Faculty of DarulUloom

Faculty Establishment

The faculty was prepared for work in the in the studying year 1989/1990 as a branch from the faculty of Dar El-Eloom,Cairo.
In 30.9.1993 a presidential decree was issued for establishing a faculty of Arabic and Islamic study – Cairo University –Fayoum Branch.
In 29.12.1999 a presidential decree was issued to change the name of the faculty of Arabic and Islamic Studies to the Faculty of Dar El-Eloom.
In 1.8.2005 a presidential decree was issued for establishing Fayoum University so the name was changed to Faculty of Dar El-Eloom, Fayoum University.
The graduate can work in several fields as: teaching Arabic language and Islamic sciences in school of different stages.The graduate can work in press and in Ministry of Culture.