abd El-Naby ALhaddad, MSc Thesis entitled 'Utilizing Cultural Heritage Resources for Developing Ecotourism in Siwa Oasis'. Supervision Committee: Prof. Hoda Lotaif – Dr. Osama Ibrahim. (Expected graduation in 2015).
Nourhan Salah El-Din Mohamed, MSc. Thesis entitled 'ntrw in Pyramid Texts'. Supervision Committee: Dr. Rasha Omran – Dr. Osama Ibrahim – Dr. Waleed ElHady. (Expected graduation in 2017).
Abd ElRehim Abd ElMohsen, PhD. Thesis entitled: 'The Artistic and Architectureal Characteristics of Western Thebes Nobles' Tombs in the Ramesside Period'. Supervision Committee: Dr. Wazir Abd ElWahab – Dr. Osama Ibrahim. (Graduated in 2013).
Kamel Abd ElGhany, MSc. Thesis entitled: 'Middle Kingdom Constructions and Their Role in the Fayoum Governorate Tourism Marketing (Archaeological and Touristic Study)'. Supervision Committee: Prof. Adel Abd ElAziz – Dr. Osama Ibrahim – Dr. Mohamed Soliman. (Expected graduation in 2014).
Magdy Ragheb, MSc. Thesis entitled: 'The Sanctuary of Edfu Temple (A Cultural- Philological Study)'. Supervision Committee: Prof. Hassan Amer – Dr. Osama Ibrahim (Expected graduation in 2014).
Asmaa Mahmoud, MSc. Thesis entitled: 'The Pig and its Role in Daily Life and Religious Beliefs in Ancient Egypt'. Supervision Committee: Prof. Abd ElHalim Nur ElDin – Dr. Osama Ibrahim – Dr. Enas Bahy ElDin (Expected graduation in 2015).
Ahmed Hendawy, MSc. Thesis entitled: 'Water Sports in Ancient Egypt'. Supervision Committee: Prof. Abd ElHalim Nur ElDin – Dr. Osama Ibrahim – Dr. Enas Bahy ElDin (Expected graduation in 2015).
Seminar Committee Member
24 Feb. 2013 : PhD Thesis. Abd ElRehim Mohamed Abd ElMohsen 'The Artistic and Architectural Characteristics of Western Thebes Nobles' Tombs in the Ramesside Period'. Supervisors: Dr. Wazir Wazir Abd ElWahab – Dr. Osama Ibrahim.
12 July 2012 MSc. Thesis. Evan Edward Boules 'The Statues of Ramessides Kings (Archaeological Analytic Study)' . Supervisors: Prof. Abd ElHalim Nur ElDin – Prof. Eid Abd ElAziz Abd ElMaksoud.
1 July 2012 PhD Thesis. Taher Hasan Mohamed 'The Battles Scenes in Egyptian Temples during the New Kingdom' . Supervisors: Prof. Abd ElHalim Nur ElDin – Dr. Osama Ibrahim.
13 April 2011 MSc. Thesis. Yasser Atia Mohamed 'Amun Cult Centers in Delta', Fayoum University. Supervisors: Prof. Eid Abd ElAziz Abd ElMaksoud – Prof. Sobhy Atia Younis.
11 April 2011 MSc. Thesis. Mohamed Senousy 'Nubia between Napata and Mer?e', Fayoum University. Supervisors: Prof. Ali Omar AbdAllah – Prof. Aisha Abd ElAziz ElTohamy – Dr. Omaima Moustafa ElShal.
11 April 2011 MSc. Thesis. Nora Sabry Abd ElFattah 'Children Scenes on the Walls of Old and Middle Kingdoms' Private Tombs', Fayoum University. Supervisors: Prof. Abd ElHalim Nur ElDin – Prof. Eid Abd ElAziz Abd ElMaksoud – Dr. Omaima Moustafa ElShal.
2011 : PhD. Thesis. Gihan El-Soukary 'Old Kingdom Individuals Cemeteries in Middle and Upper Egypt' (A Comparative Study of the Daily Life Scenes)', Fayoum University. Supervisors: Prof. Abd ElHalim Nur ElDin – Prof. Aadel Farid Tobia – Dr. Omaima Moustafa ElShal.
19 Oct 2010 MSc. Thesis. Emad Mahrous Ghaly 'The Coptic Additions on the Ancient Egyptian Monuments in Qena Governorate From the 1st to the 7th Centuries A.D.', Fayoum University. Supervisors: Prof. Eid Abd ElAziz Abd ElMaksoud – Prof. Abd ElHalim Nur ElDin.
7 July 2014 : Member of Fayoum University Qarun Lake Development Committee – Vice president of Fayoum University for community service and environment development.
21 Dec 2013 : One of the organizers of the second 'Sun Gets into Qasr Qarun Sanctuary' festival under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, Egyptian Tourist Authority, Fayoum Tourist Authority, Supreme Council of Antiquities, and Fayoum Governorate.
21 May 2013 : An External Reviewer to the 'Visual Learning of Cultural Heritage' Project – Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University.
23 Feb 2013 : Member of Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Marketing Committee.
10 Feb 2013 Deputed to teach 'Hieroglyphic Inscriptions' subjects in the Egyptian Higher Institution for Tourism and Hotels in Sheraton.
Sep 2012-Present: A Member of Management Board of 'The Center of Community Service, training, and Free Studies' – Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University.
21 Dec 2012 : One of the organizers of the first 'Sun Gets into Qasr Qarun Sanctuary' festival under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, Egyptian Tourist Authority, Fayoum Tourist Authority, Supreme Council of Antiquities, and Fayoum Governorate.
23-25 Nov 2012: One of the organizers of the Second 'Fayoum Governorate Festival of Handicrafts in Tunis Village' under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, Egyptian Tourist Authority, Fayoum Tourist Authority, and Fayoum Governorate.
7-10 Oct 2012 : Management Meeting of EduCamp (Education for Sustainable Development beyond Campus), a TEMPUS project funded by the European Commission, Limerick, Ireland.
2 Jan 2012 : Head of a committee in Fayoum Governorate to review Fayoum Tourist Authority (FTA) brochures, Pamphlets, booklets, and flyers.
12-18 Dec 2011 : Team Member delegated to Spain to sign an MOU between the Fayoum University and University of Granada and to discuss future collaboration.
9 June 2010 : Official representation of Fayoum governor to sign a Memorandum of Understanding for the establishment of a twinning network in the framework of the actions related to the project GEMM – Governance Empowerment Mediterranean Model – Agadir, Morocco.
July 2009 : Head of a team to construct a database for the Fayoum Governorate Tourism and Related Projects.
15th Sep 2008 – March 2011 : A member of the higher committee “Developing Tourism in the Fayoum Governorate” Led by the Fayoum Governor.
1st Sep 2008 – Feb 2011: Head of “Academic Program Development Committee” in Faculty of Tourism and Hotels Quality and Accreditation Unit.
Coordinator of Tourism Guidance Dept. in Quality and Accreditation Project, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University.
2006 – 2008 : One of the Founders & Vice President of Egyptian Student Union in Cardiff, UK (ESUCardiff) .
2007 – 2008 : Representative of PhD students of Cardiff School of Management, UWIC in the Research Student Committee (RSC) at Cardiff School of Management (UWIC) University level, Cardiff, UK.
Projects Participation and fund hunting
3 Nov 2013 - now : Ecotourism Expert for 'Building Rural Assets with Valuable Opportunities (BRAVO)' project – Funded by Italian Cooperation.
21-22 July 2013 : Member of 'Reviewing Committee' for the accreditation of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Programs, in the framework of (EduCamp) project – Fayoum University – A TEMPUS Project funded by the European Commission.
16-17 April 2013 : Organizing 'Dissemination Activity' event of Education for Sustainable Development Beyond the Campus (EduCamp) project – Fayoum University – A TEMPUS Project funded by the European Commission including visiting a typical Bio-Farm and the Largest waterwheel in Egypt.
1 Feb 2013 : 'Visual Learning of Cultural Heritage' Project – Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University. Funded by the Ministry of Higher Education.
16 Jan 2013 : Participating in EduCamp Monitoring Visit of the European Commission representative in Alexandria University as a representative of Fayoum University project team.
2011-2012 : Ecotourism Expert for 'Sustainable Tourism Development Project in the New Valley Governorate' – Funded by CISS, an Italian NGO.
2011 - Present : EduCamp (Education for Sustainable Development beyond Campus), a TEMPUS project funded by the European Commission. Website: http://www.educamp.eu/
2010 - Present : Successful fund hunting and Coordinating ‘The Development of Ecotourism in Middle East Countries’ International Training program funded by JICA for mid-career officials from official tourism bodies in the Middle East.
May 2009 : A member of “Consultation Committee for work achievements of Ain El-Seleen Handicrafts Center” – have written a development project proposal and got 10 000 000 LE Ten Million Egyptian Pounds from the Ministry of Tourism for the project.
15th June 2008 – August 2009 : In charge of designing, constructing works, and furnishing of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels Learning Museum Project.
2005 - march 2006: Idea creator and developer of a successful project proposal and then coordinator of the Ecotourism Project of the Faculty of Tourism& Hotels, Fayoum Uni. in Egypt entitled "Establishing Web Site for Ecotourism in the Fayoum Using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Applications" Funded by USAID. Web Site: www.ecotourism.edu.eg. The fund was (1000 000 LE – One Million Egyptian Pounds).
