Werkman C, Shah NR, Lucas DD, Oyer JL, Megroz M, Moya B, Sayed ARM, Elsayed A, Wright A, Sutaria DS, Tao X, Lang Y, Zhou J, Shin E, Landersdorfer CB, Jimenez-Nieves RH, Cadet KC, Jiao Y, Copik AJ, Bonomo RA, Louie A, Drusano GL, Boyce JD, Bulitta JB. Simultaneously inactivating three or all four Penicillin-Binding Proteins (PBPs) among PBP1a, 1b, 2 and 3 synergistically kills Acinetobacter baumannii (AB). AAPS PharmSci 360, Boston; October 16-19, 2022. |
Sayed ARM, Elsayed AAS, Shah NR, Sutaria DS, Moya B, Lang Y, Shin E, Zhou J, Werkman C, Cadet K, Jimenez-Nieves RH, Tsuji BT, Louie A, Drusano GL, Bulitta JB. Penicillin-Binding Protein (PBP) binding profiles in intact Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP) – characterizing the mass balance of penetration and binding in periplasm. ASM Microbe, Hybrid: online and Washington, DC; June 9-13, 2022. |
Sayed ARM, Elsayed AAS, Shah NR, Sutaria DS, Moya B, Lang Y, Shin E, Zhou J, Werkman C, Tsuji B, Louie A, Drusano GL, Bulitta JB. First whole-cell penicillin-binding protein (PBP) binding profiles of carbapenems and cefoxitin in Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP) – characterizing the mass balance of penetration and binding in periplasm. 32nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), Hybrid: online and Lisbon, Portugal; April 23-26, 2022. |
Sayed ARM, Elsayed AAS, Shah NR, Sutaria DS, Shin E, Lang Y, Cadet K, Jimenez-Nieves RH, Zhou J, Werkman C, Tsuji BT, Louie A, Drusano GL, Bulitta JB. Whole-cell PBP binding profiles for some carbapenems and cefoxitin in Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP). 35th Annual UF College of Pharmacy Research Showcase, Gainesville, FL; February 7-8, 2022. |
Werkman C, Shah NR, Deveson Lucas D, Oyer J, Megroz M, Sayed ARM, Moya B, Wright A, Sutaria DS, Tao X, Lang Y, Zhou J, Shin E, Jimenez-Nieves RH, Cadet K, Copik AJ, Boyce JD, Bulitta JB. Killing of Acinetobacter baumannii via Synergistic Penicillin-Binding Proteins Occupancy Patterns. UF College of Pharmacy 34th Annual Research Showcase, Gainesville, FL; April 13-14, 2021. |
Lang Y, Zhou J, Smith NM, Tao X, Sayed ARM, Shin E, Werkman C, Cha R, Tsuji BT, Bulitta JB. Outer membrane (OM) permeability of six ?-Lactams in two New Delhi Metallo-?-lactamase (NDM) and CTX-M-co-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae. World Microbe Forum, Online; June 20-24, 2021. |
C. Werkman, N.R. Shah, D. Deveson Lucas, J.L. Oyer, M. Megroz, B. Moya, A.R.M. Sayed, A.S. Elsayed, A. Wright, D.S. Sutaria, X. Tao, Y. Lang, J. Zhou, E.Shin, C.B. Landersdorfer, R.H. Jimenez-Nieves, K.C. Cadet, Y. Jiao, A.J. Copik, R.A. Bonomo, A. Louie, G.L. Drusano, J.D. Boyce, J.B. Bulitta. Simultaneously inactivating three or all four Penicillin-Binding Proteins (PBPs) among PBP1a, 1b, 2 and 3synergistically kills Acinetobacter baumannii (AB). ECCMID; April 23-26, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal. |
Sayed ARM, Shah NR, Basso K, Kamat M, Jiao Y, Moya B, Sutaria DS, Lang Y, Tao X, Liu W, Shin E, Zhou J, Werkman C, Louie A, Drusano GL, Bulitta JB. Inhibitory Binding Profiles for ?-lactams and Penicillin-Binding Proteins in Mycobacterium abscessus. Virtual ISAP Meeting, Online; February 2-3, 2021. |
A. Ropy, N. Shah, D. S. Sutaria, K Basso, J. Zhou, Y. Lang, J. Oyer, A. Copik, X. Tao, Y. Jiao, B. Moya, A. Louie, G. L. Drusano, J. B. Bulitta. Targeting Mycobacterium abscessus Penicillin-binding proteins with some b-lactams. The 33rd Annual Research Showcase. UF College of Pharmacy, Annual Research Showcase. Gainesville, FL; February 10, 2020. |
Shah NR, Sutaria DS, Sayed ARM, Oyer J, Jiao Y, Tao X, Copik A, Boyce JD, Bonomo RA, Louie A, Drusano GL, Bulitta JB. Morphological Profiling of Acinetobacter baumannii in Response to ?-lactams. UF College of Pharmacy, Annual Research Showcase. Gainesville, FL; Feb 10, 2020. |
