Faculty of Tourism

Dr. Wahid Attia Mhamed Omran

Contact Information
Phone number : 084 6352181
Fax number : 084 6356631
E-mail Address : wao00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office : 5th Floor, - Faculty of Tourism and Hotels
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Tourism & Hotels - Tourist Guidance Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc .: Tourist Guidance - Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Fayoum University - 2000
M.Sc .: Tourist Guidance - Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Fayoum University - 2004
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 2001 to 2005
Assistant Lecturer : From 2005 to 2010
Lecturer : From 2010 To 2016
Assistant Professor : From 2016 To 2021
Professor : From 2021 Until Now
Research Interests
To-The Graeco-Roman Civilization
The Ancient Egyptian Art
List Of Publication
Christian Religious festivals (Mawlids) and its role in promoting tourism in the Region of Middle Egypt

The Judgment Court Scenes in Unpublished Tombs of El-Salamuni

Wahid Omran., the Cult of Heron in Egypt, Faculty of Tourism, Fayoum University, March 2015.

Wahid Omran ., The Egg and its symbolism in the Graeco- Roman period, Faculty of Tourism, Fayoum University, March 2015.

Wahid Omran ., The religious symbolic Meaning of the Palm Branch in the Graeco-Roman tombs of Egypt, Journal of faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Suez Canal University, June 2015.

Wahid Omran., the Other Face of Anti-Egyptian Inclination of Augustus, Faculty of Tourism, Suez Canal University. June 2015.

Wahid Omran and N. Zoair., The Depiction of Apis in the Graeco- Roman Tombs of Egypt, the International Conference of Suez Canal University, 2-5 December 2014.

Wahid Omran., the Egyptian and the Hellenistic Characteristics of the Asklepieion, Faculty of Tourism, Fayoum University,Vol. (8), Issue (1), September 2014,pp.70-112.

Wahid Omran., the Suffering of Isis in Rome (80 B.C- 37A.D), Journal of Faculty of Tourism, Fayoum University, ,Vol. (8), Issue (1), March 2014, pp.185-215.