May 2004 : Participating as guide and guides’ trainer in the Responsible Tourism Tour Training Program organized by the CTA, Italian Tourist Company, and COSPE office in Cairo within the framework of the Dutch project to initiate ecotourism in the Fayoum governorate.
2002-3 : Training within the framework of the “Preparatory Phase for Ecotourism in Fayoum Project” then a volunteer in the project as a Tour Guide to the Fayoum Basin supervised by North South Consultant Exchange (NSCE) Company and funded by the Dutch Embassy in Cairo, Egypt.
Marketing Plans and Tourism Packages' Development
BRAVO Project –Italian Cooperation :
Tasks :

- Route Development.
- Destination Audit.
- Eco-package development.
- Marketing Plan Development.
- Marketing plan implementation.
- Building the Fayoum Brand.
Tasks :

- Train participants from the Middle East on marketing and competitiveness of heritage sites.
- Train participants from the Middle East on eco-package design.
- Train participants from the Middle East on building the Fayoum Brand.
CISS Project :
Tasks :

- Design Varied tourism packages to the New Valley governorate including Farafra, Dakhla, and Kharga Oases.
Tasks :

- Design tourism packages to the Fayoum and Beni Suef governorates.
Conference Organization and Participation – Workshops – International Lectures
2-8 June 2014 : Participation in the international conference entitled: '3rd Interdisciplinary Tourism Research Conference – Istanbul, Turkey. 1st Research paper entitled: The Interpretation and Presentation of Giza Cultural Heritage Site in Egypt. 2nd Research paper entitled: Destination Branding: Internal Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Alexandria as a Tourist Destination.
29-31 May 2014 : Participation in the 'Fayoum Heritage: The Icon of Egyptian Civilization through Ages' – Deir Al-Azab – Fayoum.
28-30March 2014 : Organizing and participating in the Eighth International Conference of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels Tourism Industry between Present Challenges and Future Hopes – Fayoum University.
23 April 2014 : Organizing and participating the 'Annual Scientific Conference of Tourism Guidance Department: Academic Program Development of Tourism Guidance' Faculty of Tourism and Hotels – Fayoum University.
12-13 March 2014 Four Lectures in the framework of ISSEMM Project - Management, Maintenance and Permanent opening Medinet Madi Archaeological Park - Archaeology, Conservation, Environment and Management Training Program. They are entitled: - Marketing and Branding Heritage Destinations.
- The Interpretation of Heritage Sites.
- Ecotourism and Archaeological Sites.
- Ecotourism Development of Heritage Destinations.
24 Dec 2013 : Lecture entitled: 'Ecotourism: Does it Worth or it is just a Dirty Business' Archeology Committee – Ministry of Culture.
18 Dec 2013 : Organizing and participating the 'Annual Scientific Conference of Tourism Guidance Department: Tourism Guidance between Theory and Practice' Faculty of Tourism and Hotels – Fayoum University.
24-26 Nov 2013 : Participation in the 'Cultural Heritage: Current Challenges and Future Prospects' – Research paper entitled: The Interpretation and Presentation of Giza Cultural Heritage Site in Egypt – Faculty of Arts - Minia University.
20 Sep 2013 : Lecture entitled: 'Shedet, Capital of the Fayoum, the Land of Papyri' – in the framework of the 7th Course of Papyrus Restoration organized by the Centro di Studi Papirologici of Università del Salento – Lecce, Italy.
16-18 March 2013 : Organizing and participating in the 'Seventh International Conference: Tourism Industry between Present Challenges and Future Hopes' – Research paper entitled: Developing the Competitiveness of Hawara Cultural heritage Site in the Fayoum through Heritage Tourism – Faculty of Tourism and Hotels – Fayoum University.
6 Dec 2012 : Workshop in Tourism Guidance Syndicate to discuss Tourism Guidance Department Research Plan.
13-15 Nov 2012 : Participation in the 'Third International Conference: Future Vision for the Development of Arab Tourism' – Research paper entitled: Inclusive Management Aspects of Sakkara Heritage Site in Egypt – Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
16-18 October 2012 : Participation in the 5th International Forum of the Calligraphy, Writing and Inscriptions in the World throughout the Ages “Writings and Inscriptions in the Cites and Deserts of North Africa” – Research paper entitled: Names Allocated to the Fayoum Region in Ancient Egypt - Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
6-7 June 2012 : Participation in: World Environment Day – Ecotourism Conference – Presentation Entitled: 'The Competitiveness of Ecotourism in the Fayoum' – League of Arab States – The Arab Union of Youth and Environment – Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) – Cairo University – Fayoum Governorate, held in Panorama Shakshouk Resort by Qarun Lake.
