البيانات الاساسية

  الاســــــــــــــم  (     Name        ) : فاطمة محمد إبراهيم جاد  (  Fatma Mohammad Ibrahim )
  الدرجة الوظيفية (  Ac. Positions ) : أستاذ متفرغ  ( Full Time Professor  )
  البريد الالكتروني (      E-mail       ) : fmg0@fayoum.edu.eg
البريد الالكتروني الجامعي البديل(Alias Email): لم يتم اختياره بعد
  الـكــلــــيــــــــة (       Faculty     ) : كلية الزراعة  ( Faculty of Agriculture  )
  القســــــــــــــم (  Department  ) : وقاية النبات  (  )
  كـــــــــــــــــــود (  MIS CODE     ) : 1571
  رابط السيرة الذاتية:     السيرة الذاتية(عربي)           .English C.V

التدرج الوظيفي
معيد16/07/1978 Demonstrator
مدرس مساعد18/01/1983 Assistant Lecturer
استاذ مساعد26/04/199529/09/2004Assistant Professor
أستاذ29/09/2004 Professor
أستاذ متفرغ02/01/2015 Full Time Professor
الابحاث العلمية

البحثتاريخ اخر تحديث
Aboul-Eid, H.Z.; Fatma M. Hammad and A.A. Mostafa (2002)."Effects of Meloidogyne javanica on tomato plants grown under boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc deficiencies." Egyptian J. Agronematology. 01/01/2013
Aboul-Eid, H.Z.; Fatma M. Hammad and E.A. Noweer (2002). "Effect of the nematode biocide Dbx- 1003 in controlling citrus nematode infecting Icmon, and interrelationship with coinhabitant fungi." Egyptian J. Agronematology (in press). 01/01/2013
Hammad, Fatma, M.E.; Sanaa A. Haroon and E.M. Abu-zeid (2001)."Resistance stability of some tomato cultivars against Meloidogyne incognita infection under different temperatures Egyptian J." Agronematology, 5 : 115-126. 01/01/2013
Magda A. Mohamed and Fatma M. Hammad (2003). "Key enzymes of phenylpropanoid pathway and oxidative enzymes: possible markers for Meloidogyne javanica resistance in tomato." International J. Nematology, 13:72- 78. 01/01/2013
Hammad, Fatma, M.E. (2004). "In vivo and in vitro studies on the nematicidal action of certain citrus fruit wastes against Meloidogyne javanica (Treub.) infecting sugarbeet." Egyptian J. Applied Sciences, 19 : 306-320.01/01/2013
Hammad, Fatma, M.E. (2004). "Effects of selected biochemical inhibitors and foliar fertilization on the root knot nematode, Meloidogvne javanica infecting tomato." Egyptian J. Applied Sciences, 19 : 266-277. 01/01/2013
Hammad, Fatma, M.E. (2003)."Susccptibility of some newly introduced tomato cultivars ( Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.)in Egypt, against the infection of Meloidogyne javanica." Egyption . Applied Scicnces, 18 : 278-289. 01/01/2013
Hammad, Fatma, M.E. (2003)."Response of certain herbaceous ornamentals to the infection of Meloidogvne javanica and Rotylenchulus reniformis." Egypt j. Applied Scicnces, 18 : 264-277. 01/01/2013
Abd-Elgawad, M.M.; Fatma M. Hammad and E.A. Anter (1994). "Effect of some herbicides and the nematicide Aldicarb on Meloidogyne javanica populations and sunflower plant growth." Fayoum j. Agric. Res. & Dcv., 9 (9) : 159-163. 01/01/2013
Abd-Elgawad, M.M.; Fatma M. Hammad and E.A. Anter (1994). "Effect of some acaricides and nematicides on phytonematodes and sugarbeet under field condition." Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 9 (11) : 53-59. 01/01/2013

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