Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence

IEEE Fayoum SB 2011-2012 Elections

Start Date:   1 May 2011

Expired Date:   20 May 2011


This is an announcement for IEEE Fayoum SB 2011-2012 Elections with the following criteria and positions:

1- Required Skills 

The candidate should have the following skills:

- Communication skills

- Presentation skills
- Leadership skills 

- A good teamwork member 

- Ability to work under pressure 

- Good in English (written and spoken)

2- Criteria 

- IEEE student member.

- Involving in charity or volunteering work before.

- Cheerful and helpful feels. 

- For those met Elections process criteria, they will serve with a specific tasks for the period May 1, 2011 to May 1, 2012 with tasks that are ruled by IEEE

- Chair, vice-chair, secretary and treasurer are not positions but tasks.  

- The candidate should prepare a good plan and program and send them with his CV to info.fsb@ieeefsb.org   before Thursday April 28, 2011 (12 mid-night) 


3- Officers Tasks

a- Student Branch Chair:

The Chair should take every opportunity to promote the benefits of IEEE membership to fellow students. 

Some specific duties of the Branch Chair include:

1.      Preside at all meetings of the Branch.

2.      Hold regular meetings of the Branch Executive Committee and serve as Chair.

3.      Appoint Program, Publicity and Membership committee Chairs promptly.

4.      Prepare the necessary reports for IEEE Student Services:

o    Annual Plan - 1 November.

o    Annual Report - 1 May.

5.      Arrange for the election of new Officers annually.

6.      Ensure smooth transition of information and materials to newly elected Officers and arrange an orderly transfer of Branch records.

7.      Work with and coordinate some activities with Section and Region Officers.

8.      Communicate frequently with other Branch Officers, particularly during the summer months when you are not at school.

      b- Student Branch Vice-chair:

The Student Branch Vice-Chair is the junior Executive Officer of the Branch.

 You should help the Branch Chair with the workload, oversee some of the subcommittees, and manage the annual program of activities.

Since you are an important member of the Executive Committee, you can do much to motivate Branch activity. Some of your suggested duties include:

1.      Chair the Program and Membership Committees.

2.      Organize field trips or special events beyond regular program efforts.

3.      Arrange for refreshments at Branch meetings.

4.      Assist the Chair in following up on assigned committee responsibilities.

5.      Perform all functions of Chair in the latter's absence or upon request. 

 c- Student Branch Secretary

As many Student Branches have been around for many years, it is easy to waste time and effort on projects previously proven unsuccessful, when accurate and informative records are not kept. For this reason, the Secretary has an important and exacting task. For a larger Branch, you may wish to divide the responsibilities between a corresponding and recording Secretary, or get the Vice-Chair to help out with the workload. In addition to maintaining all Branch records and supplies, some of your specific duties include:

1.      Submit the Newly Elected Student Officer Reporting Form to IEEE Student Services.

2.      Keep detailed records of each Branch meeting.

3.      Maintain the Branch membership roster and committee assignments list.

4.      Be responsible for all Branch correspondence.

5.      Post a calendar of events.

6.      Assist the Chair to ensure that Branch activities are conducted under the provisions of the current Branch Constitution and Bylaws.

7.      Arrange for an orderly transfer of all Branch records to the incoming Secretary. 

d-Student Branch treasurer : 

The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining the financial accounts of the Branch. Since final approval of a project may depend on the finances available, it is imperative that all records be kept current and as accurate as possible. The specific duties of the Treasurer include:

1.      Maintain the appropriate Branch accounts. Your bank account should be an interest bearing requiring two signatures.

2.      Prepare an annual budget for inclusion in the Annual Plan of Activities report.

3.      Prepare the final Financial Statement for inclusion in the Annual Report of Activities.

4.      Oversee all fundraising efforts.

5.      Arrange for an orderly transfer of all Branch financial records to the incoming Treasurer.