President's Speech

Prof.Dr. Yaser Magdy Anwar Hatata
President of Fayoum University

 In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate

Fayoum University is one of the largest and most prestigious Egyptian universities. It is an educational, scientific and research institution. It is a large scientific entity and a lofty academic and administrative edifice that combines tradition and modernity at all levels: educational, scientific, research, cultural and social.
Fayoum University has made remarkable strides, whether at the level of the Education and Student Affairs Sector, the Graduate Studies, Research and Cultural Relations Sector, or the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector.The university, with all its various capabilities, seeks excellence and advancement to occupy its position among universities, at the local, regional and international levels, thanks to its loyal and hard-working members.

Our University is keen on fruitful and constructive cooperation with its counterparts from other universities, whether Arab or foreign, as well as with educational, scientific, research and academic institutions and bodies, for the sake of scientific communication and the exchange of experiences and cultures in all disciplines, in addition to its great continuous role in serving all the institutions and bodies of the communityat the local level. This comes in accordance with the Egyptian state's vision towards a better future for the Egyptian citizen, and in keeping with the rapid scientific development and the modern, renewable knowledge revolution.

In addition,Fayoum University includes a distinguished elite of scientific, research, technical and administrative expertise and competencies, including faculty members, teaching assistants, assistant teachers, administrators, students and workers who are distinguished by experience and efficiency.

Fayoum University also seeks to occupy its position within the framework of the transformation towards smart universities, creativity and innovation in all its sectors through a strategic plan that keeps pace with today's needs, and aims to graduate an educated, conscious, civilized generation of creators and innovators who will be able to compete in the labor market, advance Fayoum University, face challenges, foresee the future, and work to elevate our dear Egypt, that Allah protects, under a wise leadership that works hard day and night for a better future.

Fayoum University is great with its time-honouredpast, distinguished by its prestigious present, developed and renewed with its bright future.