A Symposium Entitled: “Liberating Sinai Between War and Peace and the Role of the Media in Confronting 4th Generation Wars”

Prof. Yasser Magdy Hatata, President of Fayoum University, received Maj. Gen. Mohamed Al-Ghobary, advisor to the director of Nasser Military Academy, former director of the National Defense College, and journalist Ayman Adly, head of the Training and Education Committee of the Media Syndicate.
In the presence of Prof. Mohamed Farouk Al-Khabeery, Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, and Prof. Assem Fouad El-Essawy, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, within the framework of the educational symposium entitled “Liberating Sinai between War and Peace and the Role of the Media in Confronting Fourth Generation Wars.” Which was organized by the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector, in the presence of Prof. Samir Saif Al-Yazal, former Governor of Beni Suef, and a number of college deputies, faculty members and students, Wednesday, May 1, 2024, in the conference hall of the Central Library.
Prof. Assem El-Essawy stressed the importance of the symposium’s topic, which sheds light on Egypt’s victories in the Sinai Liberation War, the strenuous efforts that were made to recover the entire land and raise the Egyptian flag over Taba, the role of the media in supporting these victories, and how to confront fourth-generation wars that target Egypt’s stability and unity.
Maj. Gen. Mohamed Al-Ghobary pointed to Sinai, this blessed spot that Allah designated for manifestation on Mount Al-Tur, so it is preserved until the Hour of Judgment. He added that the land of Sinai from ancient times was a transit land and the main entrance for caravans to the Levant before it was divided into countries, until the strategy differed. After 1948 and the establishment of the State of Israel, it became a land of residence that must be prepared for reconstruction and development, because it is the first barrier to the Egyptian state from the east.
He reviewed the history of the Sinai liberation wars, stages starting with the 1956 war and the 1967 war, which he stressed was not a war in the military sense of wars. There was no direct clash between the Egyptian forces and the enemy, which on June 5 jammed the Egyptian radars. The Egyptian military bases were unable to know the enemy’s movements. Which in turn bombed airports and fighter planes on the ground and military barracks, causing them to become completely paralyzed, leading to the occupation of Sinai, until the Egyptian military gathered its strength and carried out heroic actions during the War of Attrition until the decisive moment came for the beginning of the 1973 war, the most important stages of which were the deception plans. The strategy and the illusion of not preparing for war so that the enemy does not prepare and calls for the general mobilization of reserve soldiers, which represent 75% of the Israeli army’s population, reviewing the most important phases of the war and the valor of the Egyptian armed forces in achieving victory.
For his part, journalist Ayman Adly explained that the Egyptian state has placed Sinai in the focus of attention for its reconstruction through the construction of roads, tunnels and new cities to complete the stages of development that the state is witnessing.
Adding the importance of the Egyptian people’s support for the state through a national media that confronts plans to overthrow the state and in confronting fourth-generation wars, which are a type of unconventional wars that target citizens, and the media is used to mislead and instill fear to keep public opinion in complete ignorance, distracted thinking, and unconsciousness, with the aim of thwarting development plans and casting doubt. In achievements, which reinforces the importance of the role of the national media in exposing lies, combating misinformation, and instilling hope in people’s hearts.