Lang Y, Tao X, Zhou J, Jiao Y, Sutaria DS, Shin E, Shah NR, Ropy A, Moya B, Bulitta JB. Outer membrane permeability of five carbapenems in Verona Integron-Enconded Metallo-beta-lactamase (VIM) producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA911). UF College of Pharmacy, Annual Research Showcase. Gainesville, FL; Feb 10, 2020. |
Shin E, Sutaria DS, Shah NR, Ropy A, Jiao Y, Tao X, Lang Y, Zhou J, Bulitta JB. Elucidating the target receptor occupancy patterns of ?-lactam antibiotics that elicit synergistic bacterial killing of Klebsiella pneumoniae – a Gram-negative bacterial superbug. UF College of Pharmacy, Annual Research Showcase. Gainesville, FL; Feb 10, 2020. |
Zhou J, Lang Y, Tao X, Shah NR, Sutaria DS, Ropy A, Shin E, Jiao Y, Louie A, Drusano GL, Bulitta JB. Characterizing Outer Membrane Permeability in Acinetobacter baumannii strain HUMC1. UF College of Pharmacy, Annual Research Showcase. Gainesville, FL; Feb 10, 2020. |
Dhruvitkumar S. Sutaria, Nirav Shah, Alaa Ropy, Bartolome Moya, Yuanyuan Jiao, Xun Tao, Jieqiang Zhou, Yinzhi Lang, Elena Shin, Arnold Louie, George Drusano, Jürgen Bulitta. Comprehensive Penicillin-Binding Protein (PBP) Occupancy Patterns of 29 Drugs in Klebsiella pneumonia. ESCMID/ASM Conference on Drug Development to meet the challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance 2019. Boston, Massachusetts; 3-6 September 2019. |
Moya B, Ropy A, Inactivation of Penicillin-Binding Proteins (PBPs) 5 and 7 attenuates imipenem-induced persistence formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA). VI JORNADES IdISBa, Hospital Universitari Son Espases, Palma, Illes Balears; November 28-29, 2019. |
Sutaria DS, Shah NR, Ropy A, Moya B, Jiao Y, Tao X, Zhou J, Lang Y, Shin E, Louie A, Drusano GL, Bulitta JB. Comprehensive Penicillin-Binding Protein (PBP) Occupancy Patterns of 29 Drugs in Klebsiella pneumoniae. ASM/ESCMID 2019; Boston, MA, September 3-6, 2019. |
Cristian Aguilera, Alaa Ropy, Juan A. Ayala. Role of Peptidoglycan Remodeling on Biofilm and Resistance. V Simposio Internacional de Resistencia Antimicrobiana, La Habana, Cuba; 6th December 2017. |
Alaa Ropy and Juan A. Ayala. Understanding of the regulatory aspects of resistance to ?-lactam antibiotics in Pseudomonas and the link with other biological processes. The 22th Conference of Chemistry, Santiago, Cuba; 29th November – 1st December 2017. |
Alaa Ropy, Gabriel Cabot, Antonio Oliver, Juan A. Ayala. Peptidoglycan Composition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Spheroplasts of the wild type PAO1 and the mutant PAO?dacB?dacC?pbpG?ampC. The 2017 Great Wall Symposium, Hotel Atlântico S?o Rafael, Algarve, Portugal; 24-27th September 2017. |
تأثير إضافة الصوديوم بيوتريت في الغذاء على النمو والكيمياء الحيوية للدم والهيماتولوجى وهستومورفوميترى الأمعاء والأعضاء المناعية للسمان اليابانى . |
الاختلافات في الجهاز الهضمي والانزيمات بين شغالات وجنود النمل الأبيض التحت أرضى سموترميس هيبوستوما دينو) رينوتيرمتداي: حشرات متساوية الأجنحة) .
التوصيف الكيميائي الحيوي والجزيئي لخمس عزلات من بكتريا العصويات ذات نشاطً ملحوظً لإنزيم كربوكسي-ميثيل سليوليز .
أول دراسة لأنماط إشغال بروتين ربط البنسلين ب 15 من مركبات بيتا-لاكتام ومثبطات انزيم بيتا-لاكتاميز في ميكروباكتريم أبسيسس .
مكافحة البكتيريا المقاومة للأدوية المتعددة من خلال دمج اختبار اختراق الموقع المستهدف واختبار ربط المستقبلات في النمذجة الانتقالية |
العلاقة بين مستوى عامل النمو المتحول بيتا-1 ومضاعفات مرض السكر في الأوعية الدموية الدقيقة .
اف ايه ان دي أر أر: الحمض النووي الريبوزي الطويل غير المشفر كمؤشر حيوي جديد لاحتشاء عضلة القلب الحاد .
يعمل بروتين ربط البنسلين 5/6 كهدف زائف في بكتيريا سيدوموناس ايروجينوسا تم تحديده بواسطة ارتباط مستقبلات الخلية الكاملة وعلم الفارماكولوجي الكمي للأنظمة .