31 March 2012 : Organizing A conference to announce 'Arab-African Bridge Agreement' – League of Arab States – Tahrir Square.
28-29 March 2012 : Organizing and participating in the 'Sixth International Conference: Tourism in Egypt and Arab Countries in the light of Global changes' 1st Research paper entitled: Pre-battle Scenes in Egyptian New Kingdom Temples – 2nd Research paper entitled: Architectural Characteristics of Western Thebes Nobles' Tombs in the 19th Dynasty – Faculty of Tourism and Hotels – Fayoum University.
31 Oct – 2 Nov 2010 : Organizing and Participating in the 'International Colloquium on the Fayum: Natural and Cultural Landscapes in Fayum' Safeguard and Management of Archaeological Sites and Natural Environments – Research paper entitled: Major Historical, Archaeological, and Religious Features of Fayoum Region during the Old Kingdom .
1-2 April 2010 : Participation in the First International Conference of Alexandria 'Marketing Alexandria: From a Tourist Attraction to International Destination' Under the Framework of the Celebration of Alexandria as the Capital of Arab Tourism 2010 – Research paper entitled: Revealing the Effects of Internal Branding on Tourism Destination Stakeholders – Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
3-5 March 2010 : Organizing and participating in the 'Fifth International Conference: Mutual Impact between Tourism and the Host Community' held in Luxor. Research paper entitled: Local Community Perception of World Heritage Listing of Wadi Al Hitan in Fayoum, Egypt, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels – Fayoum University.
6-7 April 2009 : Participation in El-Soyouf Higher Institute International Conference in Alexandria – Research paper entitled: The Management of Heritage Tourism Resources in Alexandria: A Study to Revitalize Cultural Heritage of Greco-Roman Period – Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
1-2 April 2009 : International Conference on 'Hawara' – Lecture on: Developing Cultural Heritage Tourism Competitiveness (The Case of Hawara Archaeological Site in the Fayoum Destination, Egypt) – Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University.
16th Dec 2008 : Workshop Participation entitled: “Alexandrian Tourism Development”, organized by the Higher Institute of Tourism, Hotels & Computer, and El-Seyouf – Alexandria Governorate.
1st Dec 2008 : Workshop Participation, organized by CISS (International Cooperation South-South) and FTA (Fayoum Tourist Authority) to reinforce “Ecotourism Development Plan for the Fayoum Governorate 2005 – 2015”.
31st August 2008 : Workshop Participation sponsored by the Fayoum Governor and organized by FTA entitled: “Towards a Better Strategy for New Tourism Development Horizons in the Fayoum Destination”.
14 July 2007 : UK National Commission for UNESCO’s Second Annual Conference, Holland House Hotel, Cardiff, Uk.
26 March 2006 : USAID Project final Seminar in the main hall of the Fayoum Uni. Headquarter attended by the head of Fayoum University.
Dec. 2003 : In charge of the organization of Port Said conference 'Tourism Development in Port Said Governorate' sponsored by Port Said Governorate and Egyptian Star Tours company.
Participation of the workshops aiming to change Port Said governorate from a commercial one to a touristic one.
16-18 Oct. 2003 : Organizing the Workshop on Malignant Lymphoma of the Cancer Institute, Cairo Uni. Leading the team of both the Faculty of Tourism & Hotels and Egyptian Star Tours company.
2001 : A team member to Organize The Third International Conference of Culinary Arts and Sciences (ICCAS 01) held in Cairo with successful collaboration between Faculty of Tourism and Hotels Cairo Uni., and University of Wales Institute in Cardiff (UWIC).
1998 – Present : One of the organizers of most conferences undertaken by the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University.
Training (Coordinator – Trainer – Trainee)
28-29 Sep 2014 : SPSS Training – Cardiff Metropolitan Universty (CardiffMet), Cardiff, UK. Trainee.
22 Sep 2014 : Managing Conflict Positively and Dealing with Difficult Conversations – Cardiff Metropolitan Universty (CardiffMet), Cardiff, UK. Trainee .
11 Sep 2014 : Competitive Research Projects - Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
2 Sep 2014 : Effective Communication Skills Program. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
23 August 2014 : Research Team Management Program. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
13 August 2014 : Principles of Quality Management in Teaching Process. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
11 August 2014 : Institutional Evaluation Program. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
10 August 2014 : Archaeological Site Marketing Training. Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University. Trainer.
