البيانات الاساسية

  الاســــــــــــــم  (     Name        ) : شكري محمود سليم  (  Shoukry Mahmoud Selim )
  الدرجة الوظيفية (  Ac. Positions ) : أستاذ متفرغ  ( Full Time Professor  )
  البريد الالكتروني (      E-mail       ) : shoukryselim@yahoo.com
البريد الالكتروني الجامعي البديل(Alias Email): لم يتم اختياره بعد
  الـكــلــــيــــــــة (       Faculty     ) : كلية الزراعة  ( Faculty of Agriculture  )
  القســــــــــــــم (  Department  ) : البساتين  (  )
  كـــــــــــــــــــود (  MIS CODE     ) : 263
  رابط السيرة الذاتية:     السيرة الذاتية(عربي)           .English C.V

التدرج الوظيفي
مدرس مساعد20/04/198021/08/1985Assistant Lecturer
مدرس07/08/1985 Lecturer
استاذ مساعد23/08/1989 Assistant Professor
أستاذ23/02/1994 Professor
أستاذ متفرغ01/08/2007 Full Time Professor
الابحاث العلمية

البحثتاريخ اخر تحديث
Shoukry, M. Selim; Mahmoud, A. hassanain and Yasser, A.M. Hafez. Effect of sow spacings, nitrogenous and biofertilizati:on treatments on borage (Borago officinalis ) plants. (In press).03/01/2013
Ebtsam M. Abedella; Selim, S.M.;Ahmed, Z.H. and El-Mageed F.M. (2006): Physiological Effects of K-soil application and Zn foliar spray and their interaction on growth, flowering, bulbs and chemical composition of (Polianthes tuberosa L. c.v. "Double"). Annals oft.gric. Sc., Moshtohor, 44 (3): 1207-1221. 03/01/2013
Selim, S.M.; Ebtsam M. Abedella; Ahmed, Z.H. and El-Mageed F.M. (2006): Physiological Effects of N-soil application and Zn foliar spray and their interaction on growth, flowering, bulbs and chemical composition of (Polianthes tuberosa L. c.v. "Double"). Annals of,cgric. Sc., Moshtohor, 44 (3): 1223-1238 . 03/01/2013
Gadallah, F.M. and Selim, Sh.M. (2005): Influence of paclobutrazol foliar spray on growth, flowering and some chemical constituents of sweet pea (lAthyrus odoratus L.) plants. J. Agric. Sci, Mansoura Univ., 30 (11): 6621-6633 . 03/01/2013
Selim, S. M., Rokba, A. AL ; Hassan, M. R. and Hassanain, M. A. (1993). Effect of sowing dates , nitrogenous and potassium fertilization on roselle plant 1-Effect on vegetative growth and flowering . Egypt. J. Hort. 20, No.1 , pp. 87 -96. 03/01/2013
Selim, S.M. and Abed ella, Ebtsam, M.M. (2004): Effect of nitrogen fertilizer and gibberellic acid on growth, flowering and chemical composition of Calendula officinalis L. plant. Agric & EV. Sci Alex. Univ., Egypt Vol 3 (1), 96-110. 03/01/2013
Selim, S.M. and Lila K. Balbaa (2002): Influence of gibberellic acid on the growth and chemical constituents of roselle plant. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci; 17(8) 349-363. 03/01/2013
Selim, S.M.i Hassanain, M.A.; Mohamed, S.A. and El-Sherief, M.M. (2002): Effect of gibberellic acid on vegetative growth and flowering of Calendula officinalis Plant. Second Conference of Sustainable Agriculture Development May 8-10: 433- 439 . 03/01/2013
Hasssanain, M.A.; S.M. Selim, and E.M.M. Abdalla (2001): Effect of paclobutrazol on vegetative growth, flowering and chemical composition of Hiibiscus rosa-sinensis, L. Shurb.j. Adv. Agric. Res. Vol. 6 (4): 809-820. 03/01/2013
Selim, S.M.; Hassanain, M.A. and El- Sherif, M.M. (2001): Influence of zinc and manganese treatments on vegetative growth, flowering and chemical composition of Calendula officinalis plant. Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor Vol. 39 (3): 1713-1722. 03/01/2013

مجالات الابحاث
1 growth regulators
2 Hippeastrum vittatum
3 vaselife

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