فرصة لزيارة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والدراسة بها

تاريخ البدء:  17أكتوبر2010
تاريخ الانتهاء:   17نوفمبر2010


السفارة الأمريكية تقدم فرصة
لمعلمى المرحلة الثانوية وطلابها
وطلاب مرحلة البكالوريوس والليسانس والخريجين
والمرأة الرائدة فى مجالها
لزيارة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والدراسة بها والتعرف على مؤسساتها التعليمية

US Embassy in Cairo
to offer opportunities to study in U.S.A

The Embassy of the United States of America intends to offer a range of exchange opportunities and cultural programs aimed at getting Egyptians involved in American life as follows:

I. Undergraduate Exchange Opportunities

The Near East and South Asia Undergraduate Exchange Program

Description: NESA fosters cross-cultural exchange and mutual understanding between young emerging leaders in the Near East/ South Asia and the United States (U.S). Grantees receive scholarships to pursue non-degree undergraduate study in the U.S.
Eligibility: Egyptian students in their first, second, and third year of undergraduate study or final year of secondary school with demonstrated leadership and minimum TOEFL-ITP score of 500.
Duration of Program: One academic year
Contact e-mail: CairoNESA@state.gov
Call for Applications: Winter

Middle East Partnership Initiative Student Leaders Institutes Program

Description: The MEPI Student Leaders Institutes Program provides opportunities for young university leaders from the Middle East and North Africa to participate in a summer intensive leadership training program in the U.S. The course also aims to deepen the participant's understanding of U.S. culture and society.
Eligibility: Egyptian students in their first, second, and third year of undergraduate study with demonstrated leadership and English proficiency.
Duration of Program: Five weeks, summer-intensive
Contact e-mail:CairoMEPI@state.gov
Call for Applications: Winter

Study of the United States Institutes for Student Leaders Program

Description: Hosted by academic institutions throughout the United States, the Student Leader Institutes include an intensive academic component, an educational study tour to other regions of the country, local community service activities, and a unique opportunity to get to know American peers.
Eligibility: Egyptian students in their first, second, and third year of undergraduate study with demonstrated leadership and English proficiency.
Duration of Program: Four to six weeks, summer-intensive
Contact e-mail: CairoSUSIstudents@state.gov
Call for Applications: Winter

Check out the FACEBOOK page: STUDY-USA-EGYPT

II. Teaching Exchange Opportunities

Secondary School Educators Institutes Program for Secondary School Educators

Description: Secondary School Educators Institutes provide secondary educators with a deeper understanding of U.S. society, education, and culture, past and present. The pro¬grams are organized around a central theme or themes in U.S. civilization and have a strong contemporary component.
Eligibility: Highly-motivated, experienced secondary school educators. Ideal candidate can be a secondary teacher, teacher trainer, curriculum developer, textbook writer, or ministry of education official
Duration of Program: 6 weeks
Contact e-mail: CairoSUSI@state.gov
Call for Applications: Winter

2. TEA
Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program

Description: The program brings outstanding secondary teachers to the United States to further develop expertise in their subject areas, enhance their teaching skills, and increase their knowledge about the United States.
Eligibility: Secondary-level, full-time teachers with five or more years of classroom experi¬ence in either English as a Foreign Language, Social Sciences (social studies, civics, history, or geography) or Math and Sciences.
Duration of Program: 6 weeks of professional development including 2-week internship
Contact e-mail: CairoTEA@state.gov
Call for Applications: Spring

International Leaders in Education Program

Description: This program brings outstanding secondary teachers from the Near East, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Africa, and Latin America to the United States for a semester-long to further develop expertise in their subject areas, enhance their teaching skills, and increase their knowledge about the United States.
Eligibility: Secondary-level, full-time teachers with five or more years of classroom experi¬ence in either English as a Foreign Language, Social Sciences (social studies, civics, history, or geography) or Math and Sciences
Duration of Program: Semester-long graduate course including 8 week internship Contact e-mail: CairoILEP@state.gov
Call for Applications: Spring

For more information, please visit: http://cairo.usembassy.gov/

III. FORTUNE/ State Department Global Women's Mentoring Program

FORTUNE Most Powerful Women Summit and the U.S. State Department established the Global Women's Mentoring Partnership in May 2006. This public-private partnership places talented, emerging women leaders from all over the world in mentoring programs with FORTUNE'S Most Powerful Women Leaders.
The program includes a three-day orientation in Washington, DC, where the participants meet with senior women in government, academia and business. The international participants are then paired with one of FORTUNE'S Most Powerful Women Leaders for an approximately three-week mentorship assignment in cities across the United States.
During the three weeks, American and international participants work together in mentoring rela¬tionships to share the skills and experiences necessary for strengthening women's leadership. Each participant will have the opportunity to shadow a senior executive and engage in activities specifi¬cally designed by the company to meet the needs and interests of the participant. The program then concludes with a two-day debriefing in another U.S. city.
Eligibility: Emerging self-motivated women leaders in the business and non-profit sectors between the ages of 28 and 40 with a good command of English. Women, who run their own businesses, work in the middle/middle-upper man¬agement of a non-U.S.-based corporation or non-profit organization, or women who run business associations, foundations or non-governmental organizations.
Duration of program: Spring 2011
Deadline for application: Winter 2011
Contact e-mail: exchangecairo@state.gov