دعوة للمشاركة ببرنامج تبادل الزيارات العلمية بين مصر وألمانيا

تاريخ البدء:  19سبتمبر2010
تاريخ الانتهاء:   1أكتوبر2010


 دعوة للمشاركة ببرنامج تبادل الزيارات العلمية بين مصر وألمانيا
الممول من

صندوق العلوم و التنمية التكنولوجية والهيئة الألمانية للتبادل العلمى

You are invited to apply for

The German Egyptian Scientific Projects


The German Egyptian Scientific Projects GESP is a new fund that supports the exchange of scientific visits between Egyptian and German research teams
This program is co- financed by the Science and Technology Development Fund in Egypt (STDF) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Germany

Call for application started on the 1st of June 2010

Deadline : 30th of September 2010

For Egyptian Scientists

     The call for application and the online application forms are available the Science and Technology Development Fund website www.stdf.org.eg
     In order to apply for the GESP program you have to register yourself on the above mentioned site
     For further inquires please contact Ms. Heba Afifi heba.afifi@daadcairo.org

For German Scientists

     The call for application and the application forms are available on the DAAD Website under the following link http://www.daad.de/ppp
     For further inquires please contact Mrs. Anke Bahrani Bahrani@daad.de