Postgraduate Studies and Research Sector

Study Affairs

*Replying to the enquiries sent by the faculties concerning postgraduate studies and setting the required memorandums and submitting them to the concerned bodies
*Sending the certificates need equivalency from the Supreme Council for Universities (SCU) and informing the concerned faculties with the results
*studying and showing the suggestions made by the faculties concerning amending their by-laws and submitting to the concerned bodies and the SCU
*informing the faculties with the decisions made by university councils about postgraduate studies
* Propounding suggestions made by faculties concerning timing of exams or alter them or postpone them
*Bookkeeping of a register for awards for postgraduate studies students
*receiving all pleas and plaints concerning postgraduate studies and setting the required memorandums and submitting them to the concerned bodies and informing their owners with the results
*Replying to all enquiries coming from the faculties about problems of admission and registration after setting the needed memorandums and asking for the opinion of officials or the counselor, if necessary.