Faculty of Tourism

Mr. Mohamed Nour Mohamed Ali

Contact Information
Phone number : 084 6352181
Fax number : 084 6356631
E-mail Address : mnb11@fayoum.edu.eg
Office : Tourism and Hotels Building - 5th floor - Room No 507.
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Tourism & Hotels - Tourism Studies Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc .: Tourist Guidance - Fayoum University - 2012 .
M.Sc.: Tourist Guidance - Fayoum University - 2016 .
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: from 2013 to 2016
Assistant Lecturer: from 2016 Until Now
Shiite Significances on Islamic Architecture and Applied Arts in Cairo
The Role of ‘Sense of Place’ in Cultural Heritage Conservation: The Case of Historic Cairo, Egypt
Puplication List
El Barbary, Mohamed N. (October 2016), Shiite Connotations on Islamic Architecture and Applied Arts in Cairo, MSc Thesis, Fayoum University.
El-Barbary,Mohamed N., Al Tohamy, A., and Ali,Ehab Y. (March 2016), Shiite Connotations on Islamic Architecture in Cairo in the Fatimid Era (358-567 A.H/ 969-1171 A.D), in International Journal of Heritage, Tourism, and Hospitality, Fayoum Univ., Vol. (10), No(1/2), Pp.270-299.
El-Barbary, Mohamed N., Al Tohamy, A., and Ali, Ehab Y. (sep. 2017), Shiite Connotations on Islamic Artifacts from the Fatimid period (358-567 A.H/ 969-1171 A.D) Preserved in the Museum of Islamic Art in Cairo. International Journal of Heritage, Tourism, and Hospitality, [S.l.], Vol. (11), No (3/2), Pp. 121-137.
Abou-Shouk MA, Zoair N, El-Barbary MN, Hewedi MM. Sense of place relationship with tourist satisfaction and intentional revisit: Evidence from Egypt. International Journal Tourism Research, Wiley, 2017, Pp. 1–10.
Research Interests
Islamic Architecture
Islamic History
Communication skills
High Communication skills: gained through working as a Demonstrator and tour guide, dealing with different cultures and ages.
Quality Management: I work on enhancing the quality of high education at thefaculty of tourism and hotels, Fayoum University.
Team work: I have a good experience working in groups, under pressure, being Creative, teaching others and being helpful.
I have the Ability to meet deadlines successfully and maintaining the quality of work and fast enough to learn new ideas and sciences.
Organisational & Managerial skills
Leadership: I have graduated from the presidential leadership program and led many groups of different cultures in tours as well as I am a founder and leader of tourism awareness team in my work.
Organisational: I have participated in organizing many conferences such as:6 Academic conferences held by my Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, the first national youth conference held in Sharm El Sheikh, October 2016, the 1stworld youth forum held in Sharm El Sheikh, November 2017, Africa Investment Conference held in Sharm El Sheikh, December 2017 and the 2ndworld youth forum held in Sharm El Sheikh, November 2018.
Computer skills
Certificate of International Computer Driving License (ICDL), Version 0.4.
Good command of Microsoft Office™ Programs.
Good command of Photoshop CS5.
Other skills
Football player, good swimmer, I love to travel and I have the ability to deal with multinational people from different cultures.
Training Courses
Heritage Management & Conservation.
Business Continuity.
Research Processing (DAAD).
Preparationof Academic Lecturers.
Scientific Publishing.
Effective Presentation Skills.
Credit Hours System.
Meetings & Time Management.
Research Team Management.
Program description & Curriculum maps of highereducation institutes.
Photoshop Cs5.
Academic Conferences
Lecturer at the UNDP Syria (Historical Urban Planning) in Beirut, Sponsored by Tsukuba University, Japan. (12-15 Dec 2018).
“Tunis Village in Fayoum: Opportunities and Challenges of Tourism investment”, the 3rd youth researchers’ conference, 7-8 May 2016, Suez Canal Univ.
“Abbasid and Fatimid encounters and its impact on Eastern trade routes”, the 16th conference of the Egyptian Association of Historical Studies, 26-27 April 2016, Cairo.
