Faculty of Specific Education

Prof.Dr. Amal Eiwas Saber

Contact Information
Phone number:084 6335571                          
Fax number: 084 6334965
E-mail Address: aes01@fayoum.edu.eg
Office:home economic - SpecificEducation
Post Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of specific education -home economic Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.:specific education - Faculty of specific education - Fayoum University - 1992
M. Sc.: Home Economy - Clothes & Textiles - Ain Shams University - 1999
Ph. D.: Philosophy (PhD) in Domestic Economy-Clothes and Textiles Specialization - Faculty of specific education Ain Shams Univ - 2004
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: From 1995 to 1999.
Assistant Lecturer: From 1999 to 2004.
Lecturer: From 2004 to 2009.
Assistant Professor :From 2009 To 2017.
Professor :From 2017 until now.
Publication list
Factors influencing the potential energy of the vocabulary Fine And benefit from the achievement of the aesthetic dimension of fashion design
Linear systems and benefit from the implementation of the technical artifacts aesthetic values
Movement of playing in the fashion Pharaonic and benefit from them in a contemporary fashion design
Contrast and its impact on the aesthetic perception of fashion design
Atheraouagaymaestheticbusyembroideredthrough the activation ofmovement in thevalue ofdesignsinspired by thevocabularyof Islamicdecorative BY COMPUTER(CNC)
Space component and benefit from the achievement of aesthetic and functional values in handcrafts art
Experimental approaches to adapting the severity of a high-thickness skin's natural to benefit from it in the development of handicrafts abstract artistic vision
1- Participating in scientific conference – Faculty of Qualitative education – El Mansoura University, titled “Requirements of performance development at Faculties of Qualitative education on the light of the norms of Quality, dependence, work market requirements and the society needs” May 2007 – by a common research valid for publishing and discussion under the title of : - “Activation of the role artistic manual woven items in developing the social and economic level and investing youth spare time.”
2- Participating in the effectiveness of the conference of Faculty of Qualitative Education, el Mansoura University, titled : “the requirement of performance development at Faculties of Qualitative Education on the light of the norms of quality, dependency, the work market requirements and the society needs“ April 2006 – by a research valid for publishing and discussion titled “Types of embroidery in Islamic era and benefiting from it in executing modern designs in embroidery”.
3- Attending the effectiveness of the scientific conference of the National Council for behavioural Education held at the Arab League of Nations titled :”Developing values and behaviour seeking advance” Feb. 2006.
4- Attending the effectiveness of the Sixth Annual Conference for the women National Council Branch – El Fayoum governorate, titled “The economic empowerment of the woman as a way for reducing poverty”2006.
5 - Attending the Ninth Scientific Conference – Faculty of domestic economy – Helwan University – titled “The Arabic Conference for domestic Economy and age Technology’ April 2006.
6- Participating in the effectiveness of the annual conference – Faculty of Qualitative Education – El Mansoura University – Titled “ Requirements of performance development at Faculties of Qualitative education within the frame of dependence Norms-May 2005 – Research valid for publishing and discussion titled “Embroidery on popular fashion – El Fayoum Governorate – Analytical Study”. 
7- Participation in attending the effectiveness of the twelfth Annual National conference “Arabic Fourth” for the center of developing Academic education – Ain Shams University – Titled” developing performance of Arab Universities on the light of the norms of comprehensive quality and dependence systems : 2005. Acquisition: at hospitality house – Ain Shams University A lot of acquisitions given to other persons.