Postgraduate Studies and Research Sector

Central Library

- The Fayoum University Libraries Administration (FULA) falls under the direction of the General Administration of Postgraduate Studies and Research. It is in charge of all libraries in Fayoum University. It supervises the administrative and technical aspects concerning the university libraries and is considered a basic center for academic and research activities at Fayoum University. Moreover, it has its own budget to help libraries be able to develop their collections and services and take advantage of modern technologies.

- Moreover, it provides information services to the faculty staff members, lecturers, assistant lecturers, demonstrators, postgraduate studies students, B.A. students, and the university personnel. Also, it seeks to play a vital role in promoting access to information in all formats in support of academic programs and scholarly research at the university in addition to fostering a culture of cooperation with other national and international research-oriented centers.

***To perform its responsibilities efficiently and easily, the Fayoum University Libraries Administration (FULA) has departmentalized itself as follows:

Supply Department:
* It is charged with building and developing a set of library books including Arab and foreign books, volumes of Arabic and non-Arabic monographs, reference materials, dissertations and reports in different branches of knowledge, periodicals, and other non-paper sources of information such as (films - slides – CDs - magnetic tapes....etc.).

*Furthermore, this department is responsible for evaluating all books coming to the library as presents like books, governmental publications, periodicals and series….etc. It is incumbent upon this department to develop exchange relations with the national and international institutions and bodies.

Indexing Department:
*The department performs classified indexing, coordinate indexing and subject indexing of materials. It follows international classification system: Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system.

Department of documentation :
*It documents theses approved by Fayoum University and microfilms them for access to a wide range of uses in scientific research.
* It prepares bibliographies, lists of dissertations including (Theses, scientific research register, publishing, bibliography and translation, printing and photography).

Reader Services Department :
The Reader Services Department is responsible for providing traditional circulation as well as periodical service.

Department of Libraries of Faculties and Institutes :
The FULA Director-General oversees the planning, implementation and follow-up of actions, which allow those libraries to perform its mission efficiently and easily.

Follow-up Department :
The follow-up department aims at carrying out an effective supervision to ensure an intact application of regulations, guidelines, and rules of practice issued by the University Council and the FULA as well as supervising training programs, scholarships and missions.