Postgraduate Studies and Research Sector

Speech of Prof. Arafa Sabry Hassan

 Vice President of Fayoum University
For Postgraduate Studies, Research and Cultural Relations Affairs

Nations have realized that their survival, development, and strength lie in the scientific and intellectual abilities of their people. Therefore, it has become a must for universities, institutes, and educational institutions to pay attention to science, learning, scientific research, and the quality of the educational and research product, and it is the student who is focused on the development process to be a cadre with the necessary competencies and capabilities that enable him to perform his job role.
According to the accelerating global shift towards the information and knowledge society, development has become the most prominent feature of the third millennium, and one of the most important and inevitable components of this era. Moreover, it is fact that the most important thing that distinguishes this period is the growth of developments in information and communication technologies and their applications in various fields. In light of these challenges, it has become necessary for universities to take the necessary measures in this regard, and because Fayoum University is a beacon of knowledge in the governorate. Therefore, the university administration bears a great burden in contributing to the governorate’s renaissance in various fields, in line with Egypt’s Vision 2030.
The current situation requires the need to develop a culture of teamwork, and for the leadership system to employ its capabilities and invest all energies to achieve the desired goals of establishing universities and other institutions of higher education.
There is no doubt that Fayoum University strives for progress, prosperity, uniqueness, and harmony, and believes in the principles of development and digitization, and aspires to them. Accordingly, the sector of postgraduate studies, research and cultural relations has undertaken the task of advancing the university from this aspect.
I advise my students of scientific research at Fayoum University, to unleash their ideas, and to exert their utmost, towards adopting the standards of development and quality, and the latest findings of human thought and its theories, and to make Fayoum University a scientific beacon that radiates its ideas on the Fayoum region in particular, and on our dear Egypt, the Arab world and the whole world in general; In order to allow the university to contribute by its research and academic role, to the renaissance and progress of society.
I also call on my colleagues, university professors and scholars, to include the researchers, scholars, and students with more care, attention, and sincere and diligent work through their generous and creative giving, their diverse schools of thought, their research ideas, and their academic plans to develop the scientific research system at Fayoum University.

May you and us succeed in what is good and righteous for our beloved university and for all its affiliates, and for our dear homeland, Egypt.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Vice President of Fayoum University
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       For Postgraduate Studies, Research and Cultural Relations Affairs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Prof. Arafa Sabry Hassan