Faculty of Social Work

Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Ibrahim Mabrouk

Contact Information
Phone Number:084 6379327 - 084 6379326
Fax Number: 084 6379325
E-mail Address : mim01@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Faculty of Arts Building
Postal Address :Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Arts - Sociology Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.A. : Arts - Tanta University - 1998
M. Sc. : Urban development - Faculty of Arts - Tanta University - 2005
“ Social and Economic characteristics of new cities’ residents and their relationship to development a descriptive survey Study of Sadat city” .
The Population question and the Future of the Urban Development in Egypt: A Social Study of the Trends of Change during the Period from 1976 to 2016.
Academic Positions
Assistant Lecturer : from 2007 To 2011
Lecturer : from 2011 To 2022
Assistant Professor : from 2022 UnTil Now
Research Interests
Theory of Sociology
Future of Sociology
Population and Development
The revolution of January 25, 2011 and the economic and social conditions in Egypt: a field study for a sample of university professors .
Perceptions of some experts and university professors about the future of development in Egypt after the January 25 and June 30 revolutions: a prospective field research
Child beggary in Egyptian cities within the framework of human trafficking: A case study of some child beggars
The role of the university in developing students’ future foresight skills A field study on a sample of Suez Canal University students.
Foreseeing the future and development in social science studies and research: A content analysis study in the period (from 1980 to 2021).
Requirements for the settlement and development of future foresight studies in the Arab world: An applied study on some academics in Egypt It is accepted to be published in the Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Assiut, Issue 85, January 2023