دعوة للمشاركة ببرنامج الكلية الدولية الصيفية

تاريخ البدء:  28فبراير2010
تاريخ الانتهاء:   30أبريل2010



دعوة للمشاركة ببرنامج
الكلية الدولية الصيفية
"فى الموضوعات المتقدمة حول نظم نموذج الخلية "
بالمجلس القومى للبحوث بروما فى الفترة من 6 – 11 يونيو 2010
وذلك للمتخصصين فى إحدى المجالات الآتية: الفيزياء، أو الرياضيات، أو الكيمياء، أو الأحياء، أو الطب


International Summer School in

"Advanced Topics in Cell Model Systems"


You are invited to attend the 3rd edition of the International Summer School

in "Advanced Topics in Cell Model Systems"

to be held in Rome-Italy from 6th -11th June, 2010 at the Tor Vergas a Research Establishment of

the Italian National Research Council.


The aim of this school is to support early pharmaceutical research by training young post-PhD investigators, by promoting the exchange of knowledge, supporting skills and know-how and providing access to various technologies. During the course target groups of approx. 12-15 young post-PhD students

from all over world will brought together.

:Participants must have

    A degree in either: Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology or Medicine

       A basic working knowledge of experimental research


:Preference will be given to

        Ph.D. students and junior scientists under 35

        To those having not more then five years research experience


Applicants are required to apply and submit CV to the School Secretariat

via e-mail to cms3.cnr@gmail.com

and send CC of your e-mail to mkb00@fayoum.edu.eg for confirmation.

For more information, please visit www.cms3.cnr.it

DEADLINE: April 30th, 2010