*Congratulations to Dr. Heba Nagaty           *Congratulations to Prof. Masoud Ismail Masoud           *Faculty of Computers Reviews Technological Cooperation with Fayoum Governorate at CSISCC24 Conference      *Faculty of Computers Participates in CSISCC24 Conference      *Heartfelt Condolences to the Dean of the Faculty     


    Call for Winter School on Water and Energy/ IWATEC  

   TU Berlin and the Centre for Water and Environmental Research at the University of Duisburg-Essen together with Fayoum University and Egypt Nanotechnology Center are pleased to announce the 3rd IwaTec Winter School on “Sustainable Use of Resources: Water and Energy for Egypt”. The Winter School will take place at the premises of TU Berlin Campus El Gouna in the time from February 21sttill March 1st , 2015. Several well-known experts from Germany and Egypt will give lectures and report on latest scientific results in this very important field. Excursions by bus and by boat will enlighten the lessons learned during the lectures in practice by e.g. visiting a desalination plant onside or check the ecological state of coral reefs in the Red Sea. Furthermore, students can present their own results or research plans during poster sessions. The Winter School is free of charge. Only travel and accommodation have to be organized by the selected participants themselves. 18 scholarships are available for the best applicants who would like to present a poster. But also interested and motivated students without posters are very welcome. Apply now! · Deadline for application is February 5th, 2015. · Details and further info: www.uni-due.de/zwu/iwatec It is worth mentioning that the School is supported by the DAAD and financed by the German Federal Foreign Office.

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