The Number of Fayoum University Citations Increased to 98,055 According to Webometrics Ranking of Highest Quality Universities (July 2024 Edition)

Fayoum University was able to achieve remarkable progress in the number of citations obtained by research published in the name of the university, according to the Webometrics Global Ranking of reference citations to the highest-quality universities (Top Universities by Citations in Top Google Scholar Profiles, July 2024 edition).
According to the data issued by the Ranking, Fayoum University ranked 1,783rd internationally out of more than 6,000 universities worldwide, and Fayoum University ranked 21st among Egyptian public and private universities.
Despite the increase in competition this year with the increase in the number of universities that qualified to appear in the classification, as it rose from 5,500 participating universities in the January 2024 edition to more than 6,000 participating universities in the July 2024 edition, Fayoum University was distinguished by an increase in the number of citations to scientific research published in the name of the university, which numbered 98,055 by a difference of 5,757 citations compared to the previous version (92,298 citations).
It should be noted that the Webometrics Ranking is a global Ranking of universities specialized in evaluating the electronic production of scientific institutions, and it is affiliated with one of the most important research centers in Spain, The Spanish National Research Council.
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient?ficas (CSIC)
This Ranking is based on measuring the performance of universities through their websites in terms of the number of reference citations to scientific research published internationally, according to Google Scholar.
The Ranking data can be viewed through the following website for this Ranking: