Arrivals affairs

Receive the papers of incoming students from the General Administration of Incoming Students at the Ministry of Higher Education and notify the faculties of the university to take the procedures for their registration in light of the requirements of the university regulations and bylaws and the decisions regulating this. Review each student’s file in terms of the total obtained and ensure that it fulfills the general conditions governing the admission of foreign students, that the materials qualify for admission are fulfilled, and that the student’s file fulfills the documents necessary for enrollment. Establishing records for the registration of foreign students in the faculties of the university in the bachelor and bachelor's stages, including adequate data on the cases of enrollment and examination results.

Sending files to university colleges with a letter explaining the student’s data in terms of the total, the percentage obtained, the year he obtained the high school diploma, and the papers required to be completed from him before completing his enrollment after their acceptance has been approved by the university president.

Notifying faculties of the decisions received from the General Administration for Incoming Students regarding listening students.

Examining cases of transferring and transferring student registration inside and outside the republic to foreign students received from the Expatriate General Administration and sending them to colleges to take the opinion of the College Board in the transfer in terms of determining the teams and materials from which the student will be exempted and the materials that will be presented to him.

Notifying the Expatriate General Administration at the Ministry of Higher Education of the decision of the relevant college council, and in the event that the ministry approves the transfer and transfer of the registration in accordance with the decision of the College Board, the matter is presented to the university president to approve the decision and notify the college about it.

Follow-up of the cases of foreign students in terms of regularity in the study and notify the concerned authorities of the decisions issued in their regard.

Discussing the third excuse cases for entering the exam or stopping the registration and regularity in the study, preparing the necessary notes for that and presenting them to the university president in preparation for presentation to the University Council.

Examining cases of amending the nomination received from the Expatriates General Administration.

Inform the colleges of ministerial decisions and instructions received from the General Administration for Expatriates and the Supreme Council of Universities, and take executive measures to implement the decisions of the University Council and the Council of Education and Student Affairs in relation to international students.

Preparing adequate statistical data on expatriate students, their nationalities, colleges in which they are enrolled, their specializations, university fees paid from them, and graduates (first and second round) and notifying the concerned authorities of these data.

Receive colleges ’proposals on developing admission and registration systems for foreign students, and respond to colleges’ inquiries regarding study systems and foreign student affairs.