The effect on peptidoglycan composition of uncharacterized pae-Ampc mutants probes its functionality as DD-Peptidase, Ropy A., Ayala J.A., International Journal of Microbiology Research 7(6):710-716 (2015). |
Role of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Low-Molecular-Mass Penicillin-Binding Proteins in AmpC Expression, beta-Lactam Resistance, and Peptidoglycan Structure, Ropy A, Cabot G, Sanchez-Diener I, Aguilera C, Moya B, Ayala JA, Oliver A, Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 59(7):3925-3934 (2015).
Utilization of Agricultural Wastes for Production of Pharmaceutical Glucose by Microbial Amylolytic Enzymes, Abdelaleim Y.F., Mahmod A.R., Roby M.H.H., Annals of Agricultural Science Moshtohor 56(4):1065-1074 (2018).
Effect of dietary sodium butyrate supplementation on growth, blood biochemistry, haematology and histomorphometry of intestine and immune organs of Japanese quail, Elnesr S.S., Ropy A., Abdel-Razik A.H., Animal 13(6):1234-1244 (2019).
The differences in the digestive system and enzymes between soldiers and workers of the subterranean termite, Psammotermes hypostoma desneux (Rhinotermitidae: Isoptera), Huda R. K. Ali, Ropy A., Batt M. A., Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences A, Entomology 12(3):49-61 (2019).
Biochemical and molecular characterization of five bacillus isolates displaying remarkable carboxymethyl cellulase activities, Abd Elhameed E., Sayed A.R.M., Radwan T.E.E., Hassan G., Current Microbiology 77(10):3076-3084 (2020).
First penicillin-binding protein occupancy patterns for 15 ?-lactams and ?-lactamase inhibitors in Mycobacterium abscessus, Sayed A.R.M., Shah N.R., Basso K.B., Kamat M., Jiao Y., Moya B., Sutaria D.S., Lang Y., Tao X., Liu W., Shin E., Zhou J., Werkman C., Louie A., Drusano G.L., Bulitta J.B., Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 65(1):e01956-20 (2020).
Combating multidrug-resistant bacteria by integrating a novel target site penetration and receptor binding assay platform into translational modeling, Lang Y., Shah N.R., Tao X., Reeve S.M., Zhou J., Moya B., Sayed A.R.M., Dharuman S., Oyer J.L., Copik A.J., Fleischer B.A., Shin E., Werkman C., Basso K.B., Deveson Lucas D., Sutaria D.S., Megroz M., Kim T.H., Loudon-Hossler V., Wright A., Jimenez-Nieves R.H., Wallace M.J., Cadet K.C., Jiao Y., Boyce J.D., LoVullo E.D., Schweizer H.P., Bonomo R.A., Bharatham N., Tsuji B.T., Landersdorfer C.B., Norris M.H., Shin B.S., Louie A., Balasubramanian V., Lee R.E., Drusano G.L., Bulitta J.B., Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 109(4):1000-1020 (2021).
Relation between Level of Transforming Growth Beta-1 and Micro-vascular Diabetic complications, Hassan S.H.M., Hamdy S., Othman O.M., Sayed A.R.M., Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences. C, Physiology and Molecular Biology 14(1):143-152 (2022).
FENDRR: A Long Non-coding RNA as a novel Biomarker for Acute Myocardial Infarction, Abo-Khalaf S.M., Agwa S.H.A., Gomaa A.A., Sayed A.R.M., Hamdy S.M., International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management 7(6):21-29 (2022).
Coatings containing molybdenum trisulphide QDs to protect oil paintings against different environmental factors, Taha E., Mohie M.A., Korany M.S., Aly N., Ropy A., Negem M., Pigment & Resin Technology 1-29 (2023).
Characterization of ZnO and Mn-doped ZnO nanoparticles and their antimicrobial activity, Abdelaliem Y.F., Abdel-Baset T.A., Sayed A.R.M., Owis A.A., Ramadan M.F., Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali 34(1):189-198 (2023).
Penicillin-Binding Protein 5/6 Acting as a Decoy Target in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Identified by Whole-Cell Receptor Binding and Quantitative Systems Pharmacology, L?pez-Argüello S., Montaner M., Sayed A.R.M., Oliver A., Bulitta J.B., Moya B., Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 67(6):e01603-22 (2023).
Improved characterization of aminoglycoside penetration into human lung epithelial lining fluid via population pharmacokinetics. Shin E., Zhang Y., Zhou J., Lang Y., Sayed A.R.M., Werkman C., Jiao Y., Kumaraswamy M., Bulman Z., Luna B.M., Bulitta J.B., Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 68(2):e01393-23 (2024).
Comprehensive stability analysis of 13 ?-lactam and ?-lactamase inhibitors in in vitro media, and novel supplement dosing strategy to mitigate thermal drug degradation, Zhou J., Qian Y., Lang Y., Zhang Y., Tao X., Moya B., Sayed A.R.M., Landersdorfer C.B., Shin E., Werkman C., Smith N.M., Kim T.H., Kumaraswamy M., Shin B.S., Tsuji B.T., Bonomo R.A., Lee R., Bulitta J.B., Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 68(3):e01399-23 (2024) |