Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence

Vision and Mission

Vision :

The faculty of Computer Sciences and Information looks forward to achieve excellence and distinction in the areas of education and scientific research to reach a highly distinctive status locally and internationally, as well as developing the community in terms of information, together with adhering to ethics of the career.

Mission :

The faculty of Computer sciences seeks to prepare highly qualified staff in the field of computers and Information technology, who are qualified and fully equipped with the theoretical and applied basics in the specialty area and always willing to learn to compete in the job market in the context of moral values and contributing to the development of the scientific research as well as promoting local and international co-operation, aiming to render services to the local community.

Objectives :

1-Preparing the specialists in computers and information who are well qualified for enhancing computer technology and its applications.
2-Conducting scientific studies and research in the field of computers and information, especially those which have a direct impact upon the integrated development of society as well as establishing specialized units in the different arena of computers and information.
3-Offering technical and scientific recommendations and consultations for the institutions and bodies which utilize computer and information technology.
4-Training people from different sectors of the state on computer and information technology.
5-Cultivating the awareness with the use of computer and information technology in different sectors and institutions.
6-Holding conferences and scientific meetings which aim to upgrading the educational process.
7-Signing academic agreements with the peer institutions and agencies on the national, regional and international levels to exchange points of views and doing computer and information-oriented research.
8-Providing and supporting all means of publication and scientific research in different areas.