*Congratulations to Dr. Heba Nagaty           *Congratulations to Prof. Masoud Ismail Masoud           *Faculty of Computers Reviews Technological Cooperation with Fayoum Governorate at CSISCC24 Conference      *Faculty of Computers Participates in CSISCC24 Conference      *Heartfelt Condolences to the Dean of the Faculty     


    Dean attend the Conference of Computer Science and Informatics sector  

   Under the auspices of the Minister of Higher Education Dr. / Ashraf Chihi Minister of Telecommunications Dr / Yasser judge committee of Computer Science and Informatics sector organized under the chairmanship of Prof. Jamal Darwish first conference entitled "Towards building a knowledge and innovation Egyptian society" in the period from 15-16 / 5/2016 that Antrcntintl Siti Star Hotel. The conference was attended by Fayoum University Prof. Magdi Hanna, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research and former Prof. Nabila Hassan Dean of the Faculty of Computing and Information University and Dr. Haitham elephant Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, along with Dr. Shireen Taya Dr. Hala Abdel-Hamid and Dr. Idriss princess. The conference brought together seven sessions and more than 32 speakers on over two days. Participated in the conference, a number of former ministers, university professors, many of the bodies and universities to view studies which has to reach to build a knowledge-based society as well as offer some unsuccessful experiences to prepare young people for entrepreneurship and the labor market, and in the end of the conference was presented the recommendations that were all praised the audience for a successful conference and those who support it and the importance of the subject of the most important recommendations was to start organizing for the second Conference for next year, God willing. The most important topics presented at the conference: - Egypt's vision of a society of knowledge and innovation, 2030. - knowledge indicators. - View some of the experiences of foreign universities.

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