البيانات الاساسية

  الاســــــــــــــم  (     Name        ) : نادية هلال يحيى هلال  (  Nadia Helal Yahia Helal )
  الدرجة الوظيفية (  Ac. Positions ) : أستاذ  ( Professor  )
  البريد الالكتروني (      E-mail       ) : nhh01@fayoum.edu.eg
البريد الالكتروني الجامعي البديل(Alias Email): لم يتم اختياره بعد
  الـكــلــــيــــــــة (       Faculty     ) : كلية العلوم  (  )
  القســــــــــــــم (  Department  ) : الكيمياء  ( Chemistry  )
  كـــــــــــــــــــود (  MIS CODE     ) : 942
  رابط السيرة الذاتية:     السيرة الذاتية(عربي)           .English C.V

التدرج الوظيفي
معيد03/12/1979 Demonstrator
مدرس مساعد25/09/1983 Assistant Lecturer
استاذ مساعد30/12/200031/10/2011Assistant Professor
أستاذ31/10/2011 Professor
الابحاث العلمية

البحثتاريخ اخر تحديث
Effect of Al content on the corrosion behavior of Mg–Al alloys in aqueous solutions of different pH15/05/2013
Electrochemical behavior of Mg and some Mg alloys in aqueous solutions of different pH15/05/2013
The role of Ni content on the stability of Cu–Al–Ni ternary alloy in neutral chloride solutions15/05/2013
The role of Ni in the surface stability of Cu–Al–Ni ternary alloys in sulfate–chloride solutions15/05/2013
Effect of nickel content on the electrochemical behavior of Cu–Al–Ni alloys in chloride free neutral solutions15/05/2013
M.M. El-Rabiee b, N.H. Helal b, Gh.M. Abd El-Hafez b, W.A. Badawya, Corrosion control of vanadium in aqueous solutions by amino acids Journal of Alloys and Compounds 459 (2008) 466–471 27/12/2012
N.H. Helal b, M.M. El-Rabiee b, Gh.M. Abd El-Hafez b, W.A. Environmentally safe corrosion inhibition of Pb in aqueous solutions Journal of Alloys and Compounds 456 (2008) 372–378 27/12/2012
Waheed A. Badawya, Nadia H. Hilal , Mohmmed El-Rabiee, H. Nady Electrochemical behavior of Mg and some Mg alloys in aqueous solutions of different pH journal of Electrochimica Acta xxx (2010) xxx–xx 27/12/2012
B. A. Sabrah, H. El-Didamony and N. H. Hilal The Clay-Grog-Cement Dust System and its Stability for Brick Making.Ceramica Informazione-Speciale Tecnargilla (1985). Interbrick, 2(1), 16 (1986). 27/12/2012
B. A. Sabrah, H. El-Didamony and N. H. Hilal Ceramic Studies of the Clay-Cement Dust System and its Stability for Brick Making. Ceramica Informazione-Speciale Tecnargilla (1985). Interbrick, 1(6), 21 (1985). 27/12/2012

مجالات الابحاث
1 Electrodeposition
2 Pure LiAlH4/THF-Toluene Solutions
3 Rotatining Aluminium Disc
4 Aluminium
5 Bath
6 Building Clay Bricks
7 corrosion behavior
8 Electrodeposition
9 Waste Products
10 alloys

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