Quality Assurance Unit

Project Plan

Project Plan :

The project plan involves a number of points, namely:

Formulating the Faculty mission and vision.

in the light of the faculty vision, we seek to attain the faculty mission.

dissemniating a culture of quality in the faculty.

training the human resources on the activities of quality assurance.

Setting out plans of quality assurance after the end of the project.

Course and program specification and setting out plans for developing them.

Boosting links between the faculty and its alumni.

Enhancing the faculty's activities in the field of community service and environmental development.

Adopting internal and external auditing system over the faculty activities in the field of quality assurance.

Applying for getting accreditation.


Training the project team in accordance with the terms of reference and roles assigned to each individual in pursuit of the stated strategic objectives of the faculty.

Creating an atmosphere of quality, convincing workers and members of the faculty and students of the importance of the project and creating a climate of work culture, productive efficiency and integration to complete the project.

Raising funds for the implementation of activities.

Developing a system for follow-up and assessment of production activities as well as preparing reports to allow objective evaluation of progress in the project.