“Shiite Connotations on Cairo Islamic Architecture”, the 9th international conference of tourism and hotels, 11-13 February 2016, MarsaAlam.
“Fatimid policy to Spread Shi’ism in Egypt”, the 2nd youth researchers’ conference, 24-25 October 2015, Suez Canal Univ.
“Shiite Connotations on Islamic Artifact Preserved in Museum of Islamic Arts of Cairo”, the 10th international conference of tourism and hotels, 8-11 February, 2017, Sharm El-Sheikh.
Other Conferences
The 1stNational Conference of Youth, Sharm El-Sheikh, Oct. 2016. (Organizer)
The 1st World Youth Forum, Sharm El-Sheikh, Nov. 2017 (RixosSharmHotel Team leader)
The International African Economic Conference, Shram El-Sheikh, Dec. 2017 (Organizer)
The 2nd World Youth Forum, Sharm El-Sheikh, Nov. 2018 (Steigenberger Hotel Team leader)
Honours and Awards
The Prize of Scientific Excellence in International Publishing, Dean of Fayoum University Awards, Dec. 2017.
The Prize of Scientific Excellence in International Publishing, Dean of Fayoum University Awards, Dec. 2018.
The prize of great Historian “Ahmed Attiat- Allah” for the best MSc thesis in Islamic civilization in Egyptian Universities. (2016).
The Prize of “Ideal Student”all over Egyptian universities (2012).
A scholarship of the Arab Council for Training Students of Arab Universities (ACTSAU), Included extensive training program in tourism guidance at Arab Republic of Syria. (21/07/2011 till 14/08/2011).
Volunteer Work
Founder and leader of tourism awareness campaign Called “Follow us to Fayoum” for preparatory and secondary school students in Fayoum governorate.
Volunteer tour guide in Tourism Echo team promoting for tourism in Egypt.
Recording three TV lectures about tourism in Egypt at the Nile Channel of High Education.
Recording a TV Interview at NILE TV channel about my role as an organizer of the 2nd World Youth Forum Nov. 2018 (https://youtu.be/ZUELIDti3HA)
Member at the Egyptian Presidential Leadership Program (Batch 1).
Member at the Egyptian Association of Historical Studies.
Member at Quality Management team of Faculty of Tourism & Hotels, Fayoum University.
Member of Logistics Committee during the 10th international conference of tourism and hotels, 8-11 February 2017, Sharm El-Sheikh.
Certificate of contribution as a Tour Guide in the Training programsFor “Middle east and Africa”on November & December 2018, sponsored by(JICA) and organized by Faculty of Medicine, Fayoum University. (2018)
Certificate of contribution as a Tour Guide in the second Training program “Management of the Health Care Facilities in African Countries” 9-29th Dec. 2017, sponsored by(JICA) and organized by Faculty of Medicine, Fayoum University. (2017).
Certificate of passing the Heritage Management and Conservation extensive training course, organized by the Civilization and Heritage centre at Fayoum University. (2017)
Certificate of attending Business Continuity workshop at Estmimrarya International Academy. (2017).
Certificate of the International English language Testing System (IELTS) with total score (6.5), from the British Council at Cairo.(2017).
Certificate of National security and strategic science from Naser military Academy. Egypt. (2016)
Certificates of contributing as an Instructor & Tour Guide in the 5th & 6th group training programs for Africa sponsored by (JICA) and organized by Faculty of Medicine, Fayoum University. (2014 & 2015)
Certificate of Contributing as Tour Guide in the 4th & 5th Mutual Learning Workshops on Control of Cross Hospital Infection, For Middle East Countries sponsored by (JICA) and organized by Fayoum University.(2014& 2016)
Certificate of contributing as lecturer and Trainer in the Arab Universities’ Students Training Program hosted by Fayoum University. (2014)
Certificate of Ideal Studentall over Faculty of Tourism & Hotels, Fayoum University and all Egyptian Universities.(2012)
Certificates of Accomplishing 4 levels in studying the Russian Language at the Russian Cultural Centre at DOKI, Egypt, 2011.
Certificate of First position all over tourism guidance department students throughout the four years of Bachelor degree. (2011)
Certificate of best football player, during Fayoum University Football League.(2009)