10 August 2014 : Ethno-archaeology Training. Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University. Trainer.
21 July 2014 : Principles of Quality Management in Teaching Process. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
5 July 2014 : Credit Hour System Program. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
24 June 2014 : TOT Training of Trainers Program – Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
23 March 2014 : Scientific Research Ethics - Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
21 June 2014 : TOT Training of Trainers Program – Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
21 May 2014 : Competitive Research Projects - Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
7 May 2014 : Dealing with Difficult Characters for officials. CIQAP activity – Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University. Trainer.
3 May 2014 : TOT on Education for Sustainable Development - Training Program for academic staff of Fayoum University – ESD Center of Excellence Faculty of Education Fayoum University. Trainer.
30 April 2014 : Modern Techniques in Tourism Guidance for students. CIQAP activity – Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University. Trainer.
5 April 2014 : Sales Program - Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
1 April 2014 : Research Team Management Program . Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
24th March 2014 : Strategic Planning Program . Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
15-18 March 2014 : Evaluation of DEMEC ‘The Development of Ecotourism in Middle East Countries’ International Training program in Jordan.
4 March 2014 : Scientific Research Ethics - Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
25 Feb 2014 : Marketing - Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
10 Feb 2014 : International Scientific Publishing Program. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
8 Jan 2014 : Principles of Quality Management in Teaching Process. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
19 Dec 2013 : Marketing Methods - Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
16 Dec 2013 : Credit Hour System Program . Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
8-9 Dec 2013 : Dealing with Difficult Characters. Community Development Association funded by SFD Fayoum Branch. Trainer.
27 Oct – 21 Nov 2013 : DEMEC 3 ‘The Development of Ecotourism in Middle East Countries’ International Training program funded by JICA for mid-career officials from official tourism bodies in Middle East. Coordinator and trainer.
23 Oct 2013 : International Scientific Publishing Program. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
5-6 Oct 2013 : Curriculum Maps Program - National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education NAQAAE. Trainee.
14 Sep 2013 : Credit Hour System Program. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer .
1-5 Sep 2013 : Education for Sustainable Development - Training Program for school teachers – ESD Center of Excellence Faculty of Education Fayoum University. Trainer.
20 July 2013 : Principles of Quality Management in Teaching Process. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
3 July 2013 : Research Team Management Program. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
24 June 2013 : Credit Hour System Program. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
4 June 2013 : International Scientific Publishing Program . Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer .
18-20 May 2013 : TOT Training on International Scientific Publishing – National Center Of Faculty Leadership and Development (NCFLD) in the framework of Modern Training Material Matrix. Trainee.
29 April – 10 May 2013 : 2nd ETP-TVET 'Food and Beverage Skill Development' Training for Employment Program – The American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA) – under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism and Egyptian Tourism Federation. Coordinator.
27 April – 1 May 2013 : Implementation Training of Education for Sustainable Development Beyond the Campus (EduCamp) – Alexandria University – A TEMPUS Project funded by the European Commission. Trainee.
14-15 April 2013 : Cultural Relationships Program. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
9 April 2013 : Organizational Communication Program. Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDC). Trainer.
7 April 2013 : Innovative Thinking Skills Program . Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDC). Trainer .
24 March – 2 April 2013 : Supplementary TOT Training Program (Supp21) – National Center Of Faculty Leadership and Development (NCFLD) – Ain Shams University. Trainee .
3-9 March 2013 : TOT Training on Energy – Education for Sustainable Development Beyond the Campus (EduCamp), A TEMPUS Project funded by the European Commission – Torres Vedras, Ireland. Trainee.
26 Feb 2013 : Ecotourism and Ecoguide Training Program. CIQAP activity – Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University. Trainer .
27 Jan – 5 Feb 2013 : 1st ETP-TVET 'Food and Beverage Skill Development' Training for Employment Program – The American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA) – under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism and Egyptian Tourism Federation. Coordinator.
20-24 Jan 2013 : TOT Training on Water – Education for Sustainable Development Beyond the Campus (EduCamp), A TEMPUS Project funded by the European Commission – Aachen, Germany. Trainee.
23-31 Dec 2012 : TOT on 'KITCHEN' Training for hotel Secondary School teachers in 'Fayoum Advanced Hotel School'– The American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA) – under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism and Egyptian Tourism Federation. Coordinator.
13-22 Dec 2012 : TOT on 'HOUSE KEEPING' Training for hotel Secondary School teachers in 'Fayoum Advanced Hotel School'– The American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA) – under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism and Egyptian Tourism Federation. Coordinator.
26 Nov – 4 Dec 2012 : TOT on 'FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICE' Training for hotel Secondary School teachers in 'Fayoum Advanced Hotel School'– The American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA) – under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism and Egyptian Tourism Federation. Coordinator.
4-29 Nov 2012 : DEMEC 2 ‘The Development of Ecotourism in Middle East Countries’ International Training program funded by JICA for mid-career officials from official tourism bodies in Middle East. Coordinator and trainer.
