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23rd Biennial Meeting of ISN-ESN, Athens, August 28 – September 1, 2011


   Jointly, the International Society for Neurochemistry (ISN) and the European Society of Neurochemistry (ESN) are to organize their 23rd Biennial Meeting in Athens, Greece. The meeting will take place on August 28 – September 1, 2011, at the Megaron Conference Center.

For more information, kindly visit the following websites:


   Download Invitation File

Second Teaching Tools School & Workshop in Neuroscience

December 2-6 2009


The African Regional Committee (IBRO), Society for Neuroscience, and the National Academy of Science (USA) is inviting applications for the Second Teaching Tools School and Workshop to be held at Fayoum University, Egypt, prior to the SONA conference.

The intent of the organizers is to provide tools and a framework for teaching Neuroscience in African countries. Given that there are several paths of neuroscience education in Africa, we will present stand-alone basic neuroscience modules that can be integrated by teachers into a variety of curricula and into various teaching contexts.

The objective of the program described here is to develop teaching modules on several specific topics, with the hope that the program can continue to form the basis for future efforts on other subjects. The topics of the second effort will focus on “Teaching the Special Senses.” Themes to be covered include the basics of neurons and glia, receptors, the organization of sensory pathways and function, nerve conduction, action potentials, organization of higher centers mediating sensations, plus other related topics. We will also discuss methods of teaching and engaging students.

This application form should be submitted via the IBRO website by 15th October 2009.

If there are any questions about the Workshop please contact Dr. Sharon L. Juliano (

The school course and content is designed for junior faculty members that are currently involved in teaching on the African Continent in Neuroscience/Neuroanatomy /Neurophysiology or a related discipline . This includes faculty at Universities who have been teaching in a Neuroscience related field for 5 years or less.

Expenses. Lodging, meals and local transportation will be provided. Assistance with travel expenses to Fayoum will be available.
