المؤتمر الدولى لكلية الأعمال والاقتصاد بالجامعة الأمريكية بقبرص

تاريخ البدء:  10يونيو2010
تاريخ الانتهاء:   30يونيو2010


كلية الأعمال والاقتصاد بالجامعة الأمريكية
تنظم مؤتمرها الدولى حول
منطقة الشرق الأوسط وقبرص:
العلاقات الاقتصادية والسياسية - التعاون والتكامل من الماضى وحتى المستقبل
آخر موعد للتقدم 30 يونيو 2010


International Conference
The East Mediterranean and Cyprus: Economic and Political Relations: Cooperation and Integration from Past to Future

Department of Political Science and Public Administration
Department of International Relations

Date: November 2010; Duration: 3 Days

The American University Girne, Faculty of Business and Economics Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Department of International Relations organizes the International Conference on "The East Mediterranean and Cyprus: Economic and Political Relations: Cooperation and Integration from Past to Future".

The Conference highlights the question of whether Cyprus can be an important element or a center of a new economic, political and cultural regionalization in the East Mediterranean. It aims at hosting the debates on the possibilities of new regionalization in which Cyprus can be located, bringing together the scholars and academics related with the region.

Sub-subjects and topics to be considered:
1. Is there any East Mediterranean as a region: History, Today and Future
2. Political Characteristics: Ottoman Period, Colonialization and Post-Colonial Period, Today
3. What has been and what may be the place of Cyprus in the East Mediterranean
4. Possibilities of military, political, economic cooperation or integration among the East Mediterranean countries.
5. Cyprus Question and the region
6. Cyprus and other countries within the region: Comparative Analyses
7. Natural Resources of the region and reciprocal relations: Cyprus, Oil and Water
8. East Mediterranean, Geo-politics, Geo-strategy and Cyprus
9. Cyprus being a part of Europe, Euro-Asia, Middle East or the East Mediterranean
10. Possibilities of Cyprus of being the regional centre
11. Possible regional relations of Cyprus, united or divided
12. Cyprus and Europe

Papers are due to
Dr. Ercan Gündoğan, Chair of the Organisation Committee, Girne American University, at
ercangundogan@gau.edu.tr, ercangndoan@gmail.com
Not later than 30 June 2010.