The 11th International Conference of Sustainable Agricultural Development

Publication Preparation

Manuscript must be relevant to one of the conference themes.

Manuscripts should be in English language, except for economy.

Abstracts not exceed 300 words.

Registration form can be downloaded from the conference website.

Full papers shall be sent to the conference e-mail at:

Posters should be 60*100 cm.

All manuscripts are to be reviewed by English language professional.

Accepted manuscripts will be published in a special issue of Fayoum Journal for Agricultural Research and Development.

Maximum number of pages is 15.

For each extra page, an amount of 25 LE for Egyptians and 5 $ foreigners.

Times New Roman for English, Simplified Arabic for Arabic.

Manuscripts submitted in Word format.

Titles size 16, Subtitles 14 (Bold), text 14, single space, 2.5cm margins.