البيانات الاساسية

  الاســــــــــــــم  (     Name        ) : إبراهيم محمد السمنودى  (  Ibrahim Mohamed EL-samnoudi )
  الدرجة الوظيفية (  Ac. Positions ) : أستاذ متفرغ  ( Full Time Professor  )
  البريد الالكتروني (      E-mail       ) : Ibrahimelsamnodi@yahoo.cam
البريد الالكتروني الجامعي البديل(Alias Email): لم يتم اختياره بعد
  الـكــلــــيــــــــة (       Faculty     ) : كلية الزراعة  ( Faculty of Agriculture  )
  القســــــــــــــم (  Department  ) : الأراضي والمياه  ( Soil and Water  )
  كـــــــــــــــــــود (  MIS CODE     ) : 5
  رابط السيرة الذاتية:     السيرة الذاتية(عربي)           .English C.V

التدرج الوظيفي
مدرس مساعد11/06/1978 Assistant Lecturer
مدرس22/12/1982 Lecturer
استاذ مساعد25/02/1987 Assistant Professor
أستاذ29/04/1992 Professor
أستاذ متفرغ01/08/2009 Full Time Professor
الابحاث العلمية

البحثتاريخ اخر تحديث
El-Samnoudi, I.M. and A.EI-Eakeel (1992).Contribution of ground water in moisture supply to sugar beet plants in North Delta, Egypt. Fayoum J. Agric., Res. & Dev. 6 :184-199.01/01/2013
El-Samnoudi, I.M. (1992). Impact of appling drainage water on hydrophysical properties of clayey soils in Fayoum. Egypt. J. Soil Sci.,32 : 373-390.01/01/2013
El-Samnoudi, I.M., F.A.Askar and M.H.EI-Shakweer (1993). ). Suitability of natural soil conditioners for improving hydrophysical and chemical properties of Alkaline clayey soils.. Egypt. J. Soil Sci., 33: 35-45.01/01/2013
El-Samnoudi, I.M. and A. Abou Arab (1997).). Soil salinity effects on growth, yield and seeds quality of sunflower. International Symposium on "Sustainable management of salt affected soils in the arid ecosystem". Cairo, , Egypt. 22-28 September 1997.01/01/2013
El-Samnoudi, I.M. and A. Abou Arab (1997). ). Soil Salinity and ground water depth effects on growth, yield and quality of the sugar beet crop in Fayoum. International Symposium on “Sustainable management of salt affected soils in the arid ecosystem". Cairo,, Egypt. 22-28 September 1997.01/01/2013
El-Samnoudi, I.M. and A. A. Abou Arab (1999).Soil salinity effects on germination, yield and sugar content of some sugar beet varities in Fayoum. Recent Technologies In Agriculture, 1st Congress, Cairo Unversity, Fac. Of Agric., Egypt. Nov. 27-29, 1999.01/01/2013
El-Samnoudi, I.M. and Adel A. Abou Arab (2000).). Influence of some soil physical properties on water movement of clayey soils in Fayoum-Golden Jubilee Congress on “Soil and sustainable Agriculture in the new century”. CairoEgypt. Oct. 23-25, 2000.01/01/2013
El-Samnoudi, I.M. (2000). ). Contribution of ground water in moisture supply to Maize in Fayoum. Golden Jubilee Congress on “Soil and sustainable Agriculture in the new century” Cairo, , Egypt. Oct. 23-25, 2000.01/01/2013
El-Samnodi, I. M. ( 2006). Impact of soil salinity on growth, yielg and grains quality of sorghum in Fayoum Governorate., 10 th Conf. Agric. Dev. Res.,Fac. Agric., Ain Shams Univ.,., 6-8 November, 2006 , Cairo, Egypt.01/01/2013
Ibrahim, A.M.; I.M. El- Samnoudi and M.A.abdel Razik (2006).). Stress significance of moisture and salinity levels on some characteristics of soil and plant under applying different rates of organic fertilization. Egypt. J. of Applied Sci..21 (7) 2006.01/01/2013

مجالات الابحاث
1 appling drainage water
2 Cairo
3 clayey soils
4 clayey soils
5 Fayoum
6 Fayoum conditions
7 Fayoum-Golden Jubilee Congress
8 Golden Jubilee Congress
9 ground water
10 ground water

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