22-24 Sep 2012 : International Scientific Publishing Program. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
18-20 Sep 2012 : Effective Presentation Skills Program. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
11-13 August 2012 : Using Technology in Teaching Program. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
26 June 2012 : Marketing and Branding Heritage Destinations. In the Framework of ‘Enhancing the Value of Saqqara Project (EQI / AFD)’. For the Management of Saqqara Heritage Site. Trainer.
14 June 2012 : The Evaluation of Tourism Services Quality in Heritage Destinations. In the Framework of ‘Enhancing the Value of Saqqara Project (EQI / AFD)’. For the Management of Saqqara Heritage Site. Trainer.
11-13 June 2012 : International Scientific Publishing Program. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainer.
26 May – 2 June 2012: TOT Training on Biodiversity – Education for Sustainable Development Beyond the Campus (EduCamp), A TEMPUS Project funded by the European Commission – Torres Vedras, Portugal. Trainee.
21-26 April 2012 : Preparatory TOT Training Program (Prep 54) – National Center Of Faculty Leadership and Development (NCFLD) – Dar ElTahrir Organization. Trainee.
19 April 2012 : The Interpretation of Heritage Sites. In the Framework of ‘Enhancing the Value of Saqqara Project (EQI / AFD)’. For the Management of Saqqara Heritage Site. Trainer.
17-25 March 2012 : TOT Training on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) – Education for Sustainable Development Beyond the Campus (EduCamp), A TEMPUS Project funded by the European Commission – Graz, Austria. Trainee.
7 March 2012 : International Publishing Training Program. DAAD Akademie. DAAD Office in Zamalek. Trainee.
8 Feb 2012 : Proposal Writing Social Sciences Training Program. DAAD Akademie. DAAD Office in Zamalek. Trainee.
27-29 Dec 2011 : The Management of Quality Assurance and Accreditation Units . Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainee .
14 Nov – 7 December 2011 : DEMEC 1 ‘The Development of Ecotourism in Middle East Countries’ International Training program funded by JICA for mid-career officials from official tourism bodies in Middle East. Coordinator and trainer
9-13 Oct 2011 : Preparatory TOT Training Program – Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC) – Fayoum University. Trainee .
23 May 2011 : Training Workshop on 'Qustions' Bank Preparation' – Faculty of Education – Fayoum University. Trainee .
30 March – 2 April 2011 : ‘Professional Tourism Guidance Skills’ for Tour Guides from Fayoum and New Valley Governorates – Funded by CISS, an Italian NGO, in the framework of Sustainable Tourism Development Project in the New Valley Governorate. Coordinator and Trainer.
24 March – 27 March 2011 : ‘Sustainable Tourism Development in Fayoum and New Valley Governorates’ for Tourism Authority Managers and Officials – Funded by CISS, an Italian NGO , in the framework of Sustainable Tourism Development Project in the New Valley Governorate. Coordinator and Trainer.
11-15 March 2011 : ‘Enhancing Handicrafts Quality and Competitiveness in Fayoum and New Valley Governorates’ for handicrafts men and women from both governorates – Funded by CISS, an Italian NGO, in the framework of Sustainable Tourism Development Project in the New Valley Governorate. Coordinator.
10 Oct – 6 Nov 2010 : JICA Training and Dialogue Programs: Tourism Development for the Middle East Region, in Osaka, Japan, funded by JICA. Trainee.
12-23 July 2010 : USA International Visitor Leadership Program on "Tourism Development" in the United States of America .Funded by the U.S. Department of States, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Trainee.
06 – 10 Dec 2009 : Professional Training Program on the External Reviewing for Higher Education Organizations, National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education NAQAAE. Trainee.
16-18 Nov. 2009 : Participation in the introductory seminar on the content and process of instruction for teaching entrepreneurship fundamentals with focus on: Feasibility analysis and creating a practical business plan. Trainee .
08 -12 Nov 2009 : Professional Training Program on the Institutional Self-Evaluation for Higher Education Organizations, National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education NAQAAE. Trainee.
22-26 March 2009 : Professional Training Program on the External Reviewing for Higher Education Organizations, National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education NAQAAE. Trainee.
26th – 27th August 2008 : Strategic Planning Program. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainee.
24th – 25th August 2008 : Teaching Using Modern Technology Program. Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC). Trainee.
July 2008 : Train Fayoum Tourism Authority officials on Ecotourism and sustainable development – Setting up mission, vision, and objectives – institutional structure – and job description. Trainer.
17th- 24th June 2008 : TOT Training Course (GPA 4.51), Community Service and Environment Development Centre, Fayoum University. Trainee.
10th – 12th May 2008 : Scientific Publishing Program. Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP). Trainee.
