Postgraduate Studies and Research Sector


Responsibilities of Postgraduate Studies Administration:
*Preparing and keeping full information about students and postgraduate programs as well as preparing a guidebook about it and updating it continuously.
*Designing integrated systems concerning admission and registration, adopting these systems all faculties.
*Receiving the data related to foreign students from the concerned bodies and supervising the procedures of their admission
*Giving the technical points of views regarding updating the by-laws of faculties and the implementing statutes of Universities' Regulation Law concerning the regulations governing postgraduate studies
*Preparing and keeping records and information about those who have obtained the academic degrees and accrediting the decisions made by the faculties' councils after making sure that they don't violate the laws and regulations of the university
*Taking the executive procedures to implement the resolutions issued by the Postgraduate Studies and Research Board.
*Submitting periodical reports for Vice-President for Postgraduate Studies and Research about the status quo of postgraduate studies in the university faculties, reviewing the ideas proposed to enhance it as well as suggesting solutions to its problems
*Conducting studies on the academic degrees granted by foreign universities and need equivalency with the Egyptian degrees
* Keeping abreast with current national and international developments in programs, methods and systems of postgraduate studies and squeezing them to get the uttermost benefit from them
*Preparing a work sheet containing all regulations, laws and university decrees governing postgraduate studies and research to be a guide for those interested in this field and those desiring to obtain academic degrees from the university faculties and updating it regularly
*Cataloguing MA and PhD theses undertaken since the university founded and updating it regularly
*Making all information and data about academic achievements available for journals and bulletins issued by the university.