Climate changes and sustainable development in antiquities and heritage In the light of Egypt's vision 2030 A.D.

Conference Topics:

- Applications of artificial intelligence in archaeological sites, heritage, and museums.

- Modern techniques for recording and documenting artifacts.

- The impact of climate change on artifacts and heritage.

- Sustainable development in archaeology and heritage.

- Heritage digitization.

- The use of technology and digitization in museum, archaeological, and heritage studies.

- Programming and software in archaeology, heritage, and conservation.

- Climate change adaptation strategies for heritage preservation.

- Intangible cultural heritage in the context of Climate Change.

- Case studies on climate change-related damage and conservation efforts.

- Climate change and its effects on cultural landscapes and ecosystems.

- Innovations in heritage education and curriculum development.

- Challenges in training and preparing professionals for heritage preservation.

- The role of museums and cultural institutions in heritage education.

- Integrating heritage education into school curricula and community programs.

- 3D scanning and modeling in digital heritage preservation.

- Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) applications in cultural heritage.

- Digital archives and databases for cultural artifacts and archaeological sites.

- Digital preservation techniques and best practices for heritage collections.

- Regional and international cooperation.