3rd - 5th May 2008 : Conference Organization Program. Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP). Trainee.
29th April – 3rd May 2008 : Research Team Management Program. Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP). Trainee.
22nd – 24th April 2008 : Effective Presentation Skills Program. Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP). Trainee.
19th – 21st April 2008 : Examination System and Student Evaluation Program. Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP). Trainee.
15th – 17th April 2008 : Research Ethics Program. Faculty and Leadership Development Project (FLDP). Trainee.
25th – 26th Feb 2008 : Research Supervisor Workshop, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff (UWIC), Llandaff Campus, UK. Trainee.
2nd - 4th May 2007 : Personal Skills Development Course, UK GRAD Programme and the University of the West of England. Research, Business & Innovation, Buckland Hall, Brecon. Trainee.
2nd - 5th April 2007 : Skills Week 2007 Programme. University of Wales Institute Cardiff (UWIC), UK. Trainee.
27 February 2007 : Course Genie Workshop. University of Wales Institute Cardiff (UWIC). Trainee.
14 Feb 2007 : How to present yourself irresistibly workshop. University of Wales Institute, Cardiff (UWIC), UK. Trainee.
31 Jan 2007 : Report writing workshop University of Wales Institute, Cardiff (UWIC), UK. Trainee.
12 Dec 2006 : Blackboard Basics, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff (UWIC), UK. Learning and Teaching Support Unit. Trainee.
27 July – 3 August 2006 : Intensive Course on Strategic Planning, given by the Chairman of the House of Experience in Qatar Dr. Jassem Sultan. Trainee.
06-25 Sep. 2003 : Training Course Number (92) for "Preparing University Lecturer", University Teacher Preparation Unit, Educational Studies and Research Institute, Cairo University. Trainee.
Community Service and Environment Development
1 August 2014 :Guiding ‘Sonaa ElHayat’ Association to Fayoum Region.
July 2010 - Present : A member of Slow Food International Association in Italy – Terra Madre – Fayoum Convivium. Website: http://www.slowfood.com/
14 June 2010 : Tourism and Environment Conservation enlightenment Campaign in Shakshouk Village. Several lectures and meetings with mosques sheikhs, rural women, and children.
21 April 2010 : Participation in "Pharaonic Civilization Festival" in Fadl Modern Schools. Presenting a lecture entitled: "Abu Simbel Temple" to the preparatory pupils..
9-11 March 2010 :Participation in a colloquium entitled: Creative Crafts and its Influence on Economical Development, UNESCO - Cairo Office.
January 2010 - Present : Member of 'Fayoum Agri-Organic Development Association FAODA', Website: http://www.faoda.org/indexen.html
17 – 22 July 2009 : Head of Fayoum team (students from different faculties in Fayoum University) in El-Arish Camp of the Institution of Leadership Preparation, Ministry of Higher Education.
10th July 2008 - Present : The chairman of “Community Association for Research and Development (CARD)”, Baghous, Fayoum, Egypt.
2001 - 2004 : Volunteer in the preparatory phase for ecotourism in Fayoum project that aimed at developing responsible nature and culture.
07-14 August 1997 : Volunteer to Lead a group of youth to implement a project of: Planting Trees in Bulack District, West Cairo Area, Cairo Governorate.
29 August 2013 : Inauguration of 'Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Center of Excellence' in the Faculty of Education, Fayoum University – Presentation on the EduCamp Project and the center itself.
1 Feb 2013 : Visual Learning of Cultural Heritage' Prize – Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University. Funded by the Ministry of Higher Education.
Nov. 2012 : Honorary Shield Dedicated by the Petra Development & Tourism Region Authority - Jordan
2012 : Third Place in the Research competition organized by the Ministry of Tourism For research entitled: ' Activating the Egyptian Outbound Tourism through Social Media'.
7 Sep 2011 : First Place in the competition 'Using Social Media for Marketing Tourism in Egypt' organized by the Egyptian Tourist Authority (ETA) and the Ministry of Tourism .
2011 : Third Place in the Research competition organized by the Ministry of Tourism For research entitled: 'Towards Setting Up a Strategy to Develop Road Shows as a Promotional Means for Egyptian Tourism'.
2010 : Third Place in the Research competition organized by the Ministry of Tourism For research entitled: 'Tourism Marketing of the Fayoum: A Survey to Evaluate the Perception of Egyptian Tour Operators to the Status of Ecotourism in the Governorate'.
2009 : The Best Tourism Guidance Department in Egypt in 2009 from Egyptian General Tourist Guides Syndicate.
2 April 2009 : The Ideal Lecturer of Tourism and Hotels Faculty from Cairo University Academic Staff club in Cairo.
3rd April 2007 : Cardiff School of Management Poster Event, Cardiff School of Management, UWIC, UK.
