برامج دراسية بالولايات المتحدة الامريكية

تاريخ البدء:  24نوفمبر2010
تاريخ الانتهاء:   1ديسمبر2010


Applications are invited for 2011 SUSI-Students exchange programs for Egyptian undergraduate students (Religious Pluralism; Women's Leadership & Social Entrepreneurship). 


I. The 2011 Study of the United States Institutes for Student Leaders on Religious Pluralism

    The 2011 Study of the United States Institutes for Student Leaders on Religious Pluralism is an intensive 5 weeks academic course starting in early July 2011 for Egyptian undergraduate students. This program will provide groups of undergraduate student leaders with a deeper understanding of the United States, while simultaneously enhancing their leadership skills. The program will consist of a balanced series of seminar discussions, readings, group presentations, and lectures and specifically explore U.S. history, society, and institutions within the context of religious pluralism.

Eligibility Requirements:

Ideal candidates must have a strong interest in religious pluralism, be fluent in English, between 18 and 25 years of age, have completed at least one semester of University and have at least one semester remaining in their university studies and be committed to returning home to complete their degree, demonstrate strong leadership qualities, have a sustained high level of academic achievement, have demonstrated commitment to community and extracurricular university activities, and have had little or no prior study or travel experience in the United States or elsewhere out-side of their home country. The participants are expected to be highly motivated and exemplary undergraduate students from colleges, universities, and other institutions of higher education. While all candidates will have a strong interest in religious pluralism, their fields of study might vary, and can include disciplines such as Anthropology, Government, History, International Affairs, Law, Political Science, Religion, and Sociology.

Applications must be sent via e-mail to: CairoSUSIstudents@state.gov  Subject:: 2011 SUSI for Student Leaders on Religious Pluralism

*Application Form and further information are available at  


Deadline for Applications: December 1, 2010 at 4:30 PM

II. The 2011 Study of the United States Institutes for Student Leaders on Women’s Leadership

   The 2011 Study of the United States Institutes for Student Leaders on Women’s Leadership is an intensive 5 weeks academic course taking place late June and July of 2011 for Egyptian undergraduate students. The Institute on Women's Leadership will consist of a balanced series of seminar discussions, readings, group presentations, and lectures. It will specifically examine the history and participation of women in public life in the United States. The Institute will focus on two major areas: (1) Developing participants’ leadership skills in areas such as critical thinking, communication, decision-making, and managerial abilities; and, (2) Placing these abilities in the context of the history and participation of women in U.S. politics, economics, culture, and society. Educational travel to other parts of the United States, local site visits, and volunteer opportunities will complement the coursework and classroom activities. The Institute will include an academic residency component of approximately four weeks and a domestic travel component of approximately one week that will conclude with a 2-3 day program in Washington, D.C. Successful applicants will be provided with international/ domestic airfare, housing, a living stipend, tuition, books/ incidental allowances, and health insurance.

Eligibility Requirements:

Ideal candidates must have a strong interest in women's leadership, be fluent in English, between 18 and 25 years of age, have completed at least one semester of University and have at least one semester remaining in their university studies and be committed to returning home to complete their degree, demonstrate strong leadership qualities, have a sustained high level of academic achievement, have demonstrated commitment to community and extracurricular university activities, and have had little or no prior study or travel experience in the United States or elsewhere outside of their home country. Participants are expected to be highly motivated and exemplary undergraduate students from, colleges, universities or other institutions of higher education. While all candidates will have a strong interest in women's leadership, their fields of study might vary, and can include disciplines such as Business, Communication, Economics, Government, History, International Relations, Management, Politics, and Sociology.

Applications must be sent via e-mail to: CairoSUSIstudents@state.gov  Subject:: 2011 SUSI for Student Leaders on Women’s Leadership

*Application Form and further information are available at  


Deadline for Applications: December 1, 2010 at 4:30 PM

III. Study of the United States Institutes for Student Leaders on Social Entrepreneurship

   The 2011 Study of the United States Institutes for Student Leaders on Social Entrepreneurship is an intensive 5 weeks academic course taking place late June to July 2011 for Egyptian undergraduate students. The Institute on Social Entrepreneurship will consist of a balanced series of seminar discussions, readings, group presentations, and lectures. The Study of the U.S. Institute on Social Entrepreneurship will provide participants with an overview of how to employ entrepreneurial skills to address social issues. Topics may include microfinance; organizational development and management; grant writing; innovation; emerging markets and risk analysis; strategic business planning; corporate social responsibility; and, women and minorities in entrepreneurship. Educational travel to other parts of the United States, local site visits, and volunteer opportunities will complement the coursework and classroom activities. The Institute will include an academic residency component of approximately four weeks and a domestic travel component of approximately one week that will conclude with a 2-3 day program in Washington, D.C. Successful applicants will be provided with international/ domestic airfare, housing, a living stipend, tuition, books/ incidental allowances, and health insurance coverage.
Eligibility Requirements:

 Ideal candidates must have a strong interest in social entrepreneurship, be fluent in English, between 18 and 25 years of age, have completed at least one semester of University and have at least one semester remaining in their university studies and be committed to returning home to complete their degree, demonstrate strong leadership qualities, have a sustained high level of academic achievement, have demonstrated commitment to community and extracurricular university activities, and have had little or no prior study or travel experience in the United States or elsewhere outside of their home country. The participants are expected to be highly motivated and exemplary undergraduate students from colleges, universities, and other institutions of higher education. While all candidates will have a strong interest in social entrepreneurship, their fields of study might vary, and can include disciplines such as Business, Economics, International Development, Management, Social Work, and Sociology.

-Applications must be sent via e-mail to: CairoSUSIstudents@state.gov  Subject:: 2011 SUSI for Student Leaders on Social Entrepreneurship

*Application Form and further information are available at  


Deadline for Applications: December 1, 2010 at 4:30 PM