البيانات الاساسية

  الاســــــــــــــم  (     Name        ) : محمود عبد الله رمضان بسيونى  (  Mohmoud Abd Allah Ramadan Bassuony )
  الدرجة الوظيفية (  Ac. Positions ) : مدرس  ( Lecturer  )
  البريد الالكتروني (      E-mail       ) : mab02@fayoum.edu.eg
البريد الالكتروني الجامعي البديل(Alias Email): لم يتم اختياره بعد
  الـكــلــــيــــــــة (       Faculty     ) : كلية العلوم  (  )
  القســــــــــــــم (  Department  ) : الرياضيات  ( Mathematics  )
  كـــــــــــــــــــود (  MIS CODE     ) : 1351
  رابط السيرة الذاتية:     السيرة الذاتية(عربي)           .English C.V

التدرج الوظيفي
معيد02/03/2008 Demonstrator
مدرس مساعد04/10/2012 Assistant Lecturer
مدرس29/06/2016 Lecturer
الابحاث العلمية

البحثتاريخ اخر تحديث
Waleed M. Abd-Elhameed, Eid H. Doha, Youssri H. Youssri and Mahmoud A. Bassuony, New Legendre-Galerkin algorithm for solving hyperbolic telegraph equation, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering \& Sciences, accepted21/03/2016
Waleed M. Abd-Elhameed, Eid H. Doha, Abdel-Naby S. Saad and Mahmoud A. Bassuony, New Galerkin operational matrices for solving Lane-Emden type equations, Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, accepted21/03/2016
E.H. Doha, W.M. Abd-Elhameed and M.A. Bassuony, ``On using third and fourth kinds Chebyshev operational matrices for solving Lane-Emden type equations'', Romanian Journal of Physics, 60(3-4)(2015), 281-29221/03/2016
Waleed M. Abd-Elhameed, Eid H. Doha, and Mahmoud A. Bassuony, ``Two Legendre-Dual-Petrov-Galerkin algorithms for solving the integrated forms of high odd-order boundary value problems'', Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, Article ID 309264, 11 pages, 201421/03/2016
E.H. Doha, W.M. Abd-Elhameed and M.A. Bassuony, ``On the coefficients of differentiated expansions and derivatives of Chebyshev polynomials of the third and fourth kinds'', Acta Mathematica Scientia, 35(2)(2015), 326-33821/03/2016
E.H. Doha, W.M. Abd-Elhameed and M.A. Bassuony, Effective solutions for the integrated forms of high even-order differential equations based on shifted Chebyshev-Galerkin method, Submitted13/08/2013
E.H. Doha, W.M. Abd-Elhameed and M.A. Bassuony, New algorithms for solving high even-order differential equations using third and fourth Chebyshev-Galerkin methods, J. Comput. Phys. 236 (2013) 563-57913/08/2013
M.A. Bassuony, Spectral Galerkin Method for Solving Even-Order Differential Equations by Using Third and Fourth Kinds Chebyshev Polynomials, Fayoum University, Egypt, M.Sc. Thesis, 2012.13/08/2013

مجالات الابحاث
1 Approximation theory
2 Computational Mathematics in Engineering
3 Mathematical Physics
4 Numerical analysis
5 Ordinary/Partial Differential equations
6 Orthogonal polynomials
7 Special functions
8 Spectral methods

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