Faculty of Tourism

Prof.Dr. Ghada Mohamed Wafik Abu Bakr

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6352181                                      
Fax number: 084 6356631
E-mail Address: gmw00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Tourism Faculty building
Post Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Tourism & Hotels - Tourism Studies Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Helwan University -1990
M. Sc.: Helwan University - 2000
Ph. D.: Helwan University - 2007
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: 1996 - 2000
Assistant Lecturer: 2000- 2007
Lecturer: 2007 to 2012
Assistant Professor : 2012 to 2017
Professor : 2017 Up Till Now
Academic Rank
Acting as Vice Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels of Education and Student Affairs of 5/10/2015.
Publications List

"Tourism Service Quality in Egypt: Opportunities and Challenges"

The Role of Social Networking Sites in Promoting Egypt as an International Tourist Destination

Towards a Developmental Vision for the Advancement of Rural Tourism in Fayoum Governorate

Research Obstacles In Tourism: A Study Applied To Egyptian Universities

The Impact of Job Satisfaction on Employees’ Performance in The Government's Tourism Sector : A study of Northern Upper Egyptian Province

The Development of Handicrafts and Traditional Industries as a Component of The Egyptian Tourist Attractions

The Impact of Motivations, Perceptions and Satisfaction on Tourists’ Loyalty

Developing Yacht Tourism in Egypt as Untraditional Tourism Pattern: Opportunities and Challenges

Airline Passenger Travel Cycle, Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Comparison of EgyptAir and Emirates Airlines.

Tourism Service Quality in Fayoum as an Egyptian Tourist Destination.

Management the Elements of Heritage Tourism in Egypt" Backstage Tourism" Applied on Alexandria.

The Role of Marketing Strategies for Promoting Tourism in Alexandria

Residential Tourism in Egypt An Analytical Study to Explore points of Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats

Egyptian Tourist Destination Marketing for Attracting Chinese Tourism

Travel Medicine: A New Assignment for the Travel Industry in Egypt

Official Awareness of Tourism Carrying Capacity Dimensions in The Fayoum Destination’s Natural Heritage Sites (Case of the Valley of Whales)

Explicit about Impact of E-Marketing on Customer Perceived Quality in Tourism Establishments in Alexandria

The Role of Educational Institutions in Greening Education and Ensuring Sustainability "The Case Study of Faculty of Tourism and Hotels-Fayoum University"

Research Interests
all the researches related tourism studies