Presented Poster entitle: Developing Fayoum As an Ecotourism Destination . The Poster has been chosen to be exhibited permanently in Cardiff School of Management PhD Research Room, Cardiff, UK.
30 July 2005 : One of the teamwork who organized the "First Graduation and Job Fair Festival for graduates from 1998 to 2004" of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Cairo Uni., Fayoum Branch
6 May 1999 : Certificate of Honor from Supreme Council of Youth, Youth and Sport Administration, West Cairo District, Cairo Governorate on: Students Communication Activities.
12 March 1998 : Second Place in General Information Competition, Cairo University within the framework of the 5th Cultural Festival for Heritage.
05-11 Sep. 1997 : Certificate of Honor from Supreme Council of Youth, Youth and Sport Administration, General Administration of Camps, North Sinai Governorate for effective participation in Rommana Camp.
06-09 July 1997 : Certificate of Honor from the Supreme Council of Youth and Sport for the participation in the 2nd Intellectual Convention of Egyptian Youth entitled: Egypt Converses with its Youth.
25 June 2013 : Rosa Al Youssef Newspaper, Issue No. 2459 Tuesday – 25 June 2013, Article entitled: Qaret Gohanam in the Fayoum Complains Carelessness Hell, Page 6.
10 August 2012 : Invitation on Sohor' Al Jazeera Mubasher Misr - TV Talk Show Program on Tourism Obstacles in the Fayoum.
June 2012 : AmCham Egypt's Industry Insight Magazine June 2012: Diversifying Tourism. Article Title: 'Eco-Adventure: Exploring the Potential of Green Tourism', pp. 5-12.
14 May 2010 : Hona ElQahira' TV Talk Show Program with the Fayoum Governor.
22 April 2010 : ElBait Baitak' TV Talk Show Program with Mahmoud Saad from Shakshouk Village by Qaun Lake in Fayoum.
27 March 2010 : Upper Egypt Radio Program 'The Fayoum' for one hour.
7 Sep 2009 : Nile Culture Channel' TV Program with the Fayoum governor to market the Fayoum as a tourist destination.
Skills Profile
Team Working :
- Teamwork involving good listening skills, encouragement and negotiation was an essential part of every group work exercise conducted at university to ensure a successful result.
Leadership :
- Leadership qualities have been shown through numerous group activities throughout my university career where I adopt a dominant but yet supportive and positive role. Also shown through coordinating the USAID project successfully.
- Leading the Egyptian Student Union in Cardiff as the vice president and general secretary of the union is a clear example of leadership capabilities.
Problem solving :
- Problem solving has been dominant throughout my education. It was an essential skill in a number of modules such as academic research and public relations.
Communication Skills :
- Possessing excellent interpersonal and communication skills through training and working in the field of tourism with many tourist companies in Egypt, Egyptian Ministry of Tourism, Faculties and institutions of tourism in Egypt and some other organizations and companies which are working in the field of marketing Ecotourism worldwide such as NSCE (North South Consultants Exchange in Egypt), COSPE in Egypt, and CTA (Responsible Travel company in Italy).
IT Knowledge :
- September 2005: Obtaining the International Computer Driving License (ICDL) issued by the UNESCO Cairo Office.
Languages :
- Arabic: mother tongue.
- English: Fluent.
- German: Good understanding.
I consider myself an active person who enjoys a wide range of sports such as hiking & safari trips, playing basket ball and table tennis. I have been a keen chess player for many years and frequently compete in university tournaments. However, travel and introducing different cultures across the globe is my major interest.
Countries Visited
Britain 2006-2008 & 2014 (Cardiff – London – Nottingham – Swansea – Pembroke shire, North Wales)
Saudi Arabia 'Haj' (2007 & 2008)
USA (2010) (Washington DC – Nevada – California - Florida)
Japan (2010) (Osaka – Tokyo – Kyoto)
Morocco (2010) (Casablanca - Agadir)
Spain (2011) (Madrid – Granada – Cordoba)
Austria (2012) (Geneva - Graz)
Portugal (2012) (Lisbon – Torres Vedras)
Ireland (2012 & 2013) (Dublin - Limerick)
Germany (2013) (Aachen - Cologne)
Belgium (2013) (Brussels)
Netherlands (2013) (Amsterdam)
Italy (2013) (Rome – Vatican – Lecce)
Jordan (2014)
France (2014)
List of Publications

Local Community Perception of World Heritage Listing of Wadi Al Hitan in Fayoum

Inclusive Management Aspects of Sakkara Heritage Site in Egypt

The Interpretation and Presentation of Giza Cultural Heritage Site in Egypt